author = "Radovanović, Bojana",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is two-fold. On the one hand, it aims at presenting discussion on advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to well-being, its indicators and measures. On the other, it aims at presenting empirical evidence on the level of well-being of the peoples in the Western Balkan region.
Although resources are necessary for the good-quality life, personal well-being cannot be fully assessed by looking only at the resources people have command of. The alternatives areto focus on people’s subjective well-being, then to create certain objective measure of well-being, as the one within human development approach, or the combination of the two, as within gross national happiness concept or happy planet approach. According to the available data on well-being in the countries of the Western Balkan region for 2012, Croatia is the only country in the region that belongs to a group of upper middle income countries, and which also records high human development. The others are middle income countries with medium level of human development. It is interesting noticing that Albania, which is with Bosnia and Herzegovina at the bottom of the list based on the gross national income (GNI) per capita and human development index (HDI), is region’s leader in the happy planet index (HPI), and among top 20 countries in the world based on this indicator, particularly due to low level of ecological footprint. According the data on the subjective well-being, we can notice that the greatest satisfaction with one’s life is experienced by the people in Croatia. It is also noticeable that reportedly more people in the Western Balkans experience positive feelings than they feel the negative., Cilj ovog rada je dvostruk. Sa jedne strane, on ima za cilj analizu prednosti i nedostataka različitih pristupa blagostanju, a sa druge da predstavi empirijske podatke o stepenu blagostanja u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana. Iako su finansijska sredstva neophodna za kvalitetan život, ona ne mogu biti adekvatan indikator blagostanja. Alternative su formiranje subjektivnog pokazatelja blagostanja, potraga za objektivnim merilima, kakav je koncept ljudskog razvoja, ili kombinacija ova dva pristupa, kao u slučaju bruto društvene sreće ili pristupa srećne planete. Prema raspoloživim podacima o blagostanja u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana za 2012. godinu, Hrvatska je jedina zemlja u regionu koja pripada grupi zemalja
sa gornjim srednjim dohotkom po glavi stanovnika, koja takođe beleži i visok nivo ljudskog razvoja. Ostale zemlje su u grupi zemalja sa srednjim dohotkom po glavi stanovnika i srednjim nivoom ljudskog razvoja. Zanimljivo je primetiti i to da Albanija, koja je sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom na dnu liste na osnovu bruto nacionalnog dohotka (BND) po glavi stanovnika i indeksa ljudskog razvoja (HDI), regionalni lider prema indeksu srećne planete (HPI) i među prvih 20 zemalja u svetu prema ovom pokazatelju, prenstveno zbog niskog nivoa ekološkog otiska. Što se tiče subjektivnih pokazatelja blagostanja, najveće zadovoljstvo svojim životom doživljavaju stanovnici Hrvatske. Primetno je i da veći broj ispitanika u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana svedoči da doživljavaju pozitivna osećanja nego što je to broj onih koji svedoče o negativni.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka",
journal = "Economic Analysis",
title = "Well-Being – Resources, Happiness and Capabilities: Theoretical Discussions and the Evidence from the Western Balkans, Blagostanje - resursi, sreća i sposobnosti: teorijska ana liza i stanje na Zapadnom Balkanu",
number = "3-4",
volume = "46",
pages = "152-163",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_1524"