European integrations and social and economic changes in Serbian economy on the way to the EU

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European integrations and social and economic changes in Serbian economy on the way to the EU (en)
Европске интеграције и друштвено-економске промене привреде Србије на путу ка ЕУ (sr)
Evropske integracije i društveno-ekonomske promene privrede Srbije na putu ka EU (sr_RS)


Neophodnost industrijske politike za reindustrijalizaciju Srbije

Radovanović, Bojana

(Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka, 2015)

AU  - Radovanović, Bojana
PY  - 2015
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Industrija, a posebno prerađivačka industrija, osnovni je pokretač privrednog
razvoja. Bez aktivne države putem industrijske politike razvoj industrije nije moguć.
Mada je Vlada Republike Srbije donela strateški dokument „Strategija i politika
razvoja industrije Srbije u period 2011-2020“, mere iznete u ovom dokumentu nisu
u skladu sa načelima industrijske politike. Ovaj dokument industrijsku politiku vidi
kao privatizaciju i liberalizaciju uz podršku otvaranju novih preduzeća bez obzira u
kom su sektoru, dok je upravo aktivna promocija i zaštita tzv. „šumpeterijalnskih
aktivnosti“ neophodna za reindustrijalizaciju zemlje. U okviru ovog rada smo
pokazali da su danas najrazvijenije zemlje sveta u toku procesa sustizanja
tadašnjih svetskih lidera koristile aktivnu ulogu države u podsticanju razvoja
njihove tada mlade industrije. Mada ne koriste naziv industrijske politike, većina
vlada razvijenih kapitalističkih privreda i dalje interveniše na tržištu i utiče na
privredu. Ove intervencije su najčešće opisane kao „politike konkurentnosti“ i
mnoge zemlje su donele programe s ciljem da povećaju konkurentnost svojih
privreda, prvenstveno kroz ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj. Za privredni razvoj
Srbije od ključnog je značaja aktivna uloga države da kroz mere industrijske
politike podstakne revitalizaciju industrije.
AB  - Industry, particularly manufacturing, is the main driver of economic development.
Without an active state through an industrial policy industrial development is not
possible. Although the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the
document Strategy and Policy of Industrial Development of Serbia in the period
2011-2020, the measures presented in this document are not in accordance with
the main tenets of industrial policy. In this document, industrial policy is seen as
privatization and liberalization with the support for new enterprises regardless of
the sector in which they operate. However, active promotion of so called
“Schumpeterian activities” is essential for (re)industrialization of a country. In this
paper we showed that the most developed countries in their process of catching
up with the leaders of the time carefully fostered and incentivised development of
their infant industries. Although they often do not use the name of industrial
policy, most governments of developed capitalist economies intervene in the
market and affect the economy in a highly selective manner. These interventions
are the most often described as a "competition policy", and many countries have
announced programs aimed to raise competitiveness, which typically focus on
incentives for research and development and innovation. Thus, for the economic
development of Serbia the state should have an essential role. It should encourage
revitalization of manufacturing through industrial policy.
PB  - Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka
T2  - Strukturne promene u Srbiji – dosadašnji rezultati i perspektive
T1  - Neophodnost industrijske politike za reindustrijalizaciju Srbije
T1  - The necessity of an industrial policy for reindustrialisation of the Republic of Serbia
SP  - 65
EP  - 77
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radovanović, Bojana",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Industrija, a posebno prerađivačka industrija, osnovni je pokretač privrednog
razvoja. Bez aktivne države putem industrijske politike razvoj industrije nije moguć.
Mada je Vlada Republike Srbije donela strateški dokument „Strategija i politika
razvoja industrije Srbije u period 2011-2020“, mere iznete u ovom dokumentu nisu
u skladu sa načelima industrijske politike. Ovaj dokument industrijsku politiku vidi
kao privatizaciju i liberalizaciju uz podršku otvaranju novih preduzeća bez obzira u
kom su sektoru, dok je upravo aktivna promocija i zaštita tzv. „šumpeterijalnskih
aktivnosti“ neophodna za reindustrijalizaciju zemlje. U okviru ovog rada smo
pokazali da su danas najrazvijenije zemlje sveta u toku procesa sustizanja
tadašnjih svetskih lidera koristile aktivnu ulogu države u podsticanju razvoja
njihove tada mlade industrije. Mada ne koriste naziv industrijske politike, većina
vlada razvijenih kapitalističkih privreda i dalje interveniše na tržištu i utiče na
privredu. Ove intervencije su najčešće opisane kao „politike konkurentnosti“ i
mnoge zemlje su donele programe s ciljem da povećaju konkurentnost svojih
privreda, prvenstveno kroz ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj. Za privredni razvoj
Srbije od ključnog je značaja aktivna uloga države da kroz mere industrijske
politike podstakne revitalizaciju industrije., Industry, particularly manufacturing, is the main driver of economic development.
Without an active state through an industrial policy industrial development is not
possible. Although the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the
document Strategy and Policy of Industrial Development of Serbia in the period
2011-2020, the measures presented in this document are not in accordance with
the main tenets of industrial policy. In this document, industrial policy is seen as
privatization and liberalization with the support for new enterprises regardless of
the sector in which they operate. However, active promotion of so called
“Schumpeterian activities” is essential for (re)industrialization of a country. In this
paper we showed that the most developed countries in their process of catching
up with the leaders of the time carefully fostered and incentivised development of
their infant industries. Although they often do not use the name of industrial
policy, most governments of developed capitalist economies intervene in the
market and affect the economy in a highly selective manner. These interventions
are the most often described as a "competition policy", and many countries have
announced programs aimed to raise competitiveness, which typically focus on
incentives for research and development and innovation. Thus, for the economic
development of Serbia the state should have an essential role. It should encourage
revitalization of manufacturing through industrial policy.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka",
journal = "Strukturne promene u Srbiji – dosadašnji rezultati i perspektive",
booktitle = "Neophodnost industrijske politike za reindustrijalizaciju Srbije, The necessity of an industrial policy for reindustrialisation of the Republic of Serbia",
pages = "65-77",
url = ""
Radovanović, B.. (2015). Neophodnost industrijske politike za reindustrijalizaciju Srbije. in Strukturne promene u Srbiji – dosadašnji rezultati i perspektive
Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka., 65-77.
Radovanović B. Neophodnost industrijske politike za reindustrijalizaciju Srbije. in Strukturne promene u Srbiji – dosadašnji rezultati i perspektive. 2015;:65-77. .
Radovanović, Bojana, "Neophodnost industrijske politike za reindustrijalizaciju Srbije" in Strukturne promene u Srbiji – dosadašnji rezultati i perspektive (2015):65-77, .

Radnja iz obaveze : teorija racionalnog izbora i Senov koncept kontrapreferencijalnog izbora

Radovanović, Bojana

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2014)

AU  - Radovanović, Bojana
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - U okviru ovog rada analizirali smo Senov koncept kontrapreferen- cijalnog izbora. Sen ovim konceptom ukazuje na slabosti teorije racionalnog izbora, prema kojoj donosilac odluka uvek može biti viđen kao neko ko maksimizira svoju korisnost, a svaki njegov izbor kao opcija koja mu pruža najviši nivo blagostanja. Sen tvrdi da u nekim situacijama biramo opcije koje nam donose niži nivo korisnosti u odnosu na onaj koji bismo ostvarili da smo izabrali neku drugu opciju koja nam je bila na raspolaganju. To je slučaj kada izbor vršimo na osnovu moralnih načela, kada postupamo iz dužnosti. Sen ovakvu radnju naziva radnjom iz obaveze. Kada postupamo iz obaveze mi zapravo zanemarujemo svoje preferencije i vršimo kontrapreferencijalni izbor, kako Sen tvrdi. U okviru ovog rada pokazaćemo da, nasuprot Senovoj tvrdnji, i radnju iz obaveze možemo objasniti teorijom racionalnog izbora. Međutim, ako bilo koji izbor koji činimo može biti objašnjen ovom teorijom, kada u sve što činimo može biti učitana maksimizacija korisnosti, onda se raznolikost motiva koji nas pokreću gubi i eksplanatorna moć teorije racionalnog izbora dovodi u pitanje.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
T1  - Radnja iz obaveze : teorija racionalnog izbora i Senov koncept kontrapreferencijalnog izbora
SP  - 313
EP  - 322
DO  - 10.2298/FID1403313R
ER  - 
author = "Radovanović, Bojana",
year = "2014",
abstract = "U okviru ovog rada analizirali smo Senov koncept kontrapreferen- cijalnog izbora. Sen ovim konceptom ukazuje na slabosti teorije racionalnog izbora, prema kojoj donosilac odluka uvek može biti viđen kao neko ko maksimizira svoju korisnost, a svaki njegov izbor kao opcija koja mu pruža najviši nivo blagostanja. Sen tvrdi da u nekim situacijama biramo opcije koje nam donose niži nivo korisnosti u odnosu na onaj koji bismo ostvarili da smo izabrali neku drugu opciju koja nam je bila na raspolaganju. To je slučaj kada izbor vršimo na osnovu moralnih načela, kada postupamo iz dužnosti. Sen ovakvu radnju naziva radnjom iz obaveze. Kada postupamo iz obaveze mi zapravo zanemarujemo svoje preferencije i vršimo kontrapreferencijalni izbor, kako Sen tvrdi. U okviru ovog rada pokazaćemo da, nasuprot Senovoj tvrdnji, i radnju iz obaveze možemo objasniti teorijom racionalnog izbora. Međutim, ako bilo koji izbor koji činimo može biti objašnjen ovom teorijom, kada u sve što činimo može biti učitana maksimizacija korisnosti, onda se raznolikost motiva koji nas pokreću gubi i eksplanatorna moć teorije racionalnog izbora dovodi u pitanje.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society",
title = "Radnja iz obaveze : teorija racionalnog izbora i Senov koncept kontrapreferencijalnog izbora",
pages = "313-322",
doi = "10.2298/FID1403313R"
Radovanović, B.. (2014). Radnja iz obaveze : teorija racionalnog izbora i Senov koncept kontrapreferencijalnog izbora. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 313-322.
Radovanović B. Radnja iz obaveze : teorija racionalnog izbora i Senov koncept kontrapreferencijalnog izbora. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society. 2014;:313-322.
doi:10.2298/FID1403313R .
Radovanović, Bojana, "Radnja iz obaveze : teorija racionalnog izbora i Senov koncept kontrapreferencijalnog izbora" in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society (2014):313-322, . .

Well-Being – Resources, Happiness and Capabilities: Theoretical Discussions and the Evidence from the Western Balkans

Radovanović, Bojana

(Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka, 2013)

AU  - Radovanović, Bojana
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this paper is two-fold. On the one hand, it aims at presenting discussion on advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to well-being, its indicators and measures. On the other, it aims at presenting empirical evidence on the level of well-being of the peoples in the Western Balkan region.
Although resources are necessary for the good-quality life, personal well-being cannot be fully assessed by looking only at the resources people have command of. The alternatives areto focus on people’s subjective well-being, then to create certain objective measure of well-being, as the one within human development approach, or the combination of the two, as within gross national happiness concept or happy planet approach. According to the available data on well-being in the countries of the Western Balkan region for 2012, Croatia is the only country in the region that belongs to a group of upper middle income countries, and which also records high human development. The others  are  middle  income  countries  with  medium  level  of  human  development.  It  is  interesting noticing that Albania, which is with Bosnia and Herzegovina at the bottom of the list based on the gross national income (GNI) per capita and human development index (HDI), is region’s leader in the happy  planet  index  (HPI),  and  among  top  20  countries  in  the  world  based  on  this  indicator, particularly due to low level of ecological footprint. According the data on the subjective well-being, we can notice that the greatest satisfaction with one’s life is experienced by the people in Croatia. It is also noticeable that reportedly more people in the Western Balkans experience positive feelings than they feel the negative.
AB  - Cilj  ovog  rada  je  dvostruk.  Sa  jedne  strane,  on ima  za  cilj  analizu  prednosti  i nedostataka različitih pristupa blagostanju, a sa druge da predstavi empirijske podatke o stepenu blagostanja  u  zemljama  Zapadnog  Balkana.  Iako  su  finansijska  sredstva  neophodna  za  kvalitetan život,  ona  ne  mogu  biti  adekvatan  indikator  blagostanja.  Alternative  su  formiranje  subjektivnog pokazatelja  blagostanja,  potraga  za  objektivnim  merilima,  kakav  je  koncept  ljudskog  razvoja,  ili kombinacija ova dva pristupa, kao u slučaju bruto društvene sreće ili pristupa srećne planete. Prema raspoloživim podacima o blagostanja u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana za 2012. godinu, Hrvatska je jedina  zemlja  u  regionu  koja  pripada  grupi  zemalja 
sa  gornjim  srednjim  dohotkom  po  glavi stanovnika, koja takođe beleži i visok nivo ljudskog razvoja. Ostale zemlje su u grupi zemalja sa srednjim dohotkom po glavi stanovnika i srednjim nivoom ljudskog razvoja. Zanimljivo je primetiti i to da Albanija, koja je sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom na dnu liste na osnovu bruto nacionalnog dohotka (BND) po glavi stanovnika i indeksa ljudskog razvoja (HDI), regionalni lider prema indeksu srećne planete (HPI) i među prvih 20 zemalja u svetu prema ovom pokazatelju, prenstveno zbog niskog nivoa ekološkog otiska. Što se tiče subjektivnih pokazatelja blagostanja, najveće zadovoljstvo svojim životom doživljavaju stanovnici Hrvatske. Primetno je i da veći broj ispitanika u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana svedoči da doživljavaju pozitivna osećanja nego što je to broj onih koji svedoče o negativni.
PB  - Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka
T2  - Economic Analysis
T1  - Well-Being – Resources, Happiness and Capabilities: Theoretical Discussions and the Evidence from the Western Balkans
T1  - Blagostanje - resursi, sreća i sposobnosti: teorijska ana liza i stanje na Zapadnom Balkanu
IS  - 3-4
VL  - 46
SP  - 152
EP  - 163
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radovanović, Bojana",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is two-fold. On the one hand, it aims at presenting discussion on advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to well-being, its indicators and measures. On the other, it aims at presenting empirical evidence on the level of well-being of the peoples in the Western Balkan region.
Although resources are necessary for the good-quality life, personal well-being cannot be fully assessed by looking only at the resources people have command of. The alternatives areto focus on people’s subjective well-being, then to create certain objective measure of well-being, as the one within human development approach, or the combination of the two, as within gross national happiness concept or happy planet approach. According to the available data on well-being in the countries of the Western Balkan region for 2012, Croatia is the only country in the region that belongs to a group of upper middle income countries, and which also records high human development. The others  are  middle  income  countries  with  medium  level  of  human  development.  It  is  interesting noticing that Albania, which is with Bosnia and Herzegovina at the bottom of the list based on the gross national income (GNI) per capita and human development index (HDI), is region’s leader in the happy  planet  index  (HPI),  and  among  top  20  countries  in  the  world  based  on  this  indicator, particularly due to low level of ecological footprint. According the data on the subjective well-being, we can notice that the greatest satisfaction with one’s life is experienced by the people in Croatia. It is also noticeable that reportedly more people in the Western Balkans experience positive feelings than they feel the negative., Cilj  ovog  rada  je  dvostruk.  Sa  jedne  strane,  on ima  za  cilj  analizu  prednosti  i nedostataka različitih pristupa blagostanju, a sa druge da predstavi empirijske podatke o stepenu blagostanja  u  zemljama  Zapadnog  Balkana.  Iako  su  finansijska  sredstva  neophodna  za  kvalitetan život,  ona  ne  mogu  biti  adekvatan  indikator  blagostanja.  Alternative  su  formiranje  subjektivnog pokazatelja  blagostanja,  potraga  za  objektivnim  merilima,  kakav  je  koncept  ljudskog  razvoja,  ili kombinacija ova dva pristupa, kao u slučaju bruto društvene sreće ili pristupa srećne planete. Prema raspoloživim podacima o blagostanja u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana za 2012. godinu, Hrvatska je jedina  zemlja  u  regionu  koja  pripada  grupi  zemalja 
sa  gornjim  srednjim  dohotkom  po  glavi stanovnika, koja takođe beleži i visok nivo ljudskog razvoja. Ostale zemlje su u grupi zemalja sa srednjim dohotkom po glavi stanovnika i srednjim nivoom ljudskog razvoja. Zanimljivo je primetiti i to da Albanija, koja je sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom na dnu liste na osnovu bruto nacionalnog dohotka (BND) po glavi stanovnika i indeksa ljudskog razvoja (HDI), regionalni lider prema indeksu srećne planete (HPI) i među prvih 20 zemalja u svetu prema ovom pokazatelju, prenstveno zbog niskog nivoa ekološkog otiska. Što se tiče subjektivnih pokazatelja blagostanja, najveće zadovoljstvo svojim životom doživljavaju stanovnici Hrvatske. Primetno je i da veći broj ispitanika u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana svedoči da doživljavaju pozitivna osećanja nego što je to broj onih koji svedoče o negativni.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka",
journal = "Economic Analysis",
title = "Well-Being – Resources, Happiness and Capabilities: Theoretical Discussions and the Evidence from the Western Balkans, Blagostanje - resursi, sreća i sposobnosti: teorijska ana liza i stanje na Zapadnom Balkanu",
number = "3-4",
volume = "46",
pages = "152-163",
url = ""
Radovanović, B.. (2013). Well-Being – Resources, Happiness and Capabilities: Theoretical Discussions and the Evidence from the Western Balkans. in Economic Analysis
Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka., 46(3-4), 152-163.
Radovanović B. Well-Being – Resources, Happiness and Capabilities: Theoretical Discussions and the Evidence from the Western Balkans. in Economic Analysis. 2013;46(3-4):152-163. .
Radovanović, Bojana, "Well-Being – Resources, Happiness and Capabilities: Theoretical Discussions and the Evidence from the Western Balkans" in Economic Analysis, 46, no. 3-4 (2013):152-163, .

Industrial Policy for Economic Development: The Perspectives for Serbia

Radovanović, Bojana; Kočović, Milica

(Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka, 2013)

AU  - Radovanović, Bojana
AU  - Kočović, Milica
PY  - 2013
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - This paper argues that industrial policy, defined as a conscious effort on the part of government to
encourage and promote a specific industry or sector, is an indispensable tool for economic
development. Serbia is experiencing a process of de-industrialisation since 1990s. During the period 2001-2012 its industry has been growing at an average annual rate of 0.2%, but it however still did not reach the output of the late 1989. The share of industry in GDP has been decreased, as well as the share in the labour productivity. Moreover, employment in industry has sharply decreased. Serbian exports are dominated mostly by primary and labour- and resource-intensive products making unfavourable export structure. This paper argues that devastated industry of Serbia cannot recover without conscious efforts on the part of government.
PB  - Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka
T2  - Economic Sciences on the Crossroad
T1  - Industrial Policy for Economic Development: The Perspectives for Serbia
SP  - 216
EP  - 226
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radovanović, Bojana and Kočović, Milica",
year = "2013",
abstract = "This paper argues that industrial policy, defined as a conscious effort on the part of government to
encourage and promote a specific industry or sector, is an indispensable tool for economic
development. Serbia is experiencing a process of de-industrialisation since 1990s. During the period 2001-2012 its industry has been growing at an average annual rate of 0.2%, but it however still did not reach the output of the late 1989. The share of industry in GDP has been decreased, as well as the share in the labour productivity. Moreover, employment in industry has sharply decreased. Serbian exports are dominated mostly by primary and labour- and resource-intensive products making unfavourable export structure. This paper argues that devastated industry of Serbia cannot recover without conscious efforts on the part of government.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka",
journal = "Economic Sciences on the Crossroad",
booktitle = "Industrial Policy for Economic Development: The Perspectives for Serbia",
pages = "216-226",
url = ""
Radovanović, B.,& Kočović, M.. (2013). Industrial Policy for Economic Development: The Perspectives for Serbia. in Economic Sciences on the Crossroad
Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka., 216-226.
Radovanović B, Kočović M. Industrial Policy for Economic Development: The Perspectives for Serbia. in Economic Sciences on the Crossroad. 2013;:216-226. .
Radovanović, Bojana, Kočović, Milica, "Industrial Policy for Economic Development: The Perspectives for Serbia" in Economic Sciences on the Crossroad (2013):216-226, .

Affirmation of Principles and Improved Corporate Governance in Serbia - Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Pržulj, Živka; Radovanović, Bojana

(Coimbra : Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, 2012)

AU  - Pržulj, Živka
AU  - Radovanović, Bojana
PY  - 2012
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this chapter is to examine whether corporate governance in Serbia is
based on affirmation of responsible and ethical conduct. The concept of corporate
governance refers to the system by which companies are managed and controlled in
order to generate long term economic value for its shareholders, while respecting the
interests of stakeholders and society as a whole. Companies’ responsibility towards
their stakeholders is recognized as a principle of good corporate governance. In this
chapter, we present results of the poll on the managers’ attitudes towards business
ethics and corporate social responsibility in Serbian business environment. We found
out that managers are uniformed in the belief that companies have responsibilities
towards their stakeholders: employees, business partners, suppliers, customers,
community and environment. In addition, they are of the opinion that ethical
behaviour and business success could go along, and also that immoral conduct is not
justified in business. Nevertheless, most of examined managers see current business
environment in Serbia as an uncompromising struggle. We can conclude that while
managers’ attitudes towards business form a solid basis for the affirmation of
principles and improved corporate governance, the perception of business
environment as an uncompromising struggle indicate that current business practice
in Serbia, in fact, hinder ethical and responsible conduct and reflect its opposite.
PB  - Coimbra : Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra
T2  - Managing Structural Changes: Trends and Requirements
T1  - Affirmation of Principles and Improved Corporate Governance in Serbia - Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
SP  - 346
EP  - 359
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pržulj, Živka and Radovanović, Bojana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The aim of this chapter is to examine whether corporate governance in Serbia is
based on affirmation of responsible and ethical conduct. The concept of corporate
governance refers to the system by which companies are managed and controlled in
order to generate long term economic value for its shareholders, while respecting the
interests of stakeholders and society as a whole. Companies’ responsibility towards
their stakeholders is recognized as a principle of good corporate governance. In this
chapter, we present results of the poll on the managers’ attitudes towards business
ethics and corporate social responsibility in Serbian business environment. We found
out that managers are uniformed in the belief that companies have responsibilities
towards their stakeholders: employees, business partners, suppliers, customers,
community and environment. In addition, they are of the opinion that ethical
behaviour and business success could go along, and also that immoral conduct is not
justified in business. Nevertheless, most of examined managers see current business
environment in Serbia as an uncompromising struggle. We can conclude that while
managers’ attitudes towards business form a solid basis for the affirmation of
principles and improved corporate governance, the perception of business
environment as an uncompromising struggle indicate that current business practice
in Serbia, in fact, hinder ethical and responsible conduct and reflect its opposite.",
publisher = "Coimbra : Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra",
journal = "Managing Structural Changes: Trends and Requirements",
booktitle = "Affirmation of Principles and Improved Corporate Governance in Serbia - Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility",
pages = "346-359",
url = ""
Pržulj, Ž.,& Radovanović, B.. (2012). Affirmation of Principles and Improved Corporate Governance in Serbia - Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. in Managing Structural Changes: Trends and Requirements
Coimbra : Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra., 346-359.
Pržulj Ž, Radovanović B. Affirmation of Principles and Improved Corporate Governance in Serbia - Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. in Managing Structural Changes: Trends and Requirements. 2012;:346-359. .
Pržulj, Živka, Radovanović, Bojana, "Affirmation of Principles and Improved Corporate Governance in Serbia - Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility" in Managing Structural Changes: Trends and Requirements (2012):346-359, .

Individualno odlučivanje, grupno odlučivanje i deliberacija

Milidrag, Predrag; Radovanović, Bojana


AU  - Radovanović, Bojana
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Each of us makes a number of decisions, from the less important to those with far-reaching consequences. As members of different groups, we are also actors of group decision making. In order to make a rational decision, a choice-making procedure must satisfy a number of assumptions (conditions) of rationality. In addition, when it comes to group decisions, those procedures should also be “fair.” However, it is not possible to define a procedure of choice-making that would transform individual orders of alternatives based on preferences of perfectly rational individuals into a single social order and still meet conditions of rationality and ethics. The theory of deliberative democracy appeared in response to the impossibility of Social Choice theory. The basic assumption of deliberative democracy is that individuals adjust their preferences taking into account interests of the community. They are open for discussion with other group members and are willing to change their attitudes in order to achieve common interests. Ideally, group members come to an agreement during public discussion (deliberation). Still, this concept cannot completely overcome all the difficulties posed by the theory of social choice. Specifically, there is no solution for strategic and manipulative behavior of individuals. Also, the concept of deliberative democracy faces certain problems particular to this approach, such as, to name but a few, problems with the establishment of equality of participants in the debate and their motivation, as well as problems with the organization of public hearings.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Individualno odlučivanje, grupno odlučivanje i deliberacija
T1  - Individual Decision Making, Group Decision Making and Deliberation
SP  - 147
EP  - 167
DO  - 10.2298/FID1202147R
ER  - 
editor = "Milidrag, Predrag",
author = "Radovanović, Bojana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Each of us makes a number of decisions, from the less important to those with far-reaching consequences. As members of different groups, we are also actors of group decision making. In order to make a rational decision, a choice-making procedure must satisfy a number of assumptions (conditions) of rationality. In addition, when it comes to group decisions, those procedures should also be “fair.” However, it is not possible to define a procedure of choice-making that would transform individual orders of alternatives based on preferences of perfectly rational individuals into a single social order and still meet conditions of rationality and ethics. The theory of deliberative democracy appeared in response to the impossibility of Social Choice theory. The basic assumption of deliberative democracy is that individuals adjust their preferences taking into account interests of the community. They are open for discussion with other group members and are willing to change their attitudes in order to achieve common interests. Ideally, group members come to an agreement during public discussion (deliberation). Still, this concept cannot completely overcome all the difficulties posed by the theory of social choice. Specifically, there is no solution for strategic and manipulative behavior of individuals. Also, the concept of deliberative democracy faces certain problems particular to this approach, such as, to name but a few, problems with the establishment of equality of participants in the debate and their motivation, as well as problems with the organization of public hearings.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Individualno odlučivanje, grupno odlučivanje i deliberacija, Individual Decision Making, Group Decision Making and Deliberation",
pages = "147-167",
doi = "10.2298/FID1202147R"
Milidrag, P.,& Radovanović, B.. (2012). Individualno odlučivanje, grupno odlučivanje i deliberacija. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 147-167.
Milidrag P, Radovanović B. Individualno odlučivanje, grupno odlučivanje i deliberacija. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2012;:147-167.
doi:10.2298/FID1202147R .
Milidrag, Predrag, Radovanović, Bojana, "Individualno odlučivanje, grupno odlučivanje i deliberacija" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2012):147-167, . .

Corporate Social Responsibility as a Tool for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

Radovanović, Bojana; Brković, Filip; Stevanović, Slavica

(Coimbra : Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, 2011)

AU  - Radovanović, Bojana
AU  - Brković, Filip
AU  - Stevanović, Slavica
PY  - 2011
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The recently adopted Strategy for the economic and social development of the EU
- Europe Strategy 2020, recognizes the concept of the Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) as one of the tools for the achievement of a smart,
sustainable and inclusive growth. Although the integration of CSR concept into
business strategies is made on voluntary bases, governments, civil sector, media
and academia have an important role in its promotion. The aim of this paper is to
analyse the role that CSR plays in the socio-economic development focusing on
Serbia. While the Government perceives the importance of CSR for Serbian socioeconomic
development, it is noticeable that pressure on companies to undertake
socially responsible activities made by media, NGOs, consumers and business
partners is not remarkable. In addition, the business community still does not
have enough CSR initiatives that would be both beneficial to the community and
profitable for companies. The paper argues that education on CSR of the
managers and the broader public is essential in raising the awareness of the
benefits that CSR offer. Consequently, it would lead towards the wider
implementation of CSR in Serbia.
PB  - Coimbra : Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Economic Sciences
PB  - Belgrade : Belgrade Banking Academy
T2  - Serbia and the European Union: Economic Lessons from the New Member States
T1  - Corporate Social Responsibility as a Tool for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
SP  - 396
EP  - 406
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radovanović, Bojana and Brković, Filip and Stevanović, Slavica",
year = "2011",
abstract = "The recently adopted Strategy for the economic and social development of the EU
- Europe Strategy 2020, recognizes the concept of the Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) as one of the tools for the achievement of a smart,
sustainable and inclusive growth. Although the integration of CSR concept into
business strategies is made on voluntary bases, governments, civil sector, media
and academia have an important role in its promotion. The aim of this paper is to
analyse the role that CSR plays in the socio-economic development focusing on
Serbia. While the Government perceives the importance of CSR for Serbian socioeconomic
development, it is noticeable that pressure on companies to undertake
socially responsible activities made by media, NGOs, consumers and business
partners is not remarkable. In addition, the business community still does not
have enough CSR initiatives that would be both beneficial to the community and
profitable for companies. The paper argues that education on CSR of the
managers and the broader public is essential in raising the awareness of the
benefits that CSR offer. Consequently, it would lead towards the wider
implementation of CSR in Serbia.",
publisher = "Coimbra : Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, Belgrade : Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade : Belgrade Banking Academy",
journal = "Serbia and the European Union: Economic Lessons from the New Member States",
booktitle = "Corporate Social Responsibility as a Tool for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth",
pages = "396-406",
url = ""
Radovanović, B., Brković, F.,& Stevanović, S.. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility as a Tool for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. in Serbia and the European Union: Economic Lessons from the New Member States
Coimbra : Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra., 396-406.
Radovanović B, Brković F, Stevanović S. Corporate Social Responsibility as a Tool for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. in Serbia and the European Union: Economic Lessons from the New Member States. 2011;:396-406. .
Radovanović, Bojana, Brković, Filip, Stevanović, Slavica, "Corporate Social Responsibility as a Tool for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth" in Serbia and the European Union: Economic Lessons from the New Member States (2011):396-406, .

Poslovna etika i društvena odgovornost u upravljanju ljudskim resursima

Radovanović, Bojana; Brković, Filip; Lalović, Anđela

(Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka, 2011)

AU  - Radovanović, Bojana
AU  - Brković, Filip
AU  - Lalović, Anđela
PY  - 2011
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Autori ovog rada, pre svega, nastoje da utvrde ulogu poslovne etike i
koncepta društvene odgovornosti u upravljanju ljudskim resursima, a potom vrše
analizu poslovne prakse u Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini po pitanju odgovornog
odnosa prema zaposlenima, fokusirajući se prvenstveno na poštovanje zakonom
garantovanih prava radnika, ali i na aktivnosti koje prevazilaze poštovanje
zakona. Autori smatraju da postoje argumenti u prilog zahteva da menadžeri
treba da poštuju prava zaposlenih, kao i da kompanije imaju odgovornost prema
svojim zaposlenima, te da njihove ciljeve treba da uzmu u obzir prilikom
definisanja ciljeva kompanije. Uspostavljanje međunarodne inicijative u vidu
Globalnog dogovora UN za poštovanje ljudskih i radnih prava, zaštite prirodne
okoline i borbe protiv korupcije dodatno potvrđuje neophodnost odgovornog i
etičnog upravljanja ljudskim resursima. Srbija i Bosna i Hercegovina su
potpisnice ovog Dogovora. Takođe, obe zemlje uspostavile su zakonski okvir koji
garantuje zaštitu ljudskih i radnih prava. Međutim, u poslovnoj praksi dveju
zemalja primetni su brojni primeri kršenja radnih prava. Takođe, u obe zemlje
nedostaju društveno odgovorne aktivnosti prema zaposlenima koje prevazilaze
zakonom definisane obaveze.
PB  - Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka
T2  - Aktivne mere na tržištu rada i pitanja zaposlenosti
T1  - Poslovna etika i društvena odgovornost u upravljanju ljudskim resursima
SP  - 280
EP  - 297
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radovanović, Bojana and Brković, Filip and Lalović, Anđela",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Autori ovog rada, pre svega, nastoje da utvrde ulogu poslovne etike i
koncepta društvene odgovornosti u upravljanju ljudskim resursima, a potom vrše
analizu poslovne prakse u Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini po pitanju odgovornog
odnosa prema zaposlenima, fokusirajući se prvenstveno na poštovanje zakonom
garantovanih prava radnika, ali i na aktivnosti koje prevazilaze poštovanje
zakona. Autori smatraju da postoje argumenti u prilog zahteva da menadžeri
treba da poštuju prava zaposlenih, kao i da kompanije imaju odgovornost prema
svojim zaposlenima, te da njihove ciljeve treba da uzmu u obzir prilikom
definisanja ciljeva kompanije. Uspostavljanje međunarodne inicijative u vidu
Globalnog dogovora UN za poštovanje ljudskih i radnih prava, zaštite prirodne
okoline i borbe protiv korupcije dodatno potvrđuje neophodnost odgovornog i
etičnog upravljanja ljudskim resursima. Srbija i Bosna i Hercegovina su
potpisnice ovog Dogovora. Takođe, obe zemlje uspostavile su zakonski okvir koji
garantuje zaštitu ljudskih i radnih prava. Međutim, u poslovnoj praksi dveju
zemalja primetni su brojni primeri kršenja radnih prava. Takođe, u obe zemlje
nedostaju društveno odgovorne aktivnosti prema zaposlenima koje prevazilaze
zakonom definisane obaveze.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka",
journal = "Aktivne mere na tržištu rada i pitanja zaposlenosti",
booktitle = "Poslovna etika i društvena odgovornost u upravljanju ljudskim resursima",
pages = "280-297",
url = ""
Radovanović, B., Brković, F.,& Lalović, A.. (2011). Poslovna etika i društvena odgovornost u upravljanju ljudskim resursima. in Aktivne mere na tržištu rada i pitanja zaposlenosti
Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka., 280-297.
Radovanović B, Brković F, Lalović A. Poslovna etika i društvena odgovornost u upravljanju ljudskim resursima. in Aktivne mere na tržištu rada i pitanja zaposlenosti. 2011;:280-297. .
Radovanović, Bojana, Brković, Filip, Lalović, Anđela, "Poslovna etika i društvena odgovornost u upravljanju ljudskim resursima" in Aktivne mere na tržištu rada i pitanja zaposlenosti (2011):280-297, .