Pavlović, Aleksandar

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Pavlović, Aleksandar (45)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200025 (University of Belgrade, Institute for Phylosophy and Social Theory) Studying climate change and its influence on environment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation
Figura neprijatelja: preosmišljavanje srpsko-albanskih odnosa, Regionalni program podrške istraživanjima u oblasti društvenih nauka na Zapadnom Balkanu (RRPP) / Figuring out the Enemy: Re-imagining Serbian-Albanian Relations, RRPP - Regional Research Promotion Programme - Western Balkans COST project 18114 CA ENTAN - the European Non-Territorial Autonomy Network
Disobedient Democracy, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation Serbia’s political identity in the regional and global context
Interdisciplinary research of Serbian cultural and linguistic heritage. Creation of multimedial Internet portal “The Lexicon of Serbian Culture” Ova publikacija je nastala u okviru projekta pod nazivom „Škola angažovanosti – kako do demokratije u Srbiji?“ koji realizuje Institut za demokratski angažman jugoistočne Evrope u partnerstvu sa Institutom za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju Univerziteta u Beogradu, uz podršku Fondacije za otvoreno društvo.
“Strengthening co-operation between Serbia and Albania – a viewon the media content today in Serbia and ways of shaping positive and informed public perceptions leading to stability in the Western Balkans” implemented by the European Movement in Serbia The Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP), run by the University of Fribourg upon a mandate of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SDC, Federal Departmentof Foreign Affairs.

Author's Bibliography

The Spectres of the Yugoslav Wars: Minorities’ Response to State Disintegration

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - This article discusses minorities’ responses to conflicts in post-1989 
Eastern Europe that focuses on them embracing violence to cede from 
their original state and join their motherland or gain independence. The 
discussion focuses on the actions of minorities in the contested areas in 
the former Yugoslavia at the peak of the country’s 1990s crisis, described 
as a drive towards ethnic self-determination. Faced with political crisis, 
disintegration and/or oppression, most ethnic groups opted for 
confrontation, secession and armed revolt/resistance with maximalist 
independence claims instead of cooperation, integration or compromise. 
Furthermore, I discuss some possible implications of the grim Yugoslav 
experience. As I argue, to understand why minorities reverted to war in 
the former Yugoslavia and beyond, we perhaps need to recognize that 
post-1989 revolutions in Eastern Europe were predominantly the 
expressions of nationalist revolt and not democratic revolutions. In 
conclusion, I discuss some general conditions required for a minority to 
rise to arms, following Jenne’s theory that stresses the role of external 
patrons in spurring internal conflicts. I emphasize this synergy of ethnic 
nationalism, external support by the kin state and/or international actors 
and minority’s oppression as decisive for the eruption of ever-present 
antagonisms into a larger conflict and war.
AB  - Ovaj članak razmatra pitanje – kako manjine u Evropi posle 1989. godine reaguju kada su 
zahvaćene konfliktom i/ili raspadom zemlje? Diskusija se usredsređuje na manjine u bivšoj 
Jugoslaviji od početka 1990-ih, dakle na vrhuncu državne krize. Kao što tvrdim, ponašanje 
nacionalnih manjina u spornim područjima u vreme krize može se najbolje opisati kao težnja 
ka etničkom samoopredeljenju. Suočene sa političkom krizom i mogućim raspadom i objektivnom - stvarnom ili potencijalnom - represijom, većina etničkih grupa se odlučila za konfrontaciju umesto za saradnju, raspad i ocepljenje umesto integracije, oružanu pobunu/otpor 
s maksimalističkim zahtevima za nezavisnost umesto kompromisa. 
U radu se takođe razmatraju i neke moguće posledice sumornog jugoslovenskog iskustva. Kako se tvrdi, da bismo razumeli zašto su se manjine u bivšoj Jugoslaviji okrenule ratu 
ili ga prihvatile, možda je najpre potrebno prepoznati da istočnoevropske revolucije posle 
1989. godine nisu bile prevashodno demokratske revolucije, već pretežno izrazi nacionalnog 
bunta.U zaključku se osvrćem i na neke opšte uslove potrebne da bi manjina posegla za oru žjem kao jedinim i krajnjim rešenjem za svoj status, posebno teoriji Erin Dženi (2007) koja 
ističe ulogu spoljnih međunarodnih faktora u podsticanju unutrašnjih konflikata. Naglašavam 
ovu sinergiju etničkog nacionalizma, spoljnje podrške od strane matične države i/ili međunarodnih aktera i represije prema manjini kao odlučujućima za erupciju (inače uvek prisutnih) antagonizama u širi konflikt i rat
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - The Spectres of the Yugoslav Wars: Minorities’ Response to State Disintegration
T1  - Bauci jugoslovenskih ratova: Kako manjine reaguju na raspad zemlje?
IS  - 4
VL  - 34
SP  - 653
EP  - 669
DO  - 10.2298/FID2304653P
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This article discusses minorities’ responses to conflicts in post-1989 
Eastern Europe that focuses on them embracing violence to cede from 
their original state and join their motherland or gain independence. The 
discussion focuses on the actions of minorities in the contested areas in 
the former Yugoslavia at the peak of the country’s 1990s crisis, described 
as a drive towards ethnic self-determination. Faced with political crisis, 
disintegration and/or oppression, most ethnic groups opted for 
confrontation, secession and armed revolt/resistance with maximalist 
independence claims instead of cooperation, integration or compromise. 
Furthermore, I discuss some possible implications of the grim Yugoslav 
experience. As I argue, to understand why minorities reverted to war in 
the former Yugoslavia and beyond, we perhaps need to recognize that 
post-1989 revolutions in Eastern Europe were predominantly the 
expressions of nationalist revolt and not democratic revolutions. In 
conclusion, I discuss some general conditions required for a minority to 
rise to arms, following Jenne’s theory that stresses the role of external 
patrons in spurring internal conflicts. I emphasize this synergy of ethnic 
nationalism, external support by the kin state and/or international actors 
and minority’s oppression as decisive for the eruption of ever-present 
antagonisms into a larger conflict and war., Ovaj članak razmatra pitanje – kako manjine u Evropi posle 1989. godine reaguju kada su 
zahvaćene konfliktom i/ili raspadom zemlje? Diskusija se usredsređuje na manjine u bivšoj 
Jugoslaviji od početka 1990-ih, dakle na vrhuncu državne krize. Kao što tvrdim, ponašanje 
nacionalnih manjina u spornim područjima u vreme krize može se najbolje opisati kao težnja 
ka etničkom samoopredeljenju. Suočene sa političkom krizom i mogućim raspadom i objektivnom - stvarnom ili potencijalnom - represijom, većina etničkih grupa se odlučila za konfrontaciju umesto za saradnju, raspad i ocepljenje umesto integracije, oružanu pobunu/otpor 
s maksimalističkim zahtevima za nezavisnost umesto kompromisa. 
U radu se takođe razmatraju i neke moguće posledice sumornog jugoslovenskog iskustva. Kako se tvrdi, da bismo razumeli zašto su se manjine u bivšoj Jugoslaviji okrenule ratu 
ili ga prihvatile, možda je najpre potrebno prepoznati da istočnoevropske revolucije posle 
1989. godine nisu bile prevashodno demokratske revolucije, već pretežno izrazi nacionalnog 
bunta.U zaključku se osvrćem i na neke opšte uslove potrebne da bi manjina posegla za oru žjem kao jedinim i krajnjim rešenjem za svoj status, posebno teoriji Erin Dženi (2007) koja 
ističe ulogu spoljnih međunarodnih faktora u podsticanju unutrašnjih konflikata. Naglašavam 
ovu sinergiju etničkog nacionalizma, spoljnje podrške od strane matične države i/ili međunarodnih aktera i represije prema manjini kao odlučujućima za erupciju (inače uvek prisutnih) antagonizama u širi konflikt i rat",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "The Spectres of the Yugoslav Wars: Minorities’ Response to State Disintegration, Bauci jugoslovenskih ratova: Kako manjine reaguju na raspad zemlje?",
number = "4",
volume = "34",
pages = "653-669",
doi = "10.2298/FID2304653P"
Pavlović, A.. (2023). The Spectres of the Yugoslav Wars: Minorities’ Response to State Disintegration. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 34(4), 653-669.
Pavlović A. The Spectres of the Yugoslav Wars: Minorities’ Response to State Disintegration. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2023;34(4):653-669.
doi:10.2298/FID2304653P .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "The Spectres of the Yugoslav Wars: Minorities’ Response to State Disintegration" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 34, no. 4 (2023):653-669, . .

Albanac kao Drugi: kako su Albanci zamišljani u srpskoj kulturi?

Đorđević, Edvard; Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2022)

AU  - Đorđević, Edvard
AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Rad se bavi slikom o Drugom, dakle percepcijama, konstrukcijama i predstavama o Albancima u srpskoj kulturi, koji nas vodi opštem zaključku koji je svojevremeno izvukao Ger Dujzings u svojoj knjizi Religija i identitet na Kosovu, a koji glasi da „u glavama većine Srba i Albanaca, kao i posmatrača izvana, sada dominira slika duboko ukorenjenog i nepremostivog jaza između Srba i Albanaca, ‘drevnijeg’ i oštrijeg nego i podela u Bosni“ (Duijzings 2000:8). U radu se afirmišu drugi, inherentno pozitivni glasovi iz srpske i albanske kulture koji potenciraju afirmativne i pozitivne percepcije.
PB  - Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup
T1  - Albanac kao Drugi: kako su Albanci zamišljani u srpskoj kulturi?
SP  - 41
EP  - 52
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Edvard and Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Rad se bavi slikom o Drugom, dakle percepcijama, konstrukcijama i predstavama o Albancima u srpskoj kulturi, koji nas vodi opštem zaključku koji je svojevremeno izvukao Ger Dujzings u svojoj knjizi Religija i identitet na Kosovu, a koji glasi da „u glavama većine Srba i Albanaca, kao i posmatrača izvana, sada dominira slika duboko ukorenjenog i nepremostivog jaza između Srba i Albanaca, ‘drevnijeg’ i oštrijeg nego i podela u Bosni“ (Duijzings 2000:8). U radu se afirmišu drugi, inherentno pozitivni glasovi iz srpske i albanske kulture koji potenciraju afirmativne i pozitivne percepcije.",
publisher = "Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup",
booktitle = "Albanac kao Drugi: kako su Albanci zamišljani u srpskoj kulturi?",
pages = "41-52",
url = ""
Đorđević, E.,& Pavlović, A.. (2022). Albanac kao Drugi: kako su Albanci zamišljani u srpskoj kulturi?. in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup
Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 41-52.
Đorđević E, Pavlović A. Albanac kao Drugi: kako su Albanci zamišljani u srpskoj kulturi?. in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup. 2022;:41-52. .
Đorđević, Edvard, Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Albanac kao Drugi: kako su Albanci zamišljani u srpskoj kulturi?" in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup (2022):41-52, .

Kako Srbi i Albanci mogu živeti zajedno: pričajmo drugačije priče

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2022)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Nakon što najpre objasnim zašto mislim da je aktuelan politički proces i dijalog nedovoljan za budućnost zajedničkog života i pomirenje između Srba i Albanaca, u ovom radu identifikovaću tri osnovne, ključne priče koje pričamo jedni o drugima, a koje glase da 1) Srbi i Albanci ne mogu živeti zajedno, 2) našu međusobnu istoriju čini niz beskrajnih, vekovnih krvoprolića, masovnih zločina i etničkih sukoba i mržnje, te 3) su Srbi i Albanci drastično različiti i radikalno Drugi. Ovim trima uobičajenim tvrdnjama suprotstavljam drugačije priče, koje kažu: 1) Srbi i Albanci su oduvek živeli zajedno, u istim političkim tvorevinama; 2) Srbi i Albanci imali su mnogo manje sukoba i žrtava nego zapadnoevropski narodi, i 3) „srpstvo“ i „albanstvo“ se međusobno ne isključuju: biti Srbin znači biti i Albanac i obrnuto.
Na kraju, suprotstavljam se implicitnom prihvatanju ideje kako nacionalistički narativ nudi lepšu, privlačniju priču od alternativnih, i zalažem se za sistematske napore u pravcu zagovaranja drugačijeg pripovednog modela naših odnosa, kao načinu da se promoviše i vaspostavi zajednički život i pomirenje.
PB  - Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup
T1  - Kako Srbi i Albanci mogu živeti zajedno: pričajmo drugačije priče
SP  - 11
EP  - 20
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Nakon što najpre objasnim zašto mislim da je aktuelan politički proces i dijalog nedovoljan za budućnost zajedničkog života i pomirenje između Srba i Albanaca, u ovom radu identifikovaću tri osnovne, ključne priče koje pričamo jedni o drugima, a koje glase da 1) Srbi i Albanci ne mogu živeti zajedno, 2) našu međusobnu istoriju čini niz beskrajnih, vekovnih krvoprolića, masovnih zločina i etničkih sukoba i mržnje, te 3) su Srbi i Albanci drastično različiti i radikalno Drugi. Ovim trima uobičajenim tvrdnjama suprotstavljam drugačije priče, koje kažu: 1) Srbi i Albanci su oduvek živeli zajedno, u istim političkim tvorevinama; 2) Srbi i Albanci imali su mnogo manje sukoba i žrtava nego zapadnoevropski narodi, i 3) „srpstvo“ i „albanstvo“ se međusobno ne isključuju: biti Srbin znači biti i Albanac i obrnuto.
Na kraju, suprotstavljam se implicitnom prihvatanju ideje kako nacionalistički narativ nudi lepšu, privlačniju priču od alternativnih, i zalažem se za sistematske napore u pravcu zagovaranja drugačijeg pripovednog modela naših odnosa, kao načinu da se promoviše i vaspostavi zajednički život i pomirenje.",
publisher = "Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup",
booktitle = "Kako Srbi i Albanci mogu živeti zajedno: pričajmo drugačije priče",
pages = "11-20",
url = ""
Pavlović, A.. (2022). Kako Srbi i Albanci mogu živeti zajedno: pričajmo drugačije priče. in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup
Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 11-20.
Pavlović A. Kako Srbi i Albanci mogu živeti zajedno: pričajmo drugačije priče. in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup. 2022;:11-20. .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Kako Srbi i Albanci mogu živeti zajedno: pričajmo drugačije priče" in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup (2022):11-20, .

Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup

Pavlović, Aleksandar; Balunović, Filip; Kamberi, Belgzim; Ymeri, Visar

(Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2022)


Pavlović, A., Balunović, F., Kamberi, B.,& Ymeri, V.. (2022). Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup. in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup
Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Pavlović A, Balunović F, Kamberi B, Ymeri V. Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup. in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup. 2022;. .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, Balunović, Filip, Kamberi, Belgzim, Ymeri, Visar, "Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup" in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup (2022), .

Shqiptari imagjinar

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Prishtinë: Qendra Multimedia, 2022)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Autori e mbron tezën se shqiptarët nuk janë “simbol i armiqësisë shekullore kundër serbëve” dhe se perceptimi serb për ta kishte ndryshuar nga mesi i shekullit XIX. ​​​​Shkaqet kryesore, sipas autorit, ishin: 1. Laramania religjioze e shqiptarëve (“A janë të njëjtë me turqit apo jo? A janë aleatë apo armiq të serbëve?”) ​​2. Ndryshimet e rrethanave politike në kapërcyell të shekujve dhe pretendimet e Serbisë ndaj Kosovës.

Sipas autorit, nga mesi i shekullit XVIII dhe deri në mesin e shekullit XIX në kulturën serbe ekzistonte imazhi për shqiptarin si “i krishterë”, “i guximshëm”, “malësor i paepur”, “i ngjashëm me malazezët”. Prej pjesës së dytë të shekullit XIX gjithçka lidhej me Kosovën, kurse autorët serbë e theksonin se shqiptari “ishte mysliman”, “aleat me turqit” dhe “armik i Serbisë”. ​​​​Kultura serbe u fokusua te miti i Kosovës dhe krijoi një botëshikim tjetër për shqiptarët.
PB  - Prishtinë: Qendra Multimedia
T1  - Shqiptari imagjinar
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Autori e mbron tezën se shqiptarët nuk janë “simbol i armiqësisë shekullore kundër serbëve” dhe se perceptimi serb për ta kishte ndryshuar nga mesi i shekullit XIX. ​​​​Shkaqet kryesore, sipas autorit, ishin: 1. Laramania religjioze e shqiptarëve (“A janë të njëjtë me turqit apo jo? A janë aleatë apo armiq të serbëve?”) ​​2. Ndryshimet e rrethanave politike në kapërcyell të shekujve dhe pretendimet e Serbisë ndaj Kosovës.

Sipas autorit, nga mesi i shekullit XVIII dhe deri në mesin e shekullit XIX në kulturën serbe ekzistonte imazhi për shqiptarin si “i krishterë”, “i guximshëm”, “malësor i paepur”, “i ngjashëm me malazezët”. Prej pjesës së dytë të shekullit XIX gjithçka lidhej me Kosovën, kurse autorët serbë e theksonin se shqiptari “ishte mysliman”, “aleat me turqit” dhe “armik i Serbisë”. ​​​​Kultura serbe u fokusua te miti i Kosovës dhe krijoi një botëshikim tjetër për shqiptarët.",
publisher = "Prishtinë: Qendra Multimedia",
title = "Shqiptari imagjinar",
url = ""
Pavlović, A.. (2022). Shqiptari imagjinar. 
Prishtinë: Qendra Multimedia..
Pavlović A. Shqiptari imagjinar. 2022;. .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Shqiptari imagjinar" (2022), .

Neponovljivi SFRJudaizam

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Novi Sad ; Zrenjanin : Agora; Beograd : Narodna biblioteka Srbije, 2022)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Sasvim prikladno naslovljene, Nesabrane priče sastavljene su od raznorodne građe koja obuhvata žanrove koji variraju u rasponu od autobiografskih zapisa i anegdota, kratkih eseja na biblijsko- jevrejske teme i opise jevrejskih praznika, biografskih crtica o autoru dragim i značajnim ljudima, deseteračkih prevoda biblijskih knjiga, esejističkih analiza ladino poslovica i njihovog poređenja sa južnoslovenskim izrekama,  do analize sevdalinki i nekoliko autorskih pesmica u desetercu.
Vezivno tkivo koje objedinjuje ove heterogene pripovedne sadržaje i forme predstavlja, s jedne strane, živahan i vedar duh samog autora koji čitavoj ovoj građi daje anegdotsku i humornu notu, kao i tematika koja se u dobroj meri oslanja na sarajevsko i jugoslovensko jevrejsko iskustvo. Tako, Papo o sebi govori ne samo kao o Jevrejinu, nego i kao o “Sarajliji, Bosancu i Jugoslovenu”, kojim se, paradoksalno, smatra bez obzira na nestanak te zemlje i svoje preseljenje u Izrael, a ta kompleknost i slojevitost autorovog identiteta daje specifičnu draž u ovoj knjizi.
PB  - Novi Sad ; Zrenjanin : Agora; Beograd : Narodna biblioteka Srbije
T2  - Nesabrane priče : i još nesabranije misli i crtice, a o desetercu da se i ne govori
T1  - Neponovljivi SFRJudaizam
SP  - 7
EP  - 15
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Sasvim prikladno naslovljene, Nesabrane priče sastavljene su od raznorodne građe koja obuhvata žanrove koji variraju u rasponu od autobiografskih zapisa i anegdota, kratkih eseja na biblijsko- jevrejske teme i opise jevrejskih praznika, biografskih crtica o autoru dragim i značajnim ljudima, deseteračkih prevoda biblijskih knjiga, esejističkih analiza ladino poslovica i njihovog poređenja sa južnoslovenskim izrekama,  do analize sevdalinki i nekoliko autorskih pesmica u desetercu.
Vezivno tkivo koje objedinjuje ove heterogene pripovedne sadržaje i forme predstavlja, s jedne strane, živahan i vedar duh samog autora koji čitavoj ovoj građi daje anegdotsku i humornu notu, kao i tematika koja se u dobroj meri oslanja na sarajevsko i jugoslovensko jevrejsko iskustvo. Tako, Papo o sebi govori ne samo kao o Jevrejinu, nego i kao o “Sarajliji, Bosancu i Jugoslovenu”, kojim se, paradoksalno, smatra bez obzira na nestanak te zemlje i svoje preseljenje u Izrael, a ta kompleknost i slojevitost autorovog identiteta daje specifičnu draž u ovoj knjizi.",
publisher = "Novi Sad ; Zrenjanin : Agora; Beograd : Narodna biblioteka Srbije",
journal = "Nesabrane priče : i još nesabranije misli i crtice, a o desetercu da se i ne govori",
booktitle = "Neponovljivi SFRJudaizam",
pages = "7-15",
url = ""
Pavlović, A.. (2022). Neponovljivi SFRJudaizam. in Nesabrane priče : i još nesabranije misli i crtice, a o desetercu da se i ne govori
Novi Sad ; Zrenjanin : Agora; Beograd : Narodna biblioteka Srbije., 7-15.
Pavlović A. Neponovljivi SFRJudaizam. in Nesabrane priče : i još nesabranije misli i crtice, a o desetercu da se i ne govori. 2022;:7-15. .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Neponovljivi SFRJudaizam" in Nesabrane priče : i još nesabranije misli i crtice, a o desetercu da se i ne govori (2022):7-15, .

Univerzitet u Srbiji i njegova društvena odgovornost

Pudar Draško, Gazela; Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2021)


Pudar Draško, G.,& Pavlović, A.. (2021). Univerzitet u Srbiji i njegova društvena odgovornost. 
Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 216.
Pudar Draško G, Pavlović A. Univerzitet u Srbiji i njegova društvena odgovornost. 2021;216. .
Pudar Draško, Gazela, Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Univerzitet u Srbiji i njegova društvena odgovornost", 216 (2021), .

Angažovana književnost

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2021)


Pavlović, A.. (2021). Angažovana književnost. in Pojmovnik angažmana
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 29-30.
Pavlović A. Angažovana književnost. in Pojmovnik angažmana. 2021;:29-30. .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Angažovana književnost" in Pojmovnik angažmana (2021):29-30, .

Neo-National Romanticism in Serbian Education: Comparing Romantic- -National and Recent Serbian History Textbooks

Pavlović, Aleksandar; Ilić Rajković, Aleksandra

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2021)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
AU  - Ilić Rajković, Aleksandra
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - This paper investigates the influence of a neo-romantic national model of education and the extent to which it resurfaced in Serbia after the breakup of communism as the official Yugoslav ideology and the rise of nationalism from the 1990s onwards. 
In the first part of this paper, we will outline a Romantic-national concept of education as it has been in use in Serbia. Even though the education of students in the spirit of nationalism has a long history, nation-oriented educational policy – which already proved productive in Italy and Germany – started being systematically employed in Serbia only after the full international recognition of its independence in 1878 and the process of modernization that followed it. The reform of the educational system that followed in 1882 saw the introduction of mandatory education and was an integral part of that process. Given that according to contemporary Serbian pedagogues, such as Stojan Novaković, education in the age of nations should likewise be national, school as a vital social institution has become one of the key factors of this form of education, as elsewhere in Europe at the time. In addition, reports from discussions and debates regarding curriculums and school programmes exemplify that Serbian teachers and their associations held similar views. In the pre-WWI Serbian textbooks, the pupils were thereby taught that language is the basic and obvious proof of common origin and past, that the nation is a natural form of grouping of people, and that all those speaking the same language wish to – and should – live in their national state. These tendencies will be examined and illustrated by the History Reader of Mihailo Јоvić, which occupies a privileged place in Serbian pedagogy as one of the most lasting textbooks in the Serbian educational history overall. Written in 1882 during the aforementioned educational reform, Jović’s textbook served as the absolutely dominant history schoolbook prior to WWI, remained in use throughout the interwar years and even during WWII, and had dozens of editions. 
In the second part of the paper, we compare these Romantic-national ideas of education with the current Serbian history readers for primary and secondary schools. In particular, we compare how historical events that promoted fixed national identity in the Romantic textbooks are presented in the contemporary ones. Do the current ones advance critical or celebratory views towards the tradition? Does the selection of events and their depiction employed in the current textbooks advance critical and international spirit or still (implicitly) promote Romantic values, and what does it tell us about (former and current) Serbian educational system?
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Liberating Education: What From, What For?
T1  - Neo-National Romanticism in Serbian Education: Comparing Romantic- -National and Recent Serbian History Textbooks
SP  - 223
EP  - 243
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar and Ilić Rajković, Aleksandra",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This paper investigates the influence of a neo-romantic national model of education and the extent to which it resurfaced in Serbia after the breakup of communism as the official Yugoslav ideology and the rise of nationalism from the 1990s onwards. 
In the first part of this paper, we will outline a Romantic-national concept of education as it has been in use in Serbia. Even though the education of students in the spirit of nationalism has a long history, nation-oriented educational policy – which already proved productive in Italy and Germany – started being systematically employed in Serbia only after the full international recognition of its independence in 1878 and the process of modernization that followed it. The reform of the educational system that followed in 1882 saw the introduction of mandatory education and was an integral part of that process. Given that according to contemporary Serbian pedagogues, such as Stojan Novaković, education in the age of nations should likewise be national, school as a vital social institution has become one of the key factors of this form of education, as elsewhere in Europe at the time. In addition, reports from discussions and debates regarding curriculums and school programmes exemplify that Serbian teachers and their associations held similar views. In the pre-WWI Serbian textbooks, the pupils were thereby taught that language is the basic and obvious proof of common origin and past, that the nation is a natural form of grouping of people, and that all those speaking the same language wish to – and should – live in their national state. These tendencies will be examined and illustrated by the History Reader of Mihailo Јоvić, which occupies a privileged place in Serbian pedagogy as one of the most lasting textbooks in the Serbian educational history overall. Written in 1882 during the aforementioned educational reform, Jović’s textbook served as the absolutely dominant history schoolbook prior to WWI, remained in use throughout the interwar years and even during WWII, and had dozens of editions. 
In the second part of the paper, we compare these Romantic-national ideas of education with the current Serbian history readers for primary and secondary schools. In particular, we compare how historical events that promoted fixed national identity in the Romantic textbooks are presented in the contemporary ones. Do the current ones advance critical or celebratory views towards the tradition? Does the selection of events and their depiction employed in the current textbooks advance critical and international spirit or still (implicitly) promote Romantic values, and what does it tell us about (former and current) Serbian educational system?",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Liberating Education: What From, What For?",
booktitle = "Neo-National Romanticism in Serbian Education: Comparing Romantic- -National and Recent Serbian History Textbooks",
pages = "223-243",
url = ""
Pavlović, A.,& Ilić Rajković, A.. (2021). Neo-National Romanticism in Serbian Education: Comparing Romantic- -National and Recent Serbian History Textbooks. in Liberating Education: What From, What For?
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 223-243.
Pavlović A, Ilić Rajković A. Neo-National Romanticism in Serbian Education: Comparing Romantic- -National and Recent Serbian History Textbooks. in Liberating Education: What From, What For?. 2021;:223-243. .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, Ilić Rajković, Aleksandra, "Neo-National Romanticism in Serbian Education: Comparing Romantic- -National and Recent Serbian History Textbooks" in Liberating Education: What From, What For? (2021):223-243, .

A Battle for Sovereignty: Who Owns Cultural Heritage in Kosovo?

Pavlović, Aleksandar; Pudar Draško, Gazela; Lončar, Jelena

(Brill | Schöningh, 2021)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
AU  - Pudar Draško, Gazela
AU  - Lončar, Jelena
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - This article examines the role, status and perceptions of the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo from both Kosovo Albanian and Serbian perspectives. The analysis focuses on two cases, which attracted particular resistance on each of the two sides: the passing of legislation in the Kosovar parliament in 2012 that aimed to protect Serbian cultural heritage and the 2015 unsuccessful Kosovo bid for unesco membership. Both moments demonstrate how cultural heritage is primarily approached from the statehood perspective and used to additionally deepen inter-ethnic distances. The authors shed more light on the discrepancies between the international peacebuilding efforts and the internationally imposed legal framework, challenging the reduction of the peacebuilding efforts to institutional design, while dominant discourses of both Serbian and Albanian elites essentially deepen the enmity and serve as resistance mechanisms to the international peacebuilding strategies.
PB  - Brill | Schöningh
T2  - Southeastern Europe
T1  - A Battle for Sovereignty: Who Owns Cultural Heritage in Kosovo?
IS  - 3
VL  - 45
SP  - 361
EP  - 386
DO  - 10.30965/18763332-45030005
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar and Pudar Draško, Gazela and Lončar, Jelena",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This article examines the role, status and perceptions of the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo from both Kosovo Albanian and Serbian perspectives. The analysis focuses on two cases, which attracted particular resistance on each of the two sides: the passing of legislation in the Kosovar parliament in 2012 that aimed to protect Serbian cultural heritage and the 2015 unsuccessful Kosovo bid for unesco membership. Both moments demonstrate how cultural heritage is primarily approached from the statehood perspective and used to additionally deepen inter-ethnic distances. The authors shed more light on the discrepancies between the international peacebuilding efforts and the internationally imposed legal framework, challenging the reduction of the peacebuilding efforts to institutional design, while dominant discourses of both Serbian and Albanian elites essentially deepen the enmity and serve as resistance mechanisms to the international peacebuilding strategies.",
publisher = "Brill | Schöningh",
journal = "Southeastern Europe",
title = "A Battle for Sovereignty: Who Owns Cultural Heritage in Kosovo?",
number = "3",
volume = "45",
pages = "361-386",
doi = "10.30965/18763332-45030005"
Pavlović, A., Pudar Draško, G.,& Lončar, J.. (2021). A Battle for Sovereignty: Who Owns Cultural Heritage in Kosovo?. in Southeastern Europe
Brill | Schöningh., 45(3), 361-386.
Pavlović A, Pudar Draško G, Lončar J. A Battle for Sovereignty: Who Owns Cultural Heritage in Kosovo?. in Southeastern Europe. 2021;45(3):361-386.
doi:10.30965/18763332-45030005 .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, Pudar Draško, Gazela, Lončar, Jelena, "A Battle for Sovereignty: Who Owns Cultural Heritage in Kosovo?" in Southeastern Europe, 45, no. 3 (2021):361-386, . .

Sociologije nostalgija

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Beograd : Savez Udruženja pravnika Srbije i Republike Srpske: Institut za političke studije, 2021)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2021
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Najčešće shvaćena kao sentimentalna čežnja za prošlošću, nostalgija je u proteklih nekoliko vekova postala opšteprisutna, složena i polivalentna socijalna, psihička, kulturna i istorijska pojava i predmet razmatranja lekara, pisaca, filozofa, teoretičara i naučnika. Dok je u 17. veku smatrana bolešću, u savremenom društvu postala je, kako kaže Ana Petrov, profesorka na Fakultetu za medije i komunikacije, „svojevrsna epidemija najraznovrsnijih simptoma modernog i postmodernog društva“, koja se može manifestovati prustovski kao žal za prošlim vremenom, kao emocija, stanje, narativ, ideologija. Dok jedni u njoj prepoznaju emancipatorski potencijal, drugi je vide kao eskapizam i antipod političkom aktivizmu; jedni je razumevaju u najširem smislu kao društvenu emociju i kontinuiranu istorijsku pojavu, drugi, pak, kao savremeni kulturni fenomen. Knjiga Sociologije nostalgija nastoji da osvetli ovaj fenomen iz različitih perspektiva, i
to prevashodno tipološke, filozofske, sociološke, a, zatim, i da ponudi studiju slučaja na primeru jugonostalgije, kako bi na kraju razmotrila mogućnosti za jedno konstruktivnije shvatanje nostalgije od uobičajenog.
PB  - Beograd : Savez Udruženja pravnika Srbije i Republike Srpske: Institut za političke studije
T2  - Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke
T1  - Sociologije nostalgija
IS  - 3-4
VL  - 116
SP  - 219
EP  - 226
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Najčešće shvaćena kao sentimentalna čežnja za prošlošću, nostalgija je u proteklih nekoliko vekova postala opšteprisutna, složena i polivalentna socijalna, psihička, kulturna i istorijska pojava i predmet razmatranja lekara, pisaca, filozofa, teoretičara i naučnika. Dok je u 17. veku smatrana bolešću, u savremenom društvu postala je, kako kaže Ana Petrov, profesorka na Fakultetu za medije i komunikacije, „svojevrsna epidemija najraznovrsnijih simptoma modernog i postmodernog društva“, koja se može manifestovati prustovski kao žal za prošlim vremenom, kao emocija, stanje, narativ, ideologija. Dok jedni u njoj prepoznaju emancipatorski potencijal, drugi je vide kao eskapizam i antipod političkom aktivizmu; jedni je razumevaju u najširem smislu kao društvenu emociju i kontinuiranu istorijsku pojavu, drugi, pak, kao savremeni kulturni fenomen. Knjiga Sociologije nostalgija nastoji da osvetli ovaj fenomen iz različitih perspektiva, i
to prevashodno tipološke, filozofske, sociološke, a, zatim, i da ponudi studiju slučaja na primeru jugonostalgije, kako bi na kraju razmotrila mogućnosti za jedno konstruktivnije shvatanje nostalgije od uobičajenog.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez Udruženja pravnika Srbije i Republike Srpske: Institut za političke studije",
journal = "Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke",
title = "Sociologije nostalgija",
number = "3-4",
volume = "116",
pages = "219-226",
url = ""
Pavlović, A.. (2021). Sociologije nostalgija. in Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke
Beograd : Savez Udruženja pravnika Srbije i Republike Srpske: Institut za političke studije., 116(3-4), 219-226.
Pavlović A. Sociologije nostalgija. in Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke. 2021;116(3-4):219-226. .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Sociologije nostalgija" in Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke, 116, no. 3-4 (2021):219-226, .

A Bloodthirsty Tyrant or a Righteous Landlord? Smail-aga Čengić in Literature and Oral Tradition

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Etnografski institut SANU, 2021)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The 1840 murder of a notable 19th century Bosnian dignitary Smail-aga Čengić immediately inspired strong artistic production in the South Slav literature and oral tradition. These narratives, comprising newspaper articles, oral epic songs, and particularly Ivan Mažuranić’s literary epics written in the manner of oral folk epic, presented and codified Smail-aga as a bloodthirsty tyrant whose ultimate aim was to terrorize and extinct his Christian subjects. In distinction, some marginalized local narratives and oral folk tradition, which will be examined in this article, remembered Smail-aga as a righteous and merciful lord, protector of his flock and a brave warrior. Thus, when we scrutinize several versions of oral songs about the death of Smail-aga recorded between 1845 and 1860, as well as later collected anecdotes from his native Herzegovina, it appears that his hostile portrayal in written literature was rather the contribution of the Serbian and Croatian Romantic nationalists around the mid19th-century than an actual popular perception of him among local people in the region that he lived with. In conclusion, the article advocates for a wider consideration of the overall
polyphonic narrative tradition and the revitalization of traditional narratives that glorify values which transcend strict religious, ethnic and national divisions as a way of reimagining and revaluating relationship of the South Slavs towards the Ottoman heritage.
PB  - Etnografski institut SANU
T2  - Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU
T1  - A Bloodthirsty Tyrant or a Righteous Landlord? Smail-aga Čengić in Literature and Oral Tradition
IS  - 1
SP  - 109
EP  - 124
DO  - 10.2298/GEI2101109P
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The 1840 murder of a notable 19th century Bosnian dignitary Smail-aga Čengić immediately inspired strong artistic production in the South Slav literature and oral tradition. These narratives, comprising newspaper articles, oral epic songs, and particularly Ivan Mažuranić’s literary epics written in the manner of oral folk epic, presented and codified Smail-aga as a bloodthirsty tyrant whose ultimate aim was to terrorize and extinct his Christian subjects. In distinction, some marginalized local narratives and oral folk tradition, which will be examined in this article, remembered Smail-aga as a righteous and merciful lord, protector of his flock and a brave warrior. Thus, when we scrutinize several versions of oral songs about the death of Smail-aga recorded between 1845 and 1860, as well as later collected anecdotes from his native Herzegovina, it appears that his hostile portrayal in written literature was rather the contribution of the Serbian and Croatian Romantic nationalists around the mid19th-century than an actual popular perception of him among local people in the region that he lived with. In conclusion, the article advocates for a wider consideration of the overall
polyphonic narrative tradition and the revitalization of traditional narratives that glorify values which transcend strict religious, ethnic and national divisions as a way of reimagining and revaluating relationship of the South Slavs towards the Ottoman heritage.",
publisher = "Etnografski institut SANU",
journal = "Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU",
title = "A Bloodthirsty Tyrant or a Righteous Landlord? Smail-aga Čengić in Literature and Oral Tradition",
number = "1",
volume = "LIX",
pages = "109-124",
doi = "10.2298/GEI2101109P"
Pavlović, A.. (2021). A Bloodthirsty Tyrant or a Righteous Landlord? Smail-aga Čengić in Literature and Oral Tradition. in Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU
Etnografski institut SANU., LIX(1), 109-124.
Pavlović A. A Bloodthirsty Tyrant or a Righteous Landlord? Smail-aga Čengić in Literature and Oral Tradition. in Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU. 2021;LIX(1):109-124.
doi:10.2298/GEI2101109P .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "A Bloodthirsty Tyrant or a Righteous Landlord? Smail-aga Čengić in Literature and Oral Tradition" in Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU, LIX, no. 1 (2021):109-124, . .

Autonomy or Independence: Minority Arrangements for Vojvodina Hungarians and Kosovo Albanians in Serbia during and after the Yugoslav Period

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Budapest: Centre for Social Sciences, 2021)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The article offers a comparative analysis of minority politics and arrangements for the autonomy of Hungarians in Vojvodina and Albanians in Kosovo, which were Serbian territories and provinces during much of the 20th century. It discusses the reasons why minority struggles led to violence and independence in the Albanian case, while being peacefully accommodated within society, and even providing internal cohesion and good neighbourly relations, in the Hungarian case. The analysis follows both minorities from their post-1918 and post-1945 status in the two respective Yugoslavias, as well as in modern-day post-1990 Serbia. After providing a comparison of the political status of the two national communities, this comparative research argues against simplistic notions that view ethnic relations and conflicts in the Balkans as the result of centuries-old hatred and historically deeply rooted hostilities, and instead advocates a more nuanced perspective that is sensitive to subtleties, internal interrelations and mutual dynamics in tackling majority/minority issues.
PB  - Budapest: Centre for Social Sciences
PB  - Skopje: University American College
T2  - Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Instrument for Effective Participation of Minorities
T1  - Autonomy or Independence: Minority Arrangements for Vojvodina Hungarians and Kosovo Albanians in Serbia during and after the Yugoslav Period
SP  - 139
EP  - 157
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The article offers a comparative analysis of minority politics and arrangements for the autonomy of Hungarians in Vojvodina and Albanians in Kosovo, which were Serbian territories and provinces during much of the 20th century. It discusses the reasons why minority struggles led to violence and independence in the Albanian case, while being peacefully accommodated within society, and even providing internal cohesion and good neighbourly relations, in the Hungarian case. The analysis follows both minorities from their post-1918 and post-1945 status in the two respective Yugoslavias, as well as in modern-day post-1990 Serbia. After providing a comparison of the political status of the two national communities, this comparative research argues against simplistic notions that view ethnic relations and conflicts in the Balkans as the result of centuries-old hatred and historically deeply rooted hostilities, and instead advocates a more nuanced perspective that is sensitive to subtleties, internal interrelations and mutual dynamics in tackling majority/minority issues.",
publisher = "Budapest: Centre for Social Sciences, Skopje: University American College",
journal = "Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Instrument for Effective Participation of Minorities",
booktitle = "Autonomy or Independence: Minority Arrangements for Vojvodina Hungarians and Kosovo Albanians in Serbia during and after the Yugoslav Period",
pages = "139-157",
url = ""
Pavlović, A.. (2021). Autonomy or Independence: Minority Arrangements for Vojvodina Hungarians and Kosovo Albanians in Serbia during and after the Yugoslav Period. in Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Instrument for Effective Participation of Minorities
Budapest: Centre for Social Sciences., 139-157.
Pavlović A. Autonomy or Independence: Minority Arrangements for Vojvodina Hungarians and Kosovo Albanians in Serbia during and after the Yugoslav Period. in Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Instrument for Effective Participation of Minorities. 2021;:139-157. .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Autonomy or Independence: Minority Arrangements for Vojvodina Hungarians and Kosovo Albanians in Serbia during and after the Yugoslav Period" in Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Instrument for Effective Participation of Minorities (2021):139-157, .

Kako sam postao “kulturolog”

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Beograd: Biblioteka XX vek, 2021)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Biblioteka XX vek nudi šarolik izbor knjiga iz niza oblasti. Slobodna deca Samerhila pokazala su mi potpuno drugačiji oblik vaspitanja i školovanja; Religije preistorije predstavile su mi složenost, bogatstvo pećinskog slikarstva – bilo mi je neverovatno da tumačenje pećinskih slika može obuhvatiti celu knjigu! U Antropologiji žene nalazio sam neke izuzetno podsticajne analize patrijarhata i društvenih oblika muške dominacije koje sam prepoznavao u sredini u kojoj sam živeo. Carstvo zemaljsko i carstvo nebesko i Vidovdan i časni krst pokazali su mi da se o kulturi Srba može pisati drugačije od klasičnih srpskih etnologa, ne samo deskriptivno i afirmativno nego i kritički; Morfologija bajke bila je savršena, neodoljiva demonstracija dometa strukturalističke analize itd. Dakle, uz moje fakultetsko obrazovanje, koje je sadržalo i mnoštvo usko disciplinarnih, dosadnih, uniformnih sadržaja, ova edicija je pružala jedno dodatno, bogato, ne-disciplinarno, pa i nedisciplinovano znanje, zanimljive naslove koji su mi otvarali oči za teme i fenomene u širokom polju kulture, posebno iz oblasti etnologije i antropologije, za koje nisam ni znao da mogu biti predmet ozbiljne, naučne analize, i pri tom ilustrovali kako se o tim kulturnim pojavama može pisati na jedan manje akademski dogmatičan način.
PB  - Beograd: Biblioteka XX vek
T2  - Pola veka XX veka: Zbornik povodom 50. godina Biblioteke XX vek
T1  - Kako sam postao “kulturolog”
SP  - 128
EP  - 133
DO  - 
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Biblioteka XX vek nudi šarolik izbor knjiga iz niza oblasti. Slobodna deca Samerhila pokazala su mi potpuno drugačiji oblik vaspitanja i školovanja; Religije preistorije predstavile su mi složenost, bogatstvo pećinskog slikarstva – bilo mi je neverovatno da tumačenje pećinskih slika može obuhvatiti celu knjigu! U Antropologiji žene nalazio sam neke izuzetno podsticajne analize patrijarhata i društvenih oblika muške dominacije koje sam prepoznavao u sredini u kojoj sam živeo. Carstvo zemaljsko i carstvo nebesko i Vidovdan i časni krst pokazali su mi da se o kulturi Srba može pisati drugačije od klasičnih srpskih etnologa, ne samo deskriptivno i afirmativno nego i kritički; Morfologija bajke bila je savršena, neodoljiva demonstracija dometa strukturalističke analize itd. Dakle, uz moje fakultetsko obrazovanje, koje je sadržalo i mnoštvo usko disciplinarnih, dosadnih, uniformnih sadržaja, ova edicija je pružala jedno dodatno, bogato, ne-disciplinarno, pa i nedisciplinovano znanje, zanimljive naslove koji su mi otvarali oči za teme i fenomene u širokom polju kulture, posebno iz oblasti etnologije i antropologije, za koje nisam ni znao da mogu biti predmet ozbiljne, naučne analize, i pri tom ilustrovali kako se o tim kulturnim pojavama može pisati na jedan manje akademski dogmatičan način.",
publisher = "Beograd: Biblioteka XX vek",
journal = "Pola veka XX veka: Zbornik povodom 50. godina Biblioteke XX vek",
booktitle = "Kako sam postao “kulturolog”",
pages = "128-133",
doi = ""
Pavlović, A.. (2021). Kako sam postao “kulturolog”. in Pola veka XX veka: Zbornik povodom 50. godina Biblioteke XX vek
Beograd: Biblioteka XX vek., 128-133.
Pavlović A. Kako sam postao “kulturolog”. in Pola veka XX veka: Zbornik povodom 50. godina Biblioteke XX vek. 2021;:128-133.
doi: .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Kako sam postao “kulturolog”" in Pola veka XX veka: Zbornik povodom 50. godina Biblioteke XX vek (2021):128-133, . .

Beyond the territory principle: Non-territorial approach to the Kosovo question(s)

Ćeriman, Jelena; Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2020)

AU  - Ćeriman, Jelena
AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2020
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - This article presents an attempt to approach the dispute over Kosovo 
between Serbs and Albanians from a non-territorial perspective, with 
particular focus on the preservation of the Serbian cultural and religious 
heritage. First, we argue that the Kosovo issue is at present commonly 
understood as an either-or territorial dispute over sovereignty and 
recognition between Serbian and Kosovo Albanian politicians. However, 
we claim that a lasting resolution to the Kosovo issue actually needs to 
account for at least three separate aspects: 1) status of Northern Kosovo 
which is ethnically Serbian and still maintains various ties with the Serbian 
state, 2) status of Serbian cultural and religious heritage, chiefly UNESCO 
world heritage Serbian medieval monasteries and churches and 3) the 
fact that the Serbian population in central Kosovo, i.e. south of the river 
Ibar, where most of the mentioned monasteries and churches are located, 
are located in small municipalities or enclaves of Serbs surrounded by 
vast Albanian populations. We examine the applicability of the non–
territorial approach (NTA) to the Kosovo issue by analyzing the normative 
framework directly regulating the Serbian cultural and religious heritage 
in Kosovo, its preservation and protection, particularly of Serbian Orthodox 
monasteries, churches and other historical and cultural sites, while 
comparing these regulations to the existing normative NTAs in Croatia 
and Montenegro. Arguably, since most Serbian monasteries and churches 
are not included in any sovereignty negotiations, we point to the potential 
to combine territorial and non–territorial approaches, regardless of the 
continued obstacles in implementation arising from continued contestation 
of Kosovo’s sovereign status.
AB  - Tekst se fokusira na neteritorijalni pristup (NTA) sporu oko Kosova između Srba i Albanaca, 
posmatrano preko srpskog kulturno-religijskog nasleđa na ovoj teritoriji. Polazno stanovište 
je da se kosovsko pitanje uobičajeno shvata kao teritorijalni spor između srpskih i kosov sko-albanskih političara oko priznanja suvereniteta. Stav autora je da trajno rešenje kosov skog pitanja mora obuhvatiti najmanje tri odvojena aspekta: 1) status Severnog Kosova koji 
je etnički srpski i još uvek održava veze sa Srbijom, 2) status srpskog kulturno-religijskog na sleđa, odnosno srpskih srednjovekovnih manastira i crkava koji su uglavnom prepoznati kao 
svetska baština UNESCO-a i 3) činjenicu da srpsko stanovništvo na centralnom Kosovu, tj. 
južno od reke Ibar gde se nalazi većina pomenutih manastira i crkava, naseljava male opštine 
ili enklave Srba okružene većinskim albanskim stanovništvom. Primenljivost NTA koncepta 
na kosovsko pitanje analizira se preko normativnog okvira koji se direktno odnosi na srpsko 
kulturno-religijsko nasleđe na Kosovu, odnosno na očuvanje i zaštitu srpskih pravoslavnih 
manastira, crkava i drugih istorijskih i kulturnih mesta na Kosovu, komparirano sa NTA reše njima koja se odnose na očuvanje srpskog kulturno-religijskog nasleđa u normativnom okviru 
Hrvatske i Crne Gore. S obzirom da lokacije na kojima se nalazi većina srpskih manastira i 
crkava nisu uključene u pregovore o suverenosti Kosova, namera je da se ukaže na potencijale koji dolaze iz kombinovanja teritorijalnog i neteritorijalnog pristupa, bez obzira na stalne 
prepreke za sprovođenje takve zamisli koja prevashodno proizlazi iz stalnog osporavanja su verenog statusa Kosova.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Beyond the territory principle: Non-territorial approach to the Kosovo question(s)
T1  - Izvan teritorijalnog pristupa: neteritorijalni pristup kosovskom pitanju
IS  - 3
VL  - 31
SP  - 340
EP  - 362
DO  - 10.2298/FID2003340C
ER  - 
author = "Ćeriman, Jelena and Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This article presents an attempt to approach the dispute over Kosovo 
between Serbs and Albanians from a non-territorial perspective, with 
particular focus on the preservation of the Serbian cultural and religious 
heritage. First, we argue that the Kosovo issue is at present commonly 
understood as an either-or territorial dispute over sovereignty and 
recognition between Serbian and Kosovo Albanian politicians. However, 
we claim that a lasting resolution to the Kosovo issue actually needs to 
account for at least three separate aspects: 1) status of Northern Kosovo 
which is ethnically Serbian and still maintains various ties with the Serbian 
state, 2) status of Serbian cultural and religious heritage, chiefly UNESCO 
world heritage Serbian medieval monasteries and churches and 3) the 
fact that the Serbian population in central Kosovo, i.e. south of the river 
Ibar, where most of the mentioned monasteries and churches are located, 
are located in small municipalities or enclaves of Serbs surrounded by 
vast Albanian populations. We examine the applicability of the non–
territorial approach (NTA) to the Kosovo issue by analyzing the normative 
framework directly regulating the Serbian cultural and religious heritage 
in Kosovo, its preservation and protection, particularly of Serbian Orthodox 
monasteries, churches and other historical and cultural sites, while 
comparing these regulations to the existing normative NTAs in Croatia 
and Montenegro. Arguably, since most Serbian monasteries and churches 
are not included in any sovereignty negotiations, we point to the potential 
to combine territorial and non–territorial approaches, regardless of the 
continued obstacles in implementation arising from continued contestation 
of Kosovo’s sovereign status., Tekst se fokusira na neteritorijalni pristup (NTA) sporu oko Kosova između Srba i Albanaca, 
posmatrano preko srpskog kulturno-religijskog nasleđa na ovoj teritoriji. Polazno stanovište 
je da se kosovsko pitanje uobičajeno shvata kao teritorijalni spor između srpskih i kosov sko-albanskih političara oko priznanja suvereniteta. Stav autora je da trajno rešenje kosov skog pitanja mora obuhvatiti najmanje tri odvojena aspekta: 1) status Severnog Kosova koji 
je etnički srpski i još uvek održava veze sa Srbijom, 2) status srpskog kulturno-religijskog na sleđa, odnosno srpskih srednjovekovnih manastira i crkava koji su uglavnom prepoznati kao 
svetska baština UNESCO-a i 3) činjenicu da srpsko stanovništvo na centralnom Kosovu, tj. 
južno od reke Ibar gde se nalazi većina pomenutih manastira i crkava, naseljava male opštine 
ili enklave Srba okružene većinskim albanskim stanovništvom. Primenljivost NTA koncepta 
na kosovsko pitanje analizira se preko normativnog okvira koji se direktno odnosi na srpsko 
kulturno-religijsko nasleđe na Kosovu, odnosno na očuvanje i zaštitu srpskih pravoslavnih 
manastira, crkava i drugih istorijskih i kulturnih mesta na Kosovu, komparirano sa NTA reše njima koja se odnose na očuvanje srpskog kulturno-religijskog nasleđa u normativnom okviru 
Hrvatske i Crne Gore. S obzirom da lokacije na kojima se nalazi većina srpskih manastira i 
crkava nisu uključene u pregovore o suverenosti Kosova, namera je da se ukaže na potencijale koji dolaze iz kombinovanja teritorijalnog i neteritorijalnog pristupa, bez obzira na stalne 
prepreke za sprovođenje takve zamisli koja prevashodno proizlazi iz stalnog osporavanja su verenog statusa Kosova.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Beyond the territory principle: Non-territorial approach to the Kosovo question(s), Izvan teritorijalnog pristupa: neteritorijalni pristup kosovskom pitanju",
number = "3",
volume = "31",
pages = "340-362",
doi = "10.2298/FID2003340C"
Ćeriman, J.,& Pavlović, A.. (2020). Beyond the territory principle: Non-territorial approach to the Kosovo question(s). in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 31(3), 340-362.
Ćeriman J, Pavlović A. Beyond the territory principle: Non-territorial approach to the Kosovo question(s). in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2020;31(3):340-362.
doi:10.2298/FID2003340C .
Ćeriman, Jelena, Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Beyond the territory principle: Non-territorial approach to the Kosovo question(s)" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 31, no. 3 (2020):340-362, . .

Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Enrichment of Representative Democracy

Nimni, Ephraim; Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2020)

AU  - Nimni, Ephraim
AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This thematic issue brings together five scholarly articles, each tackling from both theoretical and practical perspectives a sensitive and elusive issue of accommodating minority rights within a wider national and political framework. These timely considerations are framed through a broader, vibrant and rapidly emerging approach of non-territorial autonomy (NTA), which is not so much a particular model but a generic term that refers to different practices of minority community autonomy that does not entail exclusive control over territory. In this way, novel forms of national self-determination can take place while the self-determining communities reside in shared territorial spaces. NTA can thus have a number many different forms such as consociationalism, national cultural autonomy, and can be particularly well suited for communities or nations that do not live in a unified or joint territory but are territori-ally dispersed or scattered.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
T1  - Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Enrichment of Representative Democracy
T1  - Neteritorijalna autonomija kao obogaćivanje predstavničke demokratije
IS  - 3
VL  - 31
SP  - 277
EP  - 285
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nimni, Ephraim and Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This thematic issue brings together five scholarly articles, each tackling from both theoretical and practical perspectives a sensitive and elusive issue of accommodating minority rights within a wider national and political framework. These timely considerations are framed through a broader, vibrant and rapidly emerging approach of non-territorial autonomy (NTA), which is not so much a particular model but a generic term that refers to different practices of minority community autonomy that does not entail exclusive control over territory. In this way, novel forms of national self-determination can take place while the self-determining communities reside in shared territorial spaces. NTA can thus have a number many different forms such as consociationalism, national cultural autonomy, and can be particularly well suited for communities or nations that do not live in a unified or joint territory but are territori-ally dispersed or scattered.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society",
title = "Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Enrichment of Representative Democracy, Neteritorijalna autonomija kao obogaćivanje predstavničke demokratije",
number = "3",
volume = "31",
pages = "277-285",
url = ""
Nimni, E.,& Pavlović, A.. (2020). Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Enrichment of Representative Democracy. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 31(3), 277-285.
Nimni E, Pavlović A. Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Enrichment of Representative Democracy. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society. 2020;31(3):277-285. .
Nimni, Ephraim, Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Non-Territorial Autonomy as an Enrichment of Representative Democracy" in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society, 31, no. 3 (2020):277-285, .

Intellectuals between radicalization and reconciliation in the Western Balkans

Pudar Draško, Gazela; Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2020)

AU  - Pudar Draško, Gazela
AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - According to cultural definitions, intellectuals can be defined as social actors who have developed public authority based on cultural achievements and/or positions. Intellectuals are key participants in the creation, specification, articulation and dissemination of any form of social ideas. Their relevance can be particularly prominent in societies dominated by nationalism, because they have the ability to sift through a particular national/ethnic tradition, selecting specific moments and elements from the collective memory and thus strengthening a given national ideology. In the Westerns Balkans, intellectual elites mostly positioned themselves as bearers of national programs, especially in the 1980s and 1990s. This, almost exclusively male, group was awarded disproportionately large space in the media. Smaller groups of a(nti)nationally oriented intellectuals never gained such dominance in public discourse, but continuously used their opportunities of influencing public opinion to express the necessity of repudiation of extremism and breaking with the ideology that hampers the normalization of socio-political life in the region. We analyze here the role of intellectuals to both radicalization and reconciliation in the Western Balkans, focusing especially on the former Yugoslavia. Starting with the 1987 Memorandum of the SASA, widely regarded as the ultimate intellectual fuel to the deepening the conflict, we end with the most recent case of Declaration on the Common Language (2017), which opted for the unification of the now separated Western Balkan languages into a joint one.
PB  - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
T2  - The Challenges of Democratization and Reconciliation in the Post-Yugoslav Space
T1  - Intellectuals between radicalization and reconciliation in the Western Balkans
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pudar Draško, Gazela and Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2020",
abstract = "According to cultural definitions, intellectuals can be defined as social actors who have developed public authority based on cultural achievements and/or positions. Intellectuals are key participants in the creation, specification, articulation and dissemination of any form of social ideas. Their relevance can be particularly prominent in societies dominated by nationalism, because they have the ability to sift through a particular national/ethnic tradition, selecting specific moments and elements from the collective memory and thus strengthening a given national ideology. In the Westerns Balkans, intellectual elites mostly positioned themselves as bearers of national programs, especially in the 1980s and 1990s. This, almost exclusively male, group was awarded disproportionately large space in the media. Smaller groups of a(nti)nationally oriented intellectuals never gained such dominance in public discourse, but continuously used their opportunities of influencing public opinion to express the necessity of repudiation of extremism and breaking with the ideology that hampers the normalization of socio-political life in the region. We analyze here the role of intellectuals to both radicalization and reconciliation in the Western Balkans, focusing especially on the former Yugoslavia. Starting with the 1987 Memorandum of the SASA, widely regarded as the ultimate intellectual fuel to the deepening the conflict, we end with the most recent case of Declaration on the Common Language (2017), which opted for the unification of the now separated Western Balkan languages into a joint one.",
publisher = "Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft",
journal = "The Challenges of Democratization and Reconciliation in the Post-Yugoslav Space",
booktitle = "Intellectuals between radicalization and reconciliation in the Western Balkans",
url = ""
Pudar Draško, G.,& Pavlović, A.. (2020). Intellectuals between radicalization and reconciliation in the Western Balkans. in The Challenges of Democratization and Reconciliation in the Post-Yugoslav Space
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft..
Pudar Draško G, Pavlović A. Intellectuals between radicalization and reconciliation in the Western Balkans. in The Challenges of Democratization and Reconciliation in the Post-Yugoslav Space. 2020;. .
Pudar Draško, Gazela, Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Intellectuals between radicalization and reconciliation in the Western Balkans" in The Challenges of Democratization and Reconciliation in the Post-Yugoslav Space (2020), .

Belgrade 1968 Protests and the Post-Evental Fidelity: Intellectual and Political Legacy of the 1968 Student Protests in Serbia

Pavlović, Aleksandar; Losoncz, Mark

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
AU  - Losoncz, Mark
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Even though Belgrade student protests emerged and ended abruptly after only seven days in June of 1968, they came as a cumulative point of a decade-long accumulated social dissatisfaction and antagonisms, as well as of philosophical investigations of the unorthodox Marxists of the Praxis school (Praksisovci). It surprised the Yugoslav authorities as the first massive rebellion after WWII to explicitly criticize rising social inequality, bureaucratization and unemployment and demand free speech and abolishment of privileges. This article focuses on the intellectual destiny and legacy of the eight professors from the Faculty of Philosophy close to the Praxis school, who were identified as the protests’ instigators and subsequently expelled from the University of Belgrade due to their “ethico-political unsuitability”. Under both international and domestic pressure, they were later reemployed in a separate research unit named the Centre for Philosophy and Social Theory, where they kept their critical edge and argued for political pluralism. From the late 1980s onwards, they and their colleagues became politically active and at times occupied the highest positions in Serbia – Dragoljub Mićunović as one of the founders of the modern Democratic Party and the Speaker of the Parliament, former Serbian President and Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica and former Prime Minister late Zoran Đinđić. Still, while some members became strong anti-nationalists and anti-war activists, other embraced Serbian nationalism, therefore pivoting the intellectual split into the so called First and Second Serbia that marked Serbian society during the 1990s and remained influential to this day.
AB  - Drugog svetskog rata koja je eksplicitno kritikovala rastuću društvenu nejednakost, birokratizaciju i nezaposlenost, i zahtevala slobodu govora i ukidanje privilegija. Ovaj članak fokusira se na sudbinu osmoro profesora sa Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu bliskih Praksis idejama, koje je režim identifikovao kao podstrekače protesta i kasnije ih proterao sa fakulteta zbog njihove „moralno-političke nepodobnosti“. Nakon međunarodnih i unutrašnjih pritisaka, oni su kasnije ponovo zaposleni u zasebnoj istraživačkoj jedinici nazvanoj Centar za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, gde su zadržali svoju kritičku oštricu i zagovarali politički pluralizam. Od kraja osamdesetih godina prošlog veka, oni i njihove kolege iz Centra postaju politički aktivni, nalaze se među osnivačima i kasnije liderima Demokratske Stranke i povremeno zauzimaju najviše položaje u Srbiji – Dragoljub Mićunović kao predsedavajući Narodne skupštine, bivši srpski predsednik i premijer Vojislav Koštunica i nekadašnji premijer Zoran Đinđić. Međutim, dok su neki članovi osmorke i Centra postali čvrsti anti-nacionalisti i antiratni aktivisti, drugi su prigrlili srpski nacionalizam, tako predvodeći intelektualni razdor na Prvu i Drugi Srbiju koji je obeležio srpsko društvo devedesetih godina prošlog veka, i ostao uticajan do danas.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Belgrade 1968 Protests and the Post-Evental Fidelity: Intellectual and Political Legacy of the 1968 Student Protests in Serbia
IS  - 1
VL  - 30
SP  - 149
EP  - 164
DO  - 10.2298/FID1901149P
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar and Losoncz, Mark",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Even though Belgrade student protests emerged and ended abruptly after only seven days in June of 1968, they came as a cumulative point of a decade-long accumulated social dissatisfaction and antagonisms, as well as of philosophical investigations of the unorthodox Marxists of the Praxis school (Praksisovci). It surprised the Yugoslav authorities as the first massive rebellion after WWII to explicitly criticize rising social inequality, bureaucratization and unemployment and demand free speech and abolishment of privileges. This article focuses on the intellectual destiny and legacy of the eight professors from the Faculty of Philosophy close to the Praxis school, who were identified as the protests’ instigators and subsequently expelled from the University of Belgrade due to their “ethico-political unsuitability”. Under both international and domestic pressure, they were later reemployed in a separate research unit named the Centre for Philosophy and Social Theory, where they kept their critical edge and argued for political pluralism. From the late 1980s onwards, they and their colleagues became politically active and at times occupied the highest positions in Serbia – Dragoljub Mićunović as one of the founders of the modern Democratic Party and the Speaker of the Parliament, former Serbian President and Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica and former Prime Minister late Zoran Đinđić. Still, while some members became strong anti-nationalists and anti-war activists, other embraced Serbian nationalism, therefore pivoting the intellectual split into the so called First and Second Serbia that marked Serbian society during the 1990s and remained influential to this day., Drugog svetskog rata koja je eksplicitno kritikovala rastuću društvenu nejednakost, birokratizaciju i nezaposlenost, i zahtevala slobodu govora i ukidanje privilegija. Ovaj članak fokusira se na sudbinu osmoro profesora sa Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu bliskih Praksis idejama, koje je režim identifikovao kao podstrekače protesta i kasnije ih proterao sa fakulteta zbog njihove „moralno-političke nepodobnosti“. Nakon međunarodnih i unutrašnjih pritisaka, oni su kasnije ponovo zaposleni u zasebnoj istraživačkoj jedinici nazvanoj Centar za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, gde su zadržali svoju kritičku oštricu i zagovarali politički pluralizam. Od kraja osamdesetih godina prošlog veka, oni i njihove kolege iz Centra postaju politički aktivni, nalaze se među osnivačima i kasnije liderima Demokratske Stranke i povremeno zauzimaju najviše položaje u Srbiji – Dragoljub Mićunović kao predsedavajući Narodne skupštine, bivši srpski predsednik i premijer Vojislav Koštunica i nekadašnji premijer Zoran Đinđić. Međutim, dok su neki članovi osmorke i Centra postali čvrsti anti-nacionalisti i antiratni aktivisti, drugi su prigrlili srpski nacionalizam, tako predvodeći intelektualni razdor na Prvu i Drugi Srbiju koji je obeležio srpsko društvo devedesetih godina prošlog veka, i ostao uticajan do danas.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Belgrade 1968 Protests and the Post-Evental Fidelity: Intellectual and Political Legacy of the 1968 Student Protests in Serbia",
number = "1",
volume = "30",
pages = "149-164",
doi = "10.2298/FID1901149P"
Pavlović, A.,& Losoncz, M.. (2019). Belgrade 1968 Protests and the Post-Evental Fidelity: Intellectual and Political Legacy of the 1968 Student Protests in Serbia. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 30(1), 149-164.
Pavlović A, Losoncz M. Belgrade 1968 Protests and the Post-Evental Fidelity: Intellectual and Political Legacy of the 1968 Student Protests in Serbia. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2019;30(1):149-164.
doi:10.2298/FID1901149P .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, Losoncz, Mark, "Belgrade 1968 Protests and the Post-Evental Fidelity: Intellectual and Political Legacy of the 1968 Student Protests in Serbia" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 30, no. 1 (2019):149-164, . .

Forging the enemy: the transformation of common Serbian-Albanian traits into enmity and political hostility

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(London : Routledge; Southeast European Studies Series, 2019)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - This chapter argues that the proper origin of Serbian-Albanian hostility had been established in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. In the first part, the chapter offers examples of positive mutual perceptions between Serbs and Albanians in the oral tradition, early Balkan ethnography and historiography from mid-eighteenth to mid-nineteenth century. It is contended that the appreciation for Albanian heroes found in Serbian/Montenegrin folk oral songs and narratives stems from a similar social background and shared patriarchal values among the two ethnic groups. In the second part, the chapter follows the change in their perceptions from the later part of the nineteenth century onwards, influenced by the Eastern Crisis of 1875–1878, formation of the Albanian national movement, weakening of the Ottoman rule and territorial disputes over the present-day Kosovo and Northern Albania. It is argued that these tendencies gradually led to the establishment of Serbian-Albanian hostility, which became cemented on the eve of the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913. In the last instance, the chapter focuses on positive examples of Serbian intellectuals who contested such an approach and advocates for the re-affirmation of these narratives that emphasize similarities and promote friendship between Serbs and Albanians.
PB  - London : Routledge; Southeast European Studies Series
T2  - Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations: Figuring out the Enemy
T1  - Forging the enemy: the transformation of common Serbian-Albanian traits into enmity and political hostility
SP  - 3
EP  - 21
DO  - 10.4324/9781351273169
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This chapter argues that the proper origin of Serbian-Albanian hostility had been established in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. In the first part, the chapter offers examples of positive mutual perceptions between Serbs and Albanians in the oral tradition, early Balkan ethnography and historiography from mid-eighteenth to mid-nineteenth century. It is contended that the appreciation for Albanian heroes found in Serbian/Montenegrin folk oral songs and narratives stems from a similar social background and shared patriarchal values among the two ethnic groups. In the second part, the chapter follows the change in their perceptions from the later part of the nineteenth century onwards, influenced by the Eastern Crisis of 1875–1878, formation of the Albanian national movement, weakening of the Ottoman rule and territorial disputes over the present-day Kosovo and Northern Albania. It is argued that these tendencies gradually led to the establishment of Serbian-Albanian hostility, which became cemented on the eve of the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913. In the last instance, the chapter focuses on positive examples of Serbian intellectuals who contested such an approach and advocates for the re-affirmation of these narratives that emphasize similarities and promote friendship between Serbs and Albanians.",
publisher = "London : Routledge; Southeast European Studies Series",
journal = "Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations: Figuring out the Enemy",
booktitle = "Forging the enemy: the transformation of common Serbian-Albanian traits into enmity and political hostility",
pages = "3-21",
doi = "10.4324/9781351273169"
Pavlović, A.. (2019). Forging the enemy: the transformation of common Serbian-Albanian traits into enmity and political hostility. in Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations: Figuring out the Enemy
London : Routledge; Southeast European Studies Series., 3-21.
Pavlović A. Forging the enemy: the transformation of common Serbian-Albanian traits into enmity and political hostility. in Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations: Figuring out the Enemy. 2019;:3-21.
doi:10.4324/9781351273169 .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Forging the enemy: the transformation of common Serbian-Albanian traits into enmity and political hostility" in Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations: Figuring out the Enemy (2019):3-21, . .

Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations Figuring out the Enemy

Pavlović, Aleksandar; Pudar Draško, Gazela; Halili, Rigels

(London: Routledge, 2019)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
AU  - Pudar Draško, Gazela
AU  - Halili, Rigels
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Identifying and explaining common views, ideas and traditions, this volume challenges the concept of Serbian-Albanian hostility by reinvestigating recent and historical events in the region. The contributors put forward critically oriented initiatives and alternatives to shed light on a range of relations and perspectives.

The central aim of the book is to ‘figure out’ the problematic relations between Serbs and Albanians – that is, to comprehend its origins and the actors involved, and to find ways to resolve and deal with this enmity. Treating the hostility as a construct of a long-running discourse about the Serbian or Albanian ‘Other’, scholars and intellectuals from Serbia, Kosovo and Albania examine the origins, channels, agents and mediums of this discourse from the 18th century to the present. Tracing the roots of the two ethnic groups' political divisions, contemporary practices and actions allows the contributors to reconsider mutually held negative perceptions and identify elements of a common, shared history. Examples of past and current cooperation are used to offer a critical analysis of all three societies.

This interdisciplinary publication brings together historiographical, literary, sociological, political, anthropological and philosophical analyses and enquiries and will be of interest to researchers in the fields of sociology, politics, cultural studies, history or anthropology; and to academics working in Slavonic and East European studies.
PB  - London: Routledge
T2  - Routledge, London; Southeast European Studies Series
T1  - Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations Figuring out the Enemy
DO  - 10.4324/9781351273169
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar and Pudar Draško, Gazela and Halili, Rigels",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Identifying and explaining common views, ideas and traditions, this volume challenges the concept of Serbian-Albanian hostility by reinvestigating recent and historical events in the region. The contributors put forward critically oriented initiatives and alternatives to shed light on a range of relations and perspectives.

The central aim of the book is to ‘figure out’ the problematic relations between Serbs and Albanians – that is, to comprehend its origins and the actors involved, and to find ways to resolve and deal with this enmity. Treating the hostility as a construct of a long-running discourse about the Serbian or Albanian ‘Other’, scholars and intellectuals from Serbia, Kosovo and Albania examine the origins, channels, agents and mediums of this discourse from the 18th century to the present. Tracing the roots of the two ethnic groups' political divisions, contemporary practices and actions allows the contributors to reconsider mutually held negative perceptions and identify elements of a common, shared history. Examples of past and current cooperation are used to offer a critical analysis of all three societies.

This interdisciplinary publication brings together historiographical, literary, sociological, political, anthropological and philosophical analyses and enquiries and will be of interest to researchers in the fields of sociology, politics, cultural studies, history or anthropology; and to academics working in Slavonic and East European studies.",
publisher = "London: Routledge",
journal = "Routledge, London; Southeast European Studies Series",
title = "Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations Figuring out the Enemy",
doi = "10.4324/9781351273169"
Pavlović, A., Pudar Draško, G.,& Halili, R.. (2019). Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations Figuring out the Enemy. in Routledge, London; Southeast European Studies Series
London: Routledge..
Pavlović A, Pudar Draško G, Halili R. Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations Figuring out the Enemy. in Routledge, London; Southeast European Studies Series. 2019;.
doi:10.4324/9781351273169 .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, Pudar Draško, Gazela, Halili, Rigels, "Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations Figuring out the Enemy" in Routledge, London; Southeast European Studies Series (2019), . .

Contentious Politics in the European Semi-periphery: Who protests on the streets of Belgrade?

Ćeriman, Jelena; Pavlović, Aleksandar


AU  - Ćeriman, Jelena
AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
T1  - Contentious Politics in the European Semi-periphery: Who protests on the streets of Belgrade?
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ćeriman, Jelena and Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2019",
title = "Contentious Politics in the European Semi-periphery: Who protests on the streets of Belgrade?",
url = ""
Ćeriman, J.,& Pavlović, A.. (2019). Contentious Politics in the European Semi-periphery: Who protests on the streets of Belgrade?. .
Ćeriman J, Pavlović A. Contentious Politics in the European Semi-periphery: Who protests on the streets of Belgrade?. 2019;. .
Ćeriman, Jelena, Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Contentious Politics in the European Semi-periphery: Who protests on the streets of Belgrade?" (2019), .

Beyond the Territory Principle: Non-Territorial Approach to the Kosovo Question(s)

Pavlović, Aleksandar; Ćeriman, Jelena

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
AU  - Ćeriman, Jelena
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
C3  - Book of Abstracts, First ENTAN conference 22-23 November 2019, Non-Territorial Autonomy as a form of Plurinational Democracy: Participation, Recognition, Reconciliation
T1  - Beyond the Territory Principle: Non-Territorial Approach to the Kosovo Question(s)
SP  - 68
EP  - 69
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar and Ćeriman, Jelena",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, First ENTAN conference 22-23 November 2019, Non-Territorial Autonomy as a form of Plurinational Democracy: Participation, Recognition, Reconciliation",
title = "Beyond the Territory Principle: Non-Territorial Approach to the Kosovo Question(s)",
pages = "68-69",
url = ""
Pavlović, A.,& Ćeriman, J.. (2019). Beyond the Territory Principle: Non-Territorial Approach to the Kosovo Question(s). in Book of Abstracts, First ENTAN conference 22-23 November 2019, Non-Territorial Autonomy as a form of Plurinational Democracy: Participation, Recognition, Reconciliation
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 68-69.
Pavlović A, Ćeriman J. Beyond the Territory Principle: Non-Territorial Approach to the Kosovo Question(s). in Book of Abstracts, First ENTAN conference 22-23 November 2019, Non-Territorial Autonomy as a form of Plurinational Democracy: Participation, Recognition, Reconciliation. 2019;:68-69. .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, Ćeriman, Jelena, "Beyond the Territory Principle: Non-Territorial Approach to the Kosovo Question(s)" in Book of Abstracts, First ENTAN conference 22-23 November 2019, Non-Territorial Autonomy as a form of Plurinational Democracy: Participation, Recognition, Reconciliation (2019):68-69, .

Imaginarni Albanac : simbolika Kosova i figura Albanca u srpskoj kulturi

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2019
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T1  - Imaginarni Albanac : simbolika Kosova i figura Albanca u srpskoj kulturi
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
title = "Imaginarni Albanac : simbolika Kosova i figura Albanca u srpskoj kulturi",
url = ""
Pavlović, A.. (2019). Imaginarni Albanac : simbolika Kosova i figura Albanca u srpskoj kulturi. 
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Pavlović A. Imaginarni Albanac : simbolika Kosova i figura Albanca u srpskoj kulturi. 2019;. .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Imaginarni Albanac : simbolika Kosova i figura Albanca u srpskoj kulturi" (2019), .

Rodno čitanje srpske epike: seksualno nasilje kao znak rađanja nacije

Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Fakultet političkih nauka, 2018)

AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - U uvodnom delu ovog članka razmatra se nekoliko radova u okviru feminističke kritike i interpretacije srpske usmene epske tradicije, kao što tekstovi Silije Hoksvort i Elke Agošton-Nikolove. Iznosi se teza da epske pesme ženskih pevačica, istina, donose izvesnu fokusiranost na žensku sudbinu, ali da u njima po pravilu nema emancipatorskog sadržaja, već da nalazimo čvrsto zastupanje patrijarhalnih načela i nacionalnih vrednosti. U drugom delu fokus je stavljen na specifičan korpus nekoliko srpsko-crnogorskih usmenih pesama u kojima srećemo motiv turskog seksualnog nasilja nad srpskim ženama, što muške likove, a implicitno i slušaoce, posebno obavezuje i bodri da se suprotstave neprijatelju. U pitanju su, između ostalih, pesme poput „Bele
Stanišića“, „Pop Lješević i Matija Jušković“ i njihove varijante, objavljene u Karadžićevim i Njegoševim zbirkama u prvoj polovini 19. veka, a potom i u spisima vodećih intelektualaca tog doba, poput Sime Milutinovića Sarajlije, Milorada Medakovića i drugih. Iznosi se teza da zaštita žena od seksualnog nasilja Turaka nije tema inherentna srpskoj epici, već da ovaj motiv nalazimo u pesmama zabeleženim od relativno obrazovanijih i nacionalno osvešćenih pevača bliskih vladajućim crkveno-političkim strukturama. Dakle, upotreba ovog motiva u srpskim epskim pesmama u specifičnom istorijskom trenutku političke borbe za nacionalnu emancipaciju upućuje na zaključak da u njima nije reč o emancipaciji ženskog subjektiviteta kao takvog, odnosno kao vrednosti po sebi, već o njegovoj instrumentalizaciji za potrebe političke i nacionalne homogenizacije.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Fakultet političkih nauka
T2  - Feministička teorija je za sve
T1  - Rodno čitanje srpske epike: seksualno nasilje kao znak rađanja nacije
SP  - 135
EP  - 151
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Aleksandar",
year = "2018",
abstract = "U uvodnom delu ovog članka razmatra se nekoliko radova u okviru feminističke kritike i interpretacije srpske usmene epske tradicije, kao što tekstovi Silije Hoksvort i Elke Agošton-Nikolove. Iznosi se teza da epske pesme ženskih pevačica, istina, donose izvesnu fokusiranost na žensku sudbinu, ali da u njima po pravilu nema emancipatorskog sadržaja, već da nalazimo čvrsto zastupanje patrijarhalnih načela i nacionalnih vrednosti. U drugom delu fokus je stavljen na specifičan korpus nekoliko srpsko-crnogorskih usmenih pesama u kojima srećemo motiv turskog seksualnog nasilja nad srpskim ženama, što muške likove, a implicitno i slušaoce, posebno obavezuje i bodri da se suprotstave neprijatelju. U pitanju su, između ostalih, pesme poput „Bele
Stanišića“, „Pop Lješević i Matija Jušković“ i njihove varijante, objavljene u Karadžićevim i Njegoševim zbirkama u prvoj polovini 19. veka, a potom i u spisima vodećih intelektualaca tog doba, poput Sime Milutinovića Sarajlije, Milorada Medakovića i drugih. Iznosi se teza da zaštita žena od seksualnog nasilja Turaka nije tema inherentna srpskoj epici, već da ovaj motiv nalazimo u pesmama zabeleženim od relativno obrazovanijih i nacionalno osvešćenih pevača bliskih vladajućim crkveno-političkim strukturama. Dakle, upotreba ovog motiva u srpskim epskim pesmama u specifičnom istorijskom trenutku političke borbe za nacionalnu emancipaciju upućuje na zaključak da u njima nije reč o emancipaciji ženskog subjektiviteta kao takvog, odnosno kao vrednosti po sebi, već o njegovoj instrumentalizaciji za potrebe političke i nacionalne homogenizacije.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Fakultet političkih nauka",
journal = "Feministička teorija je za sve",
booktitle = "Rodno čitanje srpske epike: seksualno nasilje kao znak rađanja nacije",
pages = "135-151",
url = ""
Pavlović, A.. (2018). Rodno čitanje srpske epike: seksualno nasilje kao znak rađanja nacije. in Feministička teorija je za sve
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Fakultet političkih nauka., 135-151.
Pavlović A. Rodno čitanje srpske epike: seksualno nasilje kao znak rađanja nacije. in Feministička teorija je za sve. 2018;:135-151. .
Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Rodno čitanje srpske epike: seksualno nasilje kao znak rađanja nacije" in Feministička teorija je za sve (2018):135-151, .

Politics of Enmity

Pudar Draško, Gazela; Meka, Eltion; Pavlović, Aleksandar

(Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2018)


Pudar Draško, G., Meka, E.,& Pavlović, A.. (2018). Politics of Enmity. 
Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Pudar Draško G, Meka E, Pavlović A. Politics of Enmity. 2018;. .
Pudar Draško, Gazela, Meka, Eltion, Pavlović, Aleksandar, "Politics of Enmity" (2018), .