Bulatović, Aleksandra

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Bulatović, Aleksandra (65)

Author's Bibliography

Šta možemo da radimo i kakve živote možemo da vodimo?: Blagostanje, razvoj i pravda

Konjović, Marko; Radovanović, Bojana; Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Zagreb: Fakultet političkih znanosti, 2024)

AU  - Konjović, Marko
AU  - Radovanović, Bojana
AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2024
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/3919
AB  - U ovom radu razmatra se pristup zasnovan na sposobnostima kao pojmovni okvir za procenjivanje ljudskog blagostanja, te kao normativna paradigma za procenjivanje društvenog razvoja i društvene pravde. Pristup zasnovan na sposobnostima predstavlja alternativno i bogatije viđenje društvenog razvoja, odnosno viđenje koje podrazumeva da ljudi imaju slobodu da ostvare svoje potencijale i da vode živote koje imaju razloga da vrednuju. Pored toga, pristup zasnovan na sposobnostima brani ideju da društvena pravda zahteva obezbeđivanje određenih vrednih sposobnosti svim građanima i građankama barem do nivoa koji je potreban za minimalno dostojanstven život. Poseban akcenat ovog rada stavljen je na jedan ključan problem koji opseda pristup zasnovan na sposobnostima. Naime, koje su sposobnosti vredne? Kako ih treba odrediti? Analizirajući „teorijsko-refleksivni pristup” i „deliberativno-demokratski
pristup” kao međusobno suprotstavljene pristupe projektu određenja vrednih ljudskih sposobnosti za normativne svrhe, nastojimo da pokažemo da je moguće kombinovati ova dva pristupa na plodonosan način.
AB  - This paper focuses on the capability/capabilities approach as a conceptual
framework for assessing human well-being and as a normative paradigm for
assessing human development and social justice. The capability/capabilities
approach represents an alternative and a richer view of social development; that
is, a view which implies that people have the freedom to realize their potentials
and lead lives that they have reason to value. Moreover, the capability/capabilities approach defends the idea that social justice requires the provision of certain valuable capabilities to all citizens at least to the level required for a dignified life. This paper pays special emphasis on one key problem which besets the
capability/capabilities approach. Namely, which capabilities are valuable? How
should they be determined? By analyzing the “theoretical-reflective approach”
and the “deliberative-democratic approach” as mutually opposed approaches to
the project of determining valuable human capabilities for normative purposes,
we argue that it is possible to combine these two approaches in a fruitful way.
PB  - Zagreb: Fakultet političkih znanosti
T2  - Političke perspektive: časopis za istraživanje politike
T1  - Šta možemo da radimo i kakve živote možemo da vodimo?: Blagostanje, razvoj i pravda
T1  - What are we capable of doing and what kind of lives can we lead?: Well-being, development and justice
IS  - 1
VL  - 14
SP  - 7
EP  - 31
DO  - 10.20901/pp.14.1.01
ER  - 
author = "Konjović, Marko and Radovanović, Bojana and Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2024",
abstract = "U ovom radu razmatra se pristup zasnovan na sposobnostima kao pojmovni okvir za procenjivanje ljudskog blagostanja, te kao normativna paradigma za procenjivanje društvenog razvoja i društvene pravde. Pristup zasnovan na sposobnostima predstavlja alternativno i bogatije viđenje društvenog razvoja, odnosno viđenje koje podrazumeva da ljudi imaju slobodu da ostvare svoje potencijale i da vode živote koje imaju razloga da vrednuju. Pored toga, pristup zasnovan na sposobnostima brani ideju da društvena pravda zahteva obezbeđivanje određenih vrednih sposobnosti svim građanima i građankama barem do nivoa koji je potreban za minimalno dostojanstven život. Poseban akcenat ovog rada stavljen je na jedan ključan problem koji opseda pristup zasnovan na sposobnostima. Naime, koje su sposobnosti vredne? Kako ih treba odrediti? Analizirajući „teorijsko-refleksivni pristup” i „deliberativno-demokratski
pristup” kao međusobno suprotstavljene pristupe projektu određenja vrednih ljudskih sposobnosti za normativne svrhe, nastojimo da pokažemo da je moguće kombinovati ova dva pristupa na plodonosan način., This paper focuses on the capability/capabilities approach as a conceptual
framework for assessing human well-being and as a normative paradigm for
assessing human development and social justice. The capability/capabilities
approach represents an alternative and a richer view of social development; that
is, a view which implies that people have the freedom to realize their potentials
and lead lives that they have reason to value. Moreover, the capability/capabilities approach defends the idea that social justice requires the provision of certain valuable capabilities to all citizens at least to the level required for a dignified life. This paper pays special emphasis on one key problem which besets the
capability/capabilities approach. Namely, which capabilities are valuable? How
should they be determined? By analyzing the “theoretical-reflective approach”
and the “deliberative-democratic approach” as mutually opposed approaches to
the project of determining valuable human capabilities for normative purposes,
we argue that it is possible to combine these two approaches in a fruitful way.",
publisher = "Zagreb: Fakultet političkih znanosti",
journal = "Političke perspektive: časopis za istraživanje politike",
title = "Šta možemo da radimo i kakve živote možemo da vodimo?: Blagostanje, razvoj i pravda, What are we capable of doing and what kind of lives can we lead?: Well-being, development and justice",
number = "1",
volume = "14",
pages = "7-31",
doi = "10.20901/pp.14.1.01"
Konjović, M., Radovanović, B.,& Bulatović, A.. (2024). Šta možemo da radimo i kakve živote možemo da vodimo?: Blagostanje, razvoj i pravda. in Političke perspektive: časopis za istraživanje politike
Zagreb: Fakultet političkih znanosti., 14(1), 7-31.
Konjović M, Radovanović B, Bulatović A. Šta možemo da radimo i kakve živote možemo da vodimo?: Blagostanje, razvoj i pravda. in Političke perspektive: časopis za istraživanje politike. 2024;14(1):7-31.
doi:10.20901/pp.14.1.01 .
Konjović, Marko, Radovanović, Bojana, Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Šta možemo da radimo i kakve živote možemo da vodimo?: Blagostanje, razvoj i pravda" in Političke perspektive: časopis za istraživanje politike, 14, no. 1 (2024):7-31,
https://doi.org/10.20901/pp.14.1.01 . .

Faktori ravnoteže u društvu koji pokreću i sprečavaju nasilje

Pavićević, Olivera; Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Beograd: Viktimološko društvo Srbije, 2024)

AU  - Pavićević, Olivera
AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2024
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/3920
AB  - Kontinuirani pejzaž nasilja koje se odvija paralelno sa svakodnevnim životom
podriva naš osećaj blagostanja, bezbednosti i poverenja u efikasnost institucija
koje su očigledno neuspešne u usmeravanju pojedinca da deluje i reaguje na društveno
poželjan način. Autorke u tekstu razmatraju fenomen nasilja unutar okvira objektivno
uspostavljenih struktura i sticaja datih okolnosti, među kojima dominiraju ekonomska
polarizacija i polarizacija moći, argumentujući da masovna ubistva iz vatrenog oružja
predstavljaju faktore koji značajnije utiču na pojavu i učestalost nasilja. Kako je moralna
kompetencija jedan od ključnih resursa društva za uspešno suočavanje sa adaptivnim
zahtevima, posebno tokom kriznih situacija, povećanje povezanosti, razvoj moralne
kompetencije i povećavanje empatije imperativi su za izgradnju društva koje može
dosledno i uspešno da odgovoriti na (moralne) izazove koje mu postavlja okolina. Cilj
ovog rada je da pruži osvrt na socijalne i individualne faktore kao uzročnike pojave
nasilja, društveni ambijent i opšti kontekst nasilja, kao i da ukaže na značaj moralne
kompetencije za sprečavanje nasilja i umanjenje rizika neadekvatnog reagovanja društva
na moralne izazove.
AB  - The continuous landscape of violence that unfolds parallel to everyday life
undermines our sense of well-being, security, and trust in the effectiveness of institutions
that are evidently failing to guide individuals to act and react in socially desirable
ways. In the paper, the authors explore the phenomenon of violence within the
framework of objectively established structures and the circumstances under which
economic polarization and power polarization dominate, arguing that mass shootings
represent factors that significantly influence the emergence and frequency of violence. Since moral competence is one of the key resources of society for successfully
coping with adaptive demands, particularly during crises, increasing connectedness,
developing moral competence, and enhancing empathy are imperatives for
building a society that can consistently and effectively respond to the (moral) challenges
posed by its environment. The paper aims to point towards ideas on violence
prevention by affirming the importance of moral competence in preventing violence,
thereby preventing moral confusion, and reducing the risk of society‘s inadequate
response to moral challenges.
PB  - Beograd: Viktimološko društvo Srbije
T2  - Temida
T1  - Faktori ravnoteže u društvu koji pokreću i sprečavaju nasilje
T1  - Factors of Social Equilibrium Shaping and Preventing Violence
IS  - 1
VL  - 27
SP  - 29
EP  - 52
DO  - 10.2298/TEM2401029P
ER  - 
author = "Pavićević, Olivera and Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Kontinuirani pejzaž nasilja koje se odvija paralelno sa svakodnevnim životom
podriva naš osećaj blagostanja, bezbednosti i poverenja u efikasnost institucija
koje su očigledno neuspešne u usmeravanju pojedinca da deluje i reaguje na društveno
poželjan način. Autorke u tekstu razmatraju fenomen nasilja unutar okvira objektivno
uspostavljenih struktura i sticaja datih okolnosti, među kojima dominiraju ekonomska
polarizacija i polarizacija moći, argumentujući da masovna ubistva iz vatrenog oružja
predstavljaju faktore koji značajnije utiču na pojavu i učestalost nasilja. Kako je moralna
kompetencija jedan od ključnih resursa društva za uspešno suočavanje sa adaptivnim
zahtevima, posebno tokom kriznih situacija, povećanje povezanosti, razvoj moralne
kompetencije i povećavanje empatije imperativi su za izgradnju društva koje može
dosledno i uspešno da odgovoriti na (moralne) izazove koje mu postavlja okolina. Cilj
ovog rada je da pruži osvrt na socijalne i individualne faktore kao uzročnike pojave
nasilja, društveni ambijent i opšti kontekst nasilja, kao i da ukaže na značaj moralne
kompetencije za sprečavanje nasilja i umanjenje rizika neadekvatnog reagovanja društva
na moralne izazove., The continuous landscape of violence that unfolds parallel to everyday life
undermines our sense of well-being, security, and trust in the effectiveness of institutions
that are evidently failing to guide individuals to act and react in socially desirable
ways. In the paper, the authors explore the phenomenon of violence within the
framework of objectively established structures and the circumstances under which
economic polarization and power polarization dominate, arguing that mass shootings
represent factors that significantly influence the emergence and frequency of violence. Since moral competence is one of the key resources of society for successfully
coping with adaptive demands, particularly during crises, increasing connectedness,
developing moral competence, and enhancing empathy are imperatives for
building a society that can consistently and effectively respond to the (moral) challenges
posed by its environment. The paper aims to point towards ideas on violence
prevention by affirming the importance of moral competence in preventing violence,
thereby preventing moral confusion, and reducing the risk of society‘s inadequate
response to moral challenges.",
publisher = "Beograd: Viktimološko društvo Srbije",
journal = "Temida",
title = "Faktori ravnoteže u društvu koji pokreću i sprečavaju nasilje, Factors of Social Equilibrium Shaping and Preventing Violence",
number = "1",
volume = "27",
pages = "29-52",
doi = "10.2298/TEM2401029P"
Pavićević, O.,& Bulatović, A.. (2024). Faktori ravnoteže u društvu koji pokreću i sprečavaju nasilje. in Temida
Beograd: Viktimološko društvo Srbije., 27(1), 29-52.
Pavićević O, Bulatović A. Faktori ravnoteže u društvu koji pokreću i sprečavaju nasilje. in Temida. 2024;27(1):29-52.
doi:10.2298/TEM2401029P .
Pavićević, Olivera, Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Faktori ravnoteže u društvu koji pokreću i sprečavaju nasilje" in Temida, 27, no. 1 (2024):29-52,
https://doi.org/10.2298/TEM2401029P . .

What is normalcy?

Fatić, Aleksandar; Bulatović, Aleksandra; Korać, Srđan

(Centar za bioetiku Fakulteta filozofije i religijskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2023)

AU  - Fatić, Aleksandar
AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
AU  - Korać, Srđan
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2926
AB  - Normalcy is a controversial concept in modern psychotherapy, which suffers from the postmodernist woes of seeking to question the very normative foundations of what is personal and collective wellbeing and thus, also, ‘mental health’. In this paper we reaffirm the concept of normalcy along the Lacanian psychoanalytic lines of socialization and internalization of projections of virtue and the underlying values adopted by the community. In the process, we distinguish between the constitutive elements of individual normalcy, resilience as an attribute of mental health (and, thus, of normalcy) that is associated with the propositional characteristics of individual normalcy, and institutional and social normalcy as parallel to individual normalcy.
PB  - Centar za bioetiku Fakulteta filozofije i religijskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
T2  - Bioetička motrišta o mentalnom zdravlju (Bioethical viewpoints on mental health)
T1  - What is normalcy?
SP  - 75
EP  - 96
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2926
ER  - 
author = "Fatić, Aleksandar and Bulatović, Aleksandra and Korać, Srđan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Normalcy is a controversial concept in modern psychotherapy, which suffers from the postmodernist woes of seeking to question the very normative foundations of what is personal and collective wellbeing and thus, also, ‘mental health’. In this paper we reaffirm the concept of normalcy along the Lacanian psychoanalytic lines of socialization and internalization of projections of virtue and the underlying values adopted by the community. In the process, we distinguish between the constitutive elements of individual normalcy, resilience as an attribute of mental health (and, thus, of normalcy) that is associated with the propositional characteristics of individual normalcy, and institutional and social normalcy as parallel to individual normalcy.",
publisher = "Centar za bioetiku Fakulteta filozofije i religijskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu",
journal = "Bioetička motrišta o mentalnom zdravlju (Bioethical viewpoints on mental health)",
booktitle = "What is normalcy?",
pages = "75-96",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2926"
Fatić, A., Bulatović, A.,& Korać, S.. (2023). What is normalcy?. in Bioetička motrišta o mentalnom zdravlju (Bioethical viewpoints on mental health)
Centar za bioetiku Fakulteta filozofije i religijskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu., 75-96.
Fatić A, Bulatović A, Korać S. What is normalcy?. in Bioetička motrišta o mentalnom zdravlju (Bioethical viewpoints on mental health). 2023;:75-96.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2926 .
Fatić, Aleksandar, Bulatović, Aleksandra, Korać, Srđan, "What is normalcy?" in Bioetička motrišta o mentalnom zdravlju (Bioethical viewpoints on mental health) (2023):75-96,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2926 .

Noise and Well-Being

Bulatović, Aleksandra

(14th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, 2023)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2023
UR  - file:///C:/Users/ifdt/Downloads/presenting189.pdf
UR  - https://icben2023.com/papers
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/3346
AB  - Listening is, both, the first step in communication, and affects how we move. What we hear defines
our life. Our health, quality of life, and social communication depend on what we hear and directly
determine the measure of our well-being.
Noise is inseparable from questions of power and powerlessness and from questions about conflict,
rights, abuse, and usurpation. In the context of spatial justice being is a concept uniting issues of
spatial management and social justice and is based on the idea that all social problems and injustices
have their representation in physical space, noise represents an indicator of the asymmetry of rights
and the state of political culture in the community. Such circumstances lead people to have difficulties
in understanding each other, threatening good interpersonal relations. Hence, sustainable noise
management as a matter of general interest must meet all community members’ needs.
Noise is one of the most acute manifestations of the structural problems of managing spatial
resources in a society because it reflects the exclusion of citizens from the decision-making process,
the privatization of public space, and the manipulation of public interest. Understanding the
numerous aspects of the harmful effects of noise, from health risks to endangering rights, the
measure of social disapproval and condemnation is increasing and the requirements for effective
noise protection are intensifying. Due to its far-reaching implications for our well-being, noise, and
noise protection are expected to become issues of special political interest and the distributional
effects of noise mitigating efforts to gain an important place in political processes in society
PB  - 14th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem
C3  - International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise
T1  - Noise and Well-Being
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3346
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Listening is, both, the first step in communication, and affects how we move. What we hear defines
our life. Our health, quality of life, and social communication depend on what we hear and directly
determine the measure of our well-being.
Noise is inseparable from questions of power and powerlessness and from questions about conflict,
rights, abuse, and usurpation. In the context of spatial justice being is a concept uniting issues of
spatial management and social justice and is based on the idea that all social problems and injustices
have their representation in physical space, noise represents an indicator of the asymmetry of rights
and the state of political culture in the community. Such circumstances lead people to have difficulties
in understanding each other, threatening good interpersonal relations. Hence, sustainable noise
management as a matter of general interest must meet all community members’ needs.
Noise is one of the most acute manifestations of the structural problems of managing spatial
resources in a society because it reflects the exclusion of citizens from the decision-making process,
the privatization of public space, and the manipulation of public interest. Understanding the
numerous aspects of the harmful effects of noise, from health risks to endangering rights, the
measure of social disapproval and condemnation is increasing and the requirements for effective
noise protection are intensifying. Due to its far-reaching implications for our well-being, noise, and
noise protection are expected to become issues of special political interest and the distributional
effects of noise mitigating efforts to gain an important place in political processes in society",
publisher = "14th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem",
journal = "International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise",
title = "Noise and Well-Being",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3346"
Bulatović, A.. (2023). Noise and Well-Being. in International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise
14th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem..
Bulatović A. Noise and Well-Being. in International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise. 2023;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3346 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Noise and Well-Being" in International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise (2023),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3346 .

Enhancing individual resilience through philosophical consultations

Bulatović, Aleksandra

(The Romanian Association of Philosophical and Ethical Counseling, 2023)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://icpp2023.ro/aleksandra-bulatovic/
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/3261
AB  - Resilience is one of the most traditional attributes to mental health that are used both for diagnosis and for the evaluation of success of psychotherapy. In addition, resilience is a traditional measure of personal maturity, where the person’s ability to withstand stress, frustration or less are seen as critical markers of one’s personal maturity. However, in psychotherapy resilience is often seen in a narrow context, without paying sufficient attention to the social and group dynamics that both give rise to resilience and influence it. This paper is about resilience as a valuable concept in steering and controlling the effectiveness of philosophical consultancy on various levels, including individual, group  and broader social and policy issues with which philosophical consultancy also ought to concern itself.
PB  - The Romanian Association of Philosophical and Ethical Counseling
C3  - The 17th International Conference on Philosophical Practice: „Sophia, counseling and intercultural approach to philosophical practice"
T1  - Enhancing individual resilience through philosophical consultations
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3261
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Resilience is one of the most traditional attributes to mental health that are used both for diagnosis and for the evaluation of success of psychotherapy. In addition, resilience is a traditional measure of personal maturity, where the person’s ability to withstand stress, frustration or less are seen as critical markers of one’s personal maturity. However, in psychotherapy resilience is often seen in a narrow context, without paying sufficient attention to the social and group dynamics that both give rise to resilience and influence it. This paper is about resilience as a valuable concept in steering and controlling the effectiveness of philosophical consultancy on various levels, including individual, group  and broader social and policy issues with which philosophical consultancy also ought to concern itself.",
publisher = "The Romanian Association of Philosophical and Ethical Counseling",
journal = "The 17th International Conference on Philosophical Practice: „Sophia, counseling and intercultural approach to philosophical practice"",
title = "Enhancing individual resilience through philosophical consultations",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3261"
Bulatović, A.. (2023). Enhancing individual resilience through philosophical consultations. in The 17th International Conference on Philosophical Practice: „Sophia, counseling and intercultural approach to philosophical practice"
The Romanian Association of Philosophical and Ethical Counseling..
Bulatović A. Enhancing individual resilience through philosophical consultations. in The 17th International Conference on Philosophical Practice: „Sophia, counseling and intercultural approach to philosophical practice". 2023;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3261 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Enhancing individual resilience through philosophical consultations" in The 17th International Conference on Philosophical Practice: „Sophia, counseling and intercultural approach to philosophical practice" (2023),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3261 .

Uloga organizacija građanskog društva u konstituisanju antikorupcijske politike u Srbiji

Bulatović, Aleksandra; Korać, Srđan

(Beograd: Institut za političke studije, 2023)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
AU  - Korać, Srđan
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2816
AB  - Рад истражује како су организације грађанског друштва у Србији, након политичких промена започетих 5. октобра 2000. године, одиграле суштинску улогу у артикулисању корупције као виталног јавног питања, подизању свести јавности и вршењу притиска на тадашње власти да уврсти ово питање у политички дневни ред. Наша анализа се фокусира на два нивоа активности организација грађанског друштва: 1) истраживачке напоре у циљу правилног разумевања феноменологије корупције као првог корака ка доброј концептуализацији различитих антикорупцијских мера, и 2) образовне иницијативе које имају за циљ преношење знања и добре праксе у погледу методологије и политике борбе против корупције из постиндустријских друштава и других посткомунистичких земаља. Временски оквир наше анализе обухвата период од 5. октобра 2000. до децембра 2005. године, који видимо као почетну фазу ангажовања организација цивилног друштва у антикорупцијској политици у Србији, пре доношења прве националне антикорупцијске стратегије. Упркос широком спектру активности и скромним ресурсима, организације грађанског друштва су имале утицај на деловање власти, јавних институција и медија. Аутори закључују да су антикорупцијска достигнућа српских организација грађанског друштва у посматраном периоду била релативно ограничена хроничним дефицитом политичке, професионалне и моралне одговорности свих друштвених актера, а што је све посредно исход „системске грешке” у стратешком осмишљавању јавних политика у борби против корупције – непрепознавање одсуства партиципативне политичке културе.
AB  - The paper illuminates how civil society organisations in Serbia, in the aftermath of the political changes initiated on 5 October 2000, played the essential role in articulating corruption as a vital public issue, raising awareness of the public, and putting pressure on the then governments to include this issue in the political agenda. Our analysis focuses on two planes of civil society organisations activities: 1) research efforts aimed at properly understanding the phenomenology of corruption as the first step towards sound conceptualisation of various anti-corruption measures, and 2) educational initiatives aimed at transferring knowledge and good practice in anti-corruption methodology and policies from post-industrial societies and other post-communist countries. The timeframe of our analysis embraces the period from 5 October 2000 to December 2005, which we see as the initial phase of engaging civil society organisations in anti-corruption policy in Serbia, before the National Anti-Corruption Strategy was adopted. After the changes in October 2000, civil society organizations in Serbia have acted as a significant factor in raising public awareness of corruption as well as in building anti-corruption institutional and normative infrastructure. From campaigns that targeted all stakeholders (citizens, media, business sector, decision makers) aiming at changing their priorities and interests, to participating in the set-up of public policies in the field of rule of law and monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption laws and strategic commitment, civil society organisations that operated within very wide range of activities, successfully influenced both the institutions and the general public. Despite wide range of activities and modest resources, civil society organisations had an impact on actions of the government, public institutions, and the media. The fight against corruption became one of the central issues in the then Serbia’s political debate. Yet the anti-corruption achievements of Serbian civil society organisations in the period 2000–2005, were limited due to a chronic deficit of political, professional, and moral responsibility of all social actors, resulting in “systemic error” of public policies strategic design aimed at combating corruption – the lack of a participatory political culture. The lack of a participatory political culture in citizen action has limited efficiency in achieving development policy goals, and in implementation and monitoring of public policies relevant to curbing corruption. Belief has been established, that citizens do not ask questions and therefore do not have the power to exercise policy influence nor to shape the environment in which they live. As the concept of political community is a special construct based on democracy and human rights, non-inclusiveness as previously outlined here destructively affected society by making deeper asymmetries of all kinds due to disintegrating influence that prevents the final community constitution through democratic institutions.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za političke studije
T2  - Srpska politička misao
T1  - Uloga organizacija građanskog društva u konstituisanju antikorupcijske politike u Srbiji
IS  - 1
VL  - 73
SP  - 101
EP  - 123
DO  - 10.5937/spm79-42800
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra and Korać, Srđan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Рад истражује како су организације грађанског друштва у Србији, након политичких промена започетих 5. октобра 2000. године, одиграле суштинску улогу у артикулисању корупције као виталног јавног питања, подизању свести јавности и вршењу притиска на тадашње власти да уврсти ово питање у политички дневни ред. Наша анализа се фокусира на два нивоа активности организација грађанског друштва: 1) истраживачке напоре у циљу правилног разумевања феноменологије корупције као првог корака ка доброј концептуализацији различитих антикорупцијских мера, и 2) образовне иницијативе које имају за циљ преношење знања и добре праксе у погледу методологије и политике борбе против корупције из постиндустријских друштава и других посткомунистичких земаља. Временски оквир наше анализе обухвата период од 5. октобра 2000. до децембра 2005. године, који видимо као почетну фазу ангажовања организација цивилног друштва у антикорупцијској политици у Србији, пре доношења прве националне антикорупцијске стратегије. Упркос широком спектру активности и скромним ресурсима, организације грађанског друштва су имале утицај на деловање власти, јавних институција и медија. Аутори закључују да су антикорупцијска достигнућа српских организација грађанског друштва у посматраном периоду била релативно ограничена хроничним дефицитом политичке, професионалне и моралне одговорности свих друштвених актера, а што је све посредно исход „системске грешке” у стратешком осмишљавању јавних политика у борби против корупције – непрепознавање одсуства партиципативне политичке културе., The paper illuminates how civil society organisations in Serbia, in the aftermath of the political changes initiated on 5 October 2000, played the essential role in articulating corruption as a vital public issue, raising awareness of the public, and putting pressure on the then governments to include this issue in the political agenda. Our analysis focuses on two planes of civil society organisations activities: 1) research efforts aimed at properly understanding the phenomenology of corruption as the first step towards sound conceptualisation of various anti-corruption measures, and 2) educational initiatives aimed at transferring knowledge and good practice in anti-corruption methodology and policies from post-industrial societies and other post-communist countries. The timeframe of our analysis embraces the period from 5 October 2000 to December 2005, which we see as the initial phase of engaging civil society organisations in anti-corruption policy in Serbia, before the National Anti-Corruption Strategy was adopted. After the changes in October 2000, civil society organizations in Serbia have acted as a significant factor in raising public awareness of corruption as well as in building anti-corruption institutional and normative infrastructure. From campaigns that targeted all stakeholders (citizens, media, business sector, decision makers) aiming at changing their priorities and interests, to participating in the set-up of public policies in the field of rule of law and monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption laws and strategic commitment, civil society organisations that operated within very wide range of activities, successfully influenced both the institutions and the general public. Despite wide range of activities and modest resources, civil society organisations had an impact on actions of the government, public institutions, and the media. The fight against corruption became one of the central issues in the then Serbia’s political debate. Yet the anti-corruption achievements of Serbian civil society organisations in the period 2000–2005, were limited due to a chronic deficit of political, professional, and moral responsibility of all social actors, resulting in “systemic error” of public policies strategic design aimed at combating corruption – the lack of a participatory political culture. The lack of a participatory political culture in citizen action has limited efficiency in achieving development policy goals, and in implementation and monitoring of public policies relevant to curbing corruption. Belief has been established, that citizens do not ask questions and therefore do not have the power to exercise policy influence nor to shape the environment in which they live. As the concept of political community is a special construct based on democracy and human rights, non-inclusiveness as previously outlined here destructively affected society by making deeper asymmetries of all kinds due to disintegrating influence that prevents the final community constitution through democratic institutions.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za političke studije",
journal = "Srpska politička misao",
title = "Uloga organizacija građanskog društva u konstituisanju antikorupcijske politike u Srbiji",
number = "1",
volume = "73",
pages = "101-123",
doi = "10.5937/spm79-42800"
Bulatović, A.,& Korać, S.. (2023). Uloga organizacija građanskog društva u konstituisanju antikorupcijske politike u Srbiji. in Srpska politička misao
Beograd: Institut za političke studije., 73(1), 101-123.
Bulatović A, Korać S. Uloga organizacija građanskog društva u konstituisanju antikorupcijske politike u Srbiji. in Srpska politička misao. 2023;73(1):101-123.
doi:10.5937/spm79-42800 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, Korać, Srđan, "Uloga organizacija građanskog društva u konstituisanju antikorupcijske politike u Srbiji" in Srpska politička misao, 73, no. 1 (2023):101-123,
https://doi.org/10.5937/spm79-42800 . .

Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih političkih prava

Fatić, Aleksandar; Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Beograd : Institut za političke studije, 2022)

AU  - Fatić, Aleksandar
AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2700
AB  - Pitanja o ljudskim pravima se danas diskutuju pre svega u kontekstu individualnih prava, kao suprotstavljenih kolektivnim interesima. U skladu sa dugom liberalnom političkom tradicijom, ljudska prava se uglavnom sagledavaju kao suštinski protivna kolektivnim pravima, koja mogu ograničiti slobodu pojedinca da pravi izbore koji bi mogli ugroziti relevantne kolektivne interese. U ovom tekstu se ljudska prava sagledavaju kao izvedena socijalna prava. Kao što priroda i identitet zajednice kojoj pojedinac pripada bitno određuju identitet tog pojedinca (Agambenov pojam „Socialitas”, ili „društvenosti”), individualna prava nemaju puno značenje van konteksta vrednosti, prava i interesa zajednice. Opisani kontekst tek omogućava postojanje autentičnog i čvrstog pojma nacionalnog interesa. Po definiciji, nacionalni interesi su povezani sa kolektivnim pravima i vizijama zajednice; oni nikad ne počivaju na pogledima i stavovima individualnog, izolovanog pojedinca. Jedno od ključnih kolektivnih prava, i u isto vreme kolektivnih interesa, koje konstituiše nacionalni interes je skup prava porodice. U ovom tekstu se argumentiše da odgovarajuća zaštita porodice i porodičnih prava baca senku na samu pretpostavku o moralnosti i političkoj legitimnosti različitih savremenih ideologija, uključujući i feminističku ideologiju, koje sugerišu da, umesto da se štite prava i interesi porodice kao primarni nacionalni interes, država treba da štiti pojedince od porodice. Ideologije koje porodicu predstavljaju kao toksičnu, kao izvor pretnje individualnoj dobrobiti, u stvari su antisocijalne, totalitarne ideologije. Najveći broj argumenata koje takve ideologije iznose protiv porodice u stvari se sa jednakom snagom mogu primeniti protiv socijalnosti bilo kog tipa. Stoga u ovom tekstu argumentujemo da se Agambenov „moralni imperativ” da svaki pojedinac doprinosi, na načine koji su mu na raspolaganju, socijalnosti njegovog društva, odnosi na odgovarajuće razumevanje porodice i treba da se shvati kao sama osnova anti-totalitarnog mišljenja.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za političke studije
T2  - Srpska politička misao
T1  - Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih političkih prava
IS  - 3
VL  - 25
SP  - 93
EP  - 117
DO  - 10.22182/spm.7732022.5
ER  - 
author = "Fatić, Aleksandar and Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Pitanja o ljudskim pravima se danas diskutuju pre svega u kontekstu individualnih prava, kao suprotstavljenih kolektivnim interesima. U skladu sa dugom liberalnom političkom tradicijom, ljudska prava se uglavnom sagledavaju kao suštinski protivna kolektivnim pravima, koja mogu ograničiti slobodu pojedinca da pravi izbore koji bi mogli ugroziti relevantne kolektivne interese. U ovom tekstu se ljudska prava sagledavaju kao izvedena socijalna prava. Kao što priroda i identitet zajednice kojoj pojedinac pripada bitno određuju identitet tog pojedinca (Agambenov pojam „Socialitas”, ili „društvenosti”), individualna prava nemaju puno značenje van konteksta vrednosti, prava i interesa zajednice. Opisani kontekst tek omogućava postojanje autentičnog i čvrstog pojma nacionalnog interesa. Po definiciji, nacionalni interesi su povezani sa kolektivnim pravima i vizijama zajednice; oni nikad ne počivaju na pogledima i stavovima individualnog, izolovanog pojedinca. Jedno od ključnih kolektivnih prava, i u isto vreme kolektivnih interesa, koje konstituiše nacionalni interes je skup prava porodice. U ovom tekstu se argumentiše da odgovarajuća zaštita porodice i porodičnih prava baca senku na samu pretpostavku o moralnosti i političkoj legitimnosti različitih savremenih ideologija, uključujući i feminističku ideologiju, koje sugerišu da, umesto da se štite prava i interesi porodice kao primarni nacionalni interes, država treba da štiti pojedince od porodice. Ideologije koje porodicu predstavljaju kao toksičnu, kao izvor pretnje individualnoj dobrobiti, u stvari su antisocijalne, totalitarne ideologije. Najveći broj argumenata koje takve ideologije iznose protiv porodice u stvari se sa jednakom snagom mogu primeniti protiv socijalnosti bilo kog tipa. Stoga u ovom tekstu argumentujemo da se Agambenov „moralni imperativ” da svaki pojedinac doprinosi, na načine koji su mu na raspolaganju, socijalnosti njegovog društva, odnosi na odgovarajuće razumevanje porodice i treba da se shvati kao sama osnova anti-totalitarnog mišljenja.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za političke studije",
journal = "Srpska politička misao",
title = "Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih političkih prava",
number = "3",
volume = "25",
pages = "93-117",
doi = "10.22182/spm.7732022.5"
Fatić, A.,& Bulatović, A.. (2022). Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih političkih prava. in Srpska politička misao
Beograd : Institut za političke studije., 25(3), 93-117.
Fatić A, Bulatović A. Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih političkih prava. in Srpska politička misao. 2022;25(3):93-117.
doi:10.22182/spm.7732022.5 .
Fatić, Aleksandar, Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih političkih prava" in Srpska politička misao, 25, no. 3 (2022):93-117,
https://doi.org/10.22182/spm.7732022.5 . .

Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih i političkih prava

Bulatović, Aleksandra; Fatić, Aleksandar

(Beograd: Institut za političke studije, 2022)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
AU  - Fatić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2686
AB  - Pitanja o ljudskim pravima se danas diskutuju pre svega u kontekstu individualnih prava, kao suprotstavljenih kolektivnim interesima. U skladu sa dugom liberalnom političkom tradicijom, ljudska prava se uglavnom sagledavaju kao suštinski protivna kolektivnim pravima, koja mogu ograničiti slobodu pojedinca da pravi izbore koji bi mogli ugroziti relevantne kolektivne interese. U ovom tekstu se ljudska prava sagledavaju kao izvedena socijalna prava. Kao što priroda i identitet zajednice kojoj pojedican pripada bitno određuju identitet tog pojedinca (Agambenov pojam „Socialitas“, ili „društvenosti“), individualna prava nemaju puno značenje van konteksta vrednosti, prava i interesa zajednice. Opisani kontekst tek omogućava postojanje autentičnog i čvrstog pojma nacionalnog interesa. Po definiciji, nacionalni interesi su povezani sa kolektivnim pravima i vizijama zajednice; oni nikad ne počivaju na pogledima i stavovima individualnog, izolovanog pojedinca. Jedno od ključnih kolektivnih prava, i u isto vreme kolektivnih interesa, koje konstituiše nacionalni interes je skup prava porodice. U ovom tekstu se argumentiše da odgovarajuća zaštita porodice i porodičnih prava baca senku na samu pretpostavku o moralnosti i političkoj legitimnosti različitih savremenih ideologija, uključujući i feminističku ideologiju, koje sugerišu da, umesto da se štite prava i interesi porodice kao primarni nacionalni interes, država treba da štiti pojedince od porodice. Ideologije koje porodicu predstavljaju kao toksičnu, kao izvor pretnje individualnoj dobrobiti, u stvari su antisocijalne, totalitarne ideologije. Najveći broj argumenata koje takve ideologije iznose protiv porodice u stvari se sa jednakom snagom mogu primeniti protiv socijalnosti bilo kog tipa. Stoga u ovom tekstu argumentišemo da se Agambenov „moralni imperativ“ da svaki pojedinac doprinosi, na načine koji su mu na raspolaganju, soijalnosti njegovog društva, odnosi na odgovarajuće razumevanje porodice i treba da se shvati kao sama osnova anti-totalitarnog mišljenja.
AB  - Issues of human rights are prevalently discussed as pertaining to individual rights as opposed to collective interests. Following the long liberal political tradition, human rights tend to be seen as potentially in opposition to collective rights, which may limit the liberty of the individual to make choices that would militate against the relevant collective interests. In this paper, we argue that individual rights ought to be seen as derivative, social rights. Just as an individual’s identity is markedly determined by the nature and identity of the community one belongs to (Agamben’s concept of ‘Socialitas’ or sociality), individual rights have little meaning outside the context of values, rights and entitlements of one’s community. This is a context that gives rise to the concept of national interest. By definition, national interests are associated with collective rights, entitlements and visions; they are never associated with the views and positions of a single, discrete individual. One of the key collective rights that constitutes national interest is the set of rights of the family. We argue that protecting the family and family rights casts a shadow on the very morality and political legitimacy of the various ideologies of today, including that of feminism, which suggest that, rather than protecting family rights and interests as a primary national policy the state should protect individuals from the family. The ideologies which portray the family as toxic, as a source of threat to individual well-being, are in fact antisocial, totalitarian ideologies, as most of the arguments levied by such ideologies against the family can bear with equal force against Socialitas of any type, against sociality. We argue that Agamben’s ‘moral imperative’ for any individual to contribute, by whatever means one has at one’s disposal, to one’s sociality, applies to our understanding of the family and ought to be taken as a foundation of anti-totalitarian thinking.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za političke studije
T2  - Srpska politička misao
T1  - Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih i političkih prava
IS  - 3
VL  - 77
SP  - 93
EP  - 117
DO  - 10.22182/spm.7732022.5
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra and Fatić, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Pitanja o ljudskim pravima se danas diskutuju pre svega u kontekstu individualnih prava, kao suprotstavljenih kolektivnim interesima. U skladu sa dugom liberalnom političkom tradicijom, ljudska prava se uglavnom sagledavaju kao suštinski protivna kolektivnim pravima, koja mogu ograničiti slobodu pojedinca da pravi izbore koji bi mogli ugroziti relevantne kolektivne interese. U ovom tekstu se ljudska prava sagledavaju kao izvedena socijalna prava. Kao što priroda i identitet zajednice kojoj pojedican pripada bitno određuju identitet tog pojedinca (Agambenov pojam „Socialitas“, ili „društvenosti“), individualna prava nemaju puno značenje van konteksta vrednosti, prava i interesa zajednice. Opisani kontekst tek omogućava postojanje autentičnog i čvrstog pojma nacionalnog interesa. Po definiciji, nacionalni interesi su povezani sa kolektivnim pravima i vizijama zajednice; oni nikad ne počivaju na pogledima i stavovima individualnog, izolovanog pojedinca. Jedno od ključnih kolektivnih prava, i u isto vreme kolektivnih interesa, koje konstituiše nacionalni interes je skup prava porodice. U ovom tekstu se argumentiše da odgovarajuća zaštita porodice i porodičnih prava baca senku na samu pretpostavku o moralnosti i političkoj legitimnosti različitih savremenih ideologija, uključujući i feminističku ideologiju, koje sugerišu da, umesto da se štite prava i interesi porodice kao primarni nacionalni interes, država treba da štiti pojedince od porodice. Ideologije koje porodicu predstavljaju kao toksičnu, kao izvor pretnje individualnoj dobrobiti, u stvari su antisocijalne, totalitarne ideologije. Najveći broj argumenata koje takve ideologije iznose protiv porodice u stvari se sa jednakom snagom mogu primeniti protiv socijalnosti bilo kog tipa. Stoga u ovom tekstu argumentišemo da se Agambenov „moralni imperativ“ da svaki pojedinac doprinosi, na načine koji su mu na raspolaganju, soijalnosti njegovog društva, odnosi na odgovarajuće razumevanje porodice i treba da se shvati kao sama osnova anti-totalitarnog mišljenja., Issues of human rights are prevalently discussed as pertaining to individual rights as opposed to collective interests. Following the long liberal political tradition, human rights tend to be seen as potentially in opposition to collective rights, which may limit the liberty of the individual to make choices that would militate against the relevant collective interests. In this paper, we argue that individual rights ought to be seen as derivative, social rights. Just as an individual’s identity is markedly determined by the nature and identity of the community one belongs to (Agamben’s concept of ‘Socialitas’ or sociality), individual rights have little meaning outside the context of values, rights and entitlements of one’s community. This is a context that gives rise to the concept of national interest. By definition, national interests are associated with collective rights, entitlements and visions; they are never associated with the views and positions of a single, discrete individual. One of the key collective rights that constitutes national interest is the set of rights of the family. We argue that protecting the family and family rights casts a shadow on the very morality and political legitimacy of the various ideologies of today, including that of feminism, which suggest that, rather than protecting family rights and interests as a primary national policy the state should protect individuals from the family. The ideologies which portray the family as toxic, as a source of threat to individual well-being, are in fact antisocial, totalitarian ideologies, as most of the arguments levied by such ideologies against the family can bear with equal force against Socialitas of any type, against sociality. We argue that Agamben’s ‘moral imperative’ for any individual to contribute, by whatever means one has at one’s disposal, to one’s sociality, applies to our understanding of the family and ought to be taken as a foundation of anti-totalitarian thinking.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za političke studije",
journal = "Srpska politička misao",
title = "Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih i političkih prava",
number = "3",
volume = "77",
pages = "93-117",
doi = "10.22182/spm.7732022.5"
Bulatović, A.,& Fatić, A.. (2022). Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih i političkih prava. in Srpska politička misao
Beograd: Institut za političke studije., 77(3), 93-117.
Bulatović A, Fatić A. Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih i političkih prava. in Srpska politička misao. 2022;77(3):93-117.
doi:10.22182/spm.7732022.5 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, Fatić, Aleksandar, "Porodica kao kategorija kolektivnih i političkih prava" in Srpska politička misao, 77, no. 3 (2022):93-117,
https://doi.org/10.22182/spm.7732022.5 . .

The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force

Bojić, Ljubiša; Bulatović, Aleksandra; Žikić, Simona

(Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, 2022)

AU  - Bojić, Ljubiša
AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
AU  - Žikić, Simona
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2716
AB  - Recommender algorithms shape societies by individually expo sing online
users to everything they see, hear and feel in real time. We examine the development
of recommender algorithms from t he Page Rank and advertising platforms to social
media trending tools to draw conclusions about their social effects. Decisions on how
to simplify the complex world around us into dozens of possibilities immensely affect
societies and individuals. Similar to our perceptive apparatus, algorithms are eyes and
ears in the online world, as they focus our attention towards what they „think” should be
important, which is similar to news priming. That is why recommender algorithms are
compared to mass media, given their similar roles to sell products and prolong content
exposure of online users. This inquiry concludes that AI driven recommender algorithms
represent the most powerful social force at present.
PB  - Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju
T2  - Etnoantropološki problemi
T1  - The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force
IS  - 2
VL  - 17
DO  - 10.21301/eap.v17i2.11
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Ljubiša and Bulatović, Aleksandra and Žikić, Simona",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Recommender algorithms shape societies by individually expo sing online
users to everything they see, hear and feel in real time. We examine the development
of recommender algorithms from t he Page Rank and advertising platforms to social
media trending tools to draw conclusions about their social effects. Decisions on how
to simplify the complex world around us into dozens of possibilities immensely affect
societies and individuals. Similar to our perceptive apparatus, algorithms are eyes and
ears in the online world, as they focus our attention towards what they „think” should be
important, which is similar to news priming. That is why recommender algorithms are
compared to mass media, given their similar roles to sell products and prolong content
exposure of online users. This inquiry concludes that AI driven recommender algorithms
represent the most powerful social force at present.",
publisher = "Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju",
journal = "Etnoantropološki problemi",
title = "The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force",
number = "2",
volume = "17",
doi = "10.21301/eap.v17i2.11"
Bojić, L., Bulatović, A.,& Žikić, S.. (2022). The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force. in Etnoantropološki problemi
Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju., 17(2).
Bojić L, Bulatović A, Žikić S. The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force. in Etnoantropološki problemi. 2022;17(2).
doi:10.21301/eap.v17i2.11 .
Bojić, Ljubiša, Bulatović, Aleksandra, Žikić, Simona, "The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force" in Etnoantropološki problemi, 17, no. 2 (2022),
https://doi.org/10.21301/eap.v17i2.11 . .

The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force

Bojić, Ljubiša; Bulatović, Aleksandra; Žikić, Simona

(Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade – Department of Ethnology and Anthropology., 2022)

AU  - Bojić, Ljubiša
AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
AU  - Žikić, Simona
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2687
AB  - Recommender algorithms shape societies by individually exposing online users to everything they see, hear and feel online in real time. We examine development of recommender algorithms from the Page Rank and advertising platforms to Social Media Trending tools to draw conclusions about their social effects. Decisions on how to simplify the complex world around us into dozens of possibilities immensely affect societies and individuals. Similar to our perceptive apparatus, algorithms are eyes and ears in the online world, as they focus our attention towards what they "think" should be important, which is similar to news priming. That's why recommender algorithms are compared to mass media given their similar roles to sell products and prolong content exposure of online users. This inquiry concludes that AI driven recommender algorithms represent the most powerful social force at present. This indicates that recommender algorithms should be transparent to everyone and controlled by society as a public good. As recommender algorithms are usually based on artificial intelligence, human beings cannot see what's inside the black box, but should be able to set them for the benefit of individual and social well being. The fact that algorithms can be customized empowers societies to tackle the issues such as fake news, social polarization, echo chambers and spread of negative emotions, which ultimately affect individual well being and democratic capacity. Limitation of this inquiry is lack of quantitative analyisis. The main recommendations for further research is experiment on how much algorithms can predict our needs and wants.
PB  - Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade – Department of Ethnology and Anthropology.
T2  - Etnoantropološki problemi
T1  - The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force
IS  - 2
VL  - 17
SP  - 719
EP  - 744
DO  - 10.21301/eap.v17i2.11
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Ljubiša and Bulatović, Aleksandra and Žikić, Simona",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Recommender algorithms shape societies by individually exposing online users to everything they see, hear and feel online in real time. We examine development of recommender algorithms from the Page Rank and advertising platforms to Social Media Trending tools to draw conclusions about their social effects. Decisions on how to simplify the complex world around us into dozens of possibilities immensely affect societies and individuals. Similar to our perceptive apparatus, algorithms are eyes and ears in the online world, as they focus our attention towards what they "think" should be important, which is similar to news priming. That's why recommender algorithms are compared to mass media given their similar roles to sell products and prolong content exposure of online users. This inquiry concludes that AI driven recommender algorithms represent the most powerful social force at present. This indicates that recommender algorithms should be transparent to everyone and controlled by society as a public good. As recommender algorithms are usually based on artificial intelligence, human beings cannot see what's inside the black box, but should be able to set them for the benefit of individual and social well being. The fact that algorithms can be customized empowers societies to tackle the issues such as fake news, social polarization, echo chambers and spread of negative emotions, which ultimately affect individual well being and democratic capacity. Limitation of this inquiry is lack of quantitative analyisis. The main recommendations for further research is experiment on how much algorithms can predict our needs and wants.",
publisher = "Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade – Department of Ethnology and Anthropology.",
journal = "Etnoantropološki problemi",
title = "The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force",
number = "2",
volume = "17",
pages = "719-744",
doi = "10.21301/eap.v17i2.11"
Bojić, L., Bulatović, A.,& Žikić, S.. (2022). The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force. in Etnoantropološki problemi
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade – Department of Ethnology and Anthropology.., 17(2), 719-744.
Bojić L, Bulatović A, Žikić S. The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force. in Etnoantropološki problemi. 2022;17(2):719-744.
doi:10.21301/eap.v17i2.11 .
Bojić, Ljubiša, Bulatović, Aleksandra, Žikić, Simona, "The Scary Black Box: AI Driven Recommender Algorithms as The Most Powerful Social Force" in Etnoantropološki problemi, 17, no. 2 (2022):719-744,
https://doi.org/10.21301/eap.v17i2.11 . .

Socijalno-ekološki pristup saradnji Srbije i Kosova

Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2022)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/3194
AB  - Iako danas o Srbiji i Kosovu govorimo kao o post-konfliktnim društvima, njihove odnose već decenijama određuje niz otvorenih pitanja. Životna sredina pruža kontekst izvan tradicionalnih nacionalno-centričnih modaliteta odnosa koji ima potencijal za ostvarivanje kohezivnih veza koje su neophodne za prevazilaženje sukoba i uspostavljanje održive saradnje. Za transformaciju sukoba ključno je pomiriti različite perspektive koje akteri imaju. Fokusiranjem onog što oni rade i razumevanjem njihovih razloga da tako postupaju, stvaraju se uslovi za kreiranje odnosa u kojima je moguće zaštiti specifične potrebe i ciljeve i, istovremeno, zajednički doprinositi rešavanju problema životne sredine koje samostalno nije moguće rešavati.
PB  - Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup
T1  - Socijalno-ekološki pristup saradnji Srbije i Kosova
SP  - 97
EP  - 108
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3194
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Iako danas o Srbiji i Kosovu govorimo kao o post-konfliktnim društvima, njihove odnose već decenijama određuje niz otvorenih pitanja. Životna sredina pruža kontekst izvan tradicionalnih nacionalno-centričnih modaliteta odnosa koji ima potencijal za ostvarivanje kohezivnih veza koje su neophodne za prevazilaženje sukoba i uspostavljanje održive saradnje. Za transformaciju sukoba ključno je pomiriti različite perspektive koje akteri imaju. Fokusiranjem onog što oni rade i razumevanjem njihovih razloga da tako postupaju, stvaraju se uslovi za kreiranje odnosa u kojima je moguće zaštiti specifične potrebe i ciljeve i, istovremeno, zajednički doprinositi rešavanju problema životne sredine koje samostalno nije moguće rešavati.",
publisher = "Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup",
booktitle = "Socijalno-ekološki pristup saradnji Srbije i Kosova",
pages = "97-108",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3194"
Bulatović, A.. (2022). Socijalno-ekološki pristup saradnji Srbije i Kosova. in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup
Priština : Institut za socijalne politike Musine Kokalari; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 97-108.
Bulatović A. Socijalno-ekološki pristup saradnji Srbije i Kosova. in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup. 2022;:97-108.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3194 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Socijalno-ekološki pristup saradnji Srbije i Kosova" in Kosovo – Srbija: Drugačiji pristup (2022):97-108,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3194 .

Šta je u imenu: definicija organizovanog kriminala

Bulatović, Aleksandra; Nemanja, Jovanović

(Beograd: Etnografski Institut SANU, 2022)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
AU  - Nemanja, Jovanović
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2548
AB  - This paper provides an insight into the phenomenology of organised crime as a historical and contemporary experience, and discusses issues related to understanding and definitions. Since the social environment determines significance of organised crime in society, the paper highlights influence of political context in normative design of organised crime acts through the presentation of the genesis of criminal organisation. The paper also offers an analysis of the essential conceptual connections between various understanding of organised crime, primarily in the sense in which it is reflected in the norms, given that normative definitions of organised crime are typically influenced by the understanding of how organised crime generates social danger. By offering historical and anthropological overview of organised crime normative regulation, the authors seek to contribute to a deeper understanding of this socially destructive phenomenon and related challenges in social control state of affairs.
AB  - Ovaj rad daje uvid u pojavnost organizovanog kriminala kao istorijskog i kao savremenog fenomena i razmatra pitanja njegovog razumevanja i definisanja. Pošto je društveni ambijent definišući za ulogu i značaj koje organizovani kriminal ima u društvu, u radu se ukazuje na uticaj političkog konteksta na njegovo određenje kroz prikaz geneze kriminalnog organizovanja. U radu je ponuđena i analiza suštinskih pojmovnih veza između shvatanja organizovanog kriminala, pre svega u onom smislu u kome se ona reflektovala u normativi, budući da su normativna određenja krivičnog dela organizovanog kriminala uvek pod uticajem shvatanja o tome kako organizovani kriminal generiše društvenu opasnost. Ovakvim osvrtom na nastanak normi kojima se reguliše krivično delo organizovanog kriminala, autori nastoje da daju doprinos produbljenom razumevanju izazova u društvenoj kontroli ove društveno destruktivne pojave.
PB  - Beograd: Etnografski Institut SANU
T2  - Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU
T1  - Šta je u imenu: definicija organizovanog kriminala
T1  - What’s In a Name: Definition of Organised Crime
IS  - 70
SP  - 265
EP  - 287
DO  - 10.2298/GEI2201265B
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra and Nemanja, Jovanović",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This paper provides an insight into the phenomenology of organised crime as a historical and contemporary experience, and discusses issues related to understanding and definitions. Since the social environment determines significance of organised crime in society, the paper highlights influence of political context in normative design of organised crime acts through the presentation of the genesis of criminal organisation. The paper also offers an analysis of the essential conceptual connections between various understanding of organised crime, primarily in the sense in which it is reflected in the norms, given that normative definitions of organised crime are typically influenced by the understanding of how organised crime generates social danger. By offering historical and anthropological overview of organised crime normative regulation, the authors seek to contribute to a deeper understanding of this socially destructive phenomenon and related challenges in social control state of affairs., Ovaj rad daje uvid u pojavnost organizovanog kriminala kao istorijskog i kao savremenog fenomena i razmatra pitanja njegovog razumevanja i definisanja. Pošto je društveni ambijent definišući za ulogu i značaj koje organizovani kriminal ima u društvu, u radu se ukazuje na uticaj političkog konteksta na njegovo određenje kroz prikaz geneze kriminalnog organizovanja. U radu je ponuđena i analiza suštinskih pojmovnih veza između shvatanja organizovanog kriminala, pre svega u onom smislu u kome se ona reflektovala u normativi, budući da su normativna određenja krivičnog dela organizovanog kriminala uvek pod uticajem shvatanja o tome kako organizovani kriminal generiše društvenu opasnost. Ovakvim osvrtom na nastanak normi kojima se reguliše krivično delo organizovanog kriminala, autori nastoje da daju doprinos produbljenom razumevanju izazova u društvenoj kontroli ove društveno destruktivne pojave.",
publisher = "Beograd: Etnografski Institut SANU",
journal = "Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU",
title = "Šta je u imenu: definicija organizovanog kriminala, What’s In a Name: Definition of Organised Crime",
number = "70",
pages = "265-287",
doi = "10.2298/GEI2201265B"
Bulatović, A.,& Nemanja, J.. (2022). Šta je u imenu: definicija organizovanog kriminala. in Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU
Beograd: Etnografski Institut SANU.(70), 265-287.
Bulatović A, Nemanja J. Šta je u imenu: definicija organizovanog kriminala. in Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU. 2022;(70):265-287.
doi:10.2298/GEI2201265B .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, Nemanja, Jovanović, "Šta je u imenu: definicija organizovanog kriminala" in Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU, no. 70 (2022):265-287,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GEI2201265B . .

Crna ekonomija i crno društvo

Bulatović, Aleksandra; Pavićević, Olivera

(Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2021)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
AU  - Pavićević, Olivera
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2243
AB  - Ova monografija je podeljena u osam celina u kojima se prikazuje analitički tok postavljenih
polaznih pretpostavki o kriminalnom preduzetništvu kao nastavku legitimnog poslovanja
nelegalnim sredstvima. Polazeći od karakteristika funkcionisanja entiteta organizovanog
kriminala u 21. veku, u knjizi se bliže sagledava tržišna podloga nastanka organizovanog
kriminala koja se zasniva na disfunkcionalnim javnim institucijama. Kada država efikasno nudi
usluge koje u slabim državam nudi organizovani kriminal (naplata dugova, zaštita od nasilja i
iznude, efektivne transakcije u novcu i dobrima itd.), prostor za tržišni plasman „proizvoda“ se
znatno sužava. Pošto dobro upravljanje smanjuje tržište za organizovani kriminal, on evoluira u
transnacionalne forme. Zbog toga se autorke u knjizi detaljno bave pitanjima adekvatnog
represivnog odgovora na nove vidove transnacionalnog organizovanog kriminaliteta. Zaključna
razmatranja su posvećena kontrolnim strategijama, a razmatran je i procenjivan realistički
doseg povoljnih posledica koje politika suprotstavljanaj organizovanom kriminalu proizvodi u
sferi zaštite korupuisa ljudskih i građanskih prava zahvaćenih kroz kategorije i institucije
demokratskog političkog sistema.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T1  - Crna ekonomija i crno društvo
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2243
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra and Pavićević, Olivera",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Ova monografija je podeljena u osam celina u kojima se prikazuje analitički tok postavljenih
polaznih pretpostavki o kriminalnom preduzetništvu kao nastavku legitimnog poslovanja
nelegalnim sredstvima. Polazeći od karakteristika funkcionisanja entiteta organizovanog
kriminala u 21. veku, u knjizi se bliže sagledava tržišna podloga nastanka organizovanog
kriminala koja se zasniva na disfunkcionalnim javnim institucijama. Kada država efikasno nudi
usluge koje u slabim državam nudi organizovani kriminal (naplata dugova, zaštita od nasilja i
iznude, efektivne transakcije u novcu i dobrima itd.), prostor za tržišni plasman „proizvoda“ se
znatno sužava. Pošto dobro upravljanje smanjuje tržište za organizovani kriminal, on evoluira u
transnacionalne forme. Zbog toga se autorke u knjizi detaljno bave pitanjima adekvatnog
represivnog odgovora na nove vidove transnacionalnog organizovanog kriminaliteta. Zaključna
razmatranja su posvećena kontrolnim strategijama, a razmatran je i procenjivan realistički
doseg povoljnih posledica koje politika suprotstavljanaj organizovanom kriminalu proizvodi u
sferi zaštite korupuisa ljudskih i građanskih prava zahvaćenih kroz kategorije i institucije
demokratskog političkog sistema.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
title = "Crna ekonomija i crno društvo",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2243"
Bulatović, A.,& Pavićević, O.. (2021). Crna ekonomija i crno društvo. 
Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Bulatović A, Pavićević O. Crna ekonomija i crno društvo. 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2243 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, Pavićević, Olivera, "Crna ekonomija i crno društvo" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2243 .

Moralna normativnost i duševno zdravlje: lakanovsko razumevanje neuroze i psihoze u svetlu integrativne terapije

Fatić, Aleksandar; Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2021)

AU  - Fatić, Aleksandar
AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2452
AB  - U tekstu je reč o fundamentalnom razumevanju duševnog zdravlja kao nekoj vrsti društvene idealizacije: konceptualizacija idealno zdrave ličnosti u praksi je slična idealizaciji onih osobina ličnosti koje se u odgovarajućem društvu smatraju idealno poželjnim. Stepenovanje duševnog zdravlja zatim se vrši na osnovu aproksimacije tom idealu.
Ova vrsta shvatanja duševnog zdravlja podrazumeva i razumevanje dobro integrisane ličnosti kao manje ili više sinoniman pojam dobro socijalizovanoj ličnosti. U lakanovskoj psihoanalizi osnovni činilac socijalizacije, istovremeno nosical simbolizacije iskustva, pre svega moralno normativne simbolizacije, upravo je glavni signifikator "Ime Oca", koji upućuje na funkciju očinske figure u socijalizaciji deteta koju mogu vršiti različiti akteri u životu pojedinca.
Na osnovu razumevanja signifikatora Ime Oca, Lacan i lacanovci izvode jasno razgraničene koncepcije neuroze i psihoze, i, na osnovu toga, sasvim različite, metodološki radikalno raznorodne, pristupe u lečenju jednog i drugog.
U tekstu se razmatra različita funkcija moralne normativnosti u konstituciji subjektiviteta u slučaju neuroze i psihoze i nudi se jedna donekle originalna perspektiva u duhu lakanovskih interpretacija do sada, prema kojoj svest o značaju i instrumentalnoj korisnosti moralnog normativiteta definiše duševno zdravlje, a funkcioniše dinamički i strukturno različito u slučaju neuroze i slučaju psihoze.
AB  - The paper focuses on an understanding of mental health as a sort of social idealisation: the conceptualisation of an ideally healthy personality, in practice, usually overlaps with the idealisation of those personality traits which, in the respective society, are considered particularly desirable. The quantification of mental health is then conducted based on the approximation of an individual's situation with the mentioned ideal.
The described view of mental health presupposes a corresponding understanding of a well integrated personality as more or less synonimous with a well socialised personality. In Lacanian psychoanalysis, the main factor of socialisation, and at the same time the carrier of symbolisation of experience (primarily of its morally normative symbolisation) is the main signified "Name of the Father", which suggests the morally formative role of the father figure in the socialisation of a child  (a function which, admittedly, can be performed by others, as well as by the actual father).
Based on an interpretation of the signifier Name of the Father, Lacan and the Lacanians derive clearly delineated conceptualisations of neurosis and psychosis and, consequently, methodologically radically different approaches to treating the former and the latter.
The paper discusses the roles of moral normativity in the constitution of subjectivity in the case of neurosis and of psychosis, and offers a perspective which is to some extent novel, however still in line with the main Lacanian interpretations offerred so far: the interpretation whereby it is the awareness of the significance of one's choices and the instrumental usefulness of the moral normativity one adopts that define mental health. This awareness of moral normativity functions dynamically and structurally differently in neurosis and in psychosis.
PB  - Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
T1  - Moralna normativnost i duševno zdravlje: lakanovsko razumevanje neuroze i psihoze u svetlu integrativne terapije
T1  - Moral normativity and mental health: Lacanian view of neurosis and psychosis in the light of integrative psychotherapy
SP  - 203
EP  - 218
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2452
ER  - 
author = "Fatić, Aleksandar and Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2021",
abstract = "U tekstu je reč o fundamentalnom razumevanju duševnog zdravlja kao nekoj vrsti društvene idealizacije: konceptualizacija idealno zdrave ličnosti u praksi je slična idealizaciji onih osobina ličnosti koje se u odgovarajućem društvu smatraju idealno poželjnim. Stepenovanje duševnog zdravlja zatim se vrši na osnovu aproksimacije tom idealu.
Ova vrsta shvatanja duševnog zdravlja podrazumeva i razumevanje dobro integrisane ličnosti kao manje ili više sinoniman pojam dobro socijalizovanoj ličnosti. U lakanovskoj psihoanalizi osnovni činilac socijalizacije, istovremeno nosical simbolizacije iskustva, pre svega moralno normativne simbolizacije, upravo je glavni signifikator "Ime Oca", koji upućuje na funkciju očinske figure u socijalizaciji deteta koju mogu vršiti različiti akteri u životu pojedinca.
Na osnovu razumevanja signifikatora Ime Oca, Lacan i lacanovci izvode jasno razgraničene koncepcije neuroze i psihoze, i, na osnovu toga, sasvim različite, metodološki radikalno raznorodne, pristupe u lečenju jednog i drugog.
U tekstu se razmatra različita funkcija moralne normativnosti u konstituciji subjektiviteta u slučaju neuroze i psihoze i nudi se jedna donekle originalna perspektiva u duhu lakanovskih interpretacija do sada, prema kojoj svest o značaju i instrumentalnoj korisnosti moralnog normativiteta definiše duševno zdravlje, a funkcioniše dinamički i strukturno različito u slučaju neuroze i slučaju psihoze., The paper focuses on an understanding of mental health as a sort of social idealisation: the conceptualisation of an ideally healthy personality, in practice, usually overlaps with the idealisation of those personality traits which, in the respective society, are considered particularly desirable. The quantification of mental health is then conducted based on the approximation of an individual's situation with the mentioned ideal.
The described view of mental health presupposes a corresponding understanding of a well integrated personality as more or less synonimous with a well socialised personality. In Lacanian psychoanalysis, the main factor of socialisation, and at the same time the carrier of symbolisation of experience (primarily of its morally normative symbolisation) is the main signified "Name of the Father", which suggests the morally formative role of the father figure in the socialisation of a child  (a function which, admittedly, can be performed by others, as well as by the actual father).
Based on an interpretation of the signifier Name of the Father, Lacan and the Lacanians derive clearly delineated conceptualisations of neurosis and psychosis and, consequently, methodologically radically different approaches to treating the former and the latter.
The paper discusses the roles of moral normativity in the constitution of subjectivity in the case of neurosis and of psychosis, and offers a perspective which is to some extent novel, however still in line with the main Lacanian interpretations offerred so far: the interpretation whereby it is the awareness of the significance of one's choices and the instrumental usefulness of the moral normativity one adopts that define mental health. This awareness of moral normativity functions dynamically and structurally differently in neurosis and in psychosis.",
publisher = "Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu",
booktitle = "Moralna normativnost i duševno zdravlje: lakanovsko razumevanje neuroze i psihoze u svetlu integrativne terapije, Moral normativity and mental health: Lacanian view of neurosis and psychosis in the light of integrative psychotherapy",
pages = "203-218",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2452"
Fatić, A.,& Bulatović, A.. (2021). Moralna normativnost i duševno zdravlje: lakanovsko razumevanje neuroze i psihoze u svetlu integrativne terapije. 
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu., 203-218.
Fatić A, Bulatović A. Moralna normativnost i duševno zdravlje: lakanovsko razumevanje neuroze i psihoze u svetlu integrativne terapije. 2021;:203-218.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2452 .
Fatić, Aleksandar, Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Moralna normativnost i duševno zdravlje: lakanovsko razumevanje neuroze i psihoze u svetlu integrativne terapije" (2021):203-218,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2452 .


Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2021)


Bulatović, A.. (2021). Otpor. in Pojmovnik angažmana
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 54-55.
Bulatović A. Otpor. in Pojmovnik angažmana. 2021;:54-55.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3195 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Otpor" in Pojmovnik angažmana (2021):54-55,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_3195 .

Žene i bezbednost: Integrativni pristup otpornosti

Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 2021)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2449
AB  - Otpornost se opisuje kao sposobnost da se na izazove odgovori putem adaptacije, jer prilagođavanje omogućava oporavak i razvoj. Koncept otpornost je blisko povezan sa konceptom dobrobiti koji se razume kroz unapređivanje ljudske egzistencije u različitih sferama. Kvalitet života predstavlja temeljni element dobrobiti, a dinamično sagledavanje rizika i intenzivnih promena u društvu usmeravaju modernu perspektivu na bezbednost koja fenomenološki stoji u osnovama ljudskih potreba.
Povezanost daje ogromnu prednost u kriznim situacijama, jer kohezija u zajednici kreira potencijal za prevazilađenje krize. Uključivanje žena kao akterki u sferi bezbednosti usmereno je na postizanje takve kohezije, jer podrazumeva korigovanje asimetrije moći učesnika, subjekta bezbednosti i subjekta opasnosti. U radu se sagledava društvena regulacija uloge žena u bezbednosnoj sferi kako bi se utvrdili elementi povezanosti u odnosu na one koji dovode do izolovanosti. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na to da funkcionalan pristup obezbeđivanju bezbednosti, kao vrednosti koja omogućava održivost i razvoj zajednice, podrazumeva integrativan pristup otpornosti, odn. potrebu uključivanja žena kao akterki u sistem bezbednosti, jer društvena praksa koja nema integrativan pristup bezbednosnoj strategiji lišava to društvo njegovih ukupnih atributa i time negativno utiče na njegovu otpornost umanjujući je.
AB  - Resilience is described as the ability to respond to challenges through adaptation, because adaptation enables recovery and development. The concept of resilience is closely related to the concept of well-being, which is understood through the improvement of human existence in various spheres. Quality of life is a fundamental element of well-being, and the dynamics of perception of risks and intense changes in society shape the modern perspective on security, which is phenomenologically at the core of human needs.

Social connections gives huge advantage in crisis situations, because cohesion in the community creates the potential to overcome the crisis. The inclusion of women as actors in the security sphere is aimed at achieving such cohesion, because it implies correcting the asymmetry of power of the participants (i.g. the subject of security and the subject of danger). The paper examines the social regulation of the role of women in the security sphere in order to determine and relate what enables building of social networks and what leads to isolation. The aim of this paper is to highlight a functional approach to security determined as a value that enables sustainability and community development, Such social function of security implies an integrative approach to resilience that features women as actors within the security system, because a social practice that does not have an integrative approach to security strategy deprives that society of its overall attributes and thus negatively affects its resilience by diminishing it.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja
T2  - Feminizam, aktivizam, politike: proizvodnja znanja na poluperiferiji
T1  - Žene i bezbednost: Integrativni pristup otpornosti
T1  - Women and Security: An Integrative Approach to Resilience
SP  - 431
EP  - 442
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2449
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Otpornost se opisuje kao sposobnost da se na izazove odgovori putem adaptacije, jer prilagođavanje omogućava oporavak i razvoj. Koncept otpornost je blisko povezan sa konceptom dobrobiti koji se razume kroz unapređivanje ljudske egzistencije u različitih sferama. Kvalitet života predstavlja temeljni element dobrobiti, a dinamično sagledavanje rizika i intenzivnih promena u društvu usmeravaju modernu perspektivu na bezbednost koja fenomenološki stoji u osnovama ljudskih potreba.
Povezanost daje ogromnu prednost u kriznim situacijama, jer kohezija u zajednici kreira potencijal za prevazilađenje krize. Uključivanje žena kao akterki u sferi bezbednosti usmereno je na postizanje takve kohezije, jer podrazumeva korigovanje asimetrije moći učesnika, subjekta bezbednosti i subjekta opasnosti. U radu se sagledava društvena regulacija uloge žena u bezbednosnoj sferi kako bi se utvrdili elementi povezanosti u odnosu na one koji dovode do izolovanosti. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na to da funkcionalan pristup obezbeđivanju bezbednosti, kao vrednosti koja omogućava održivost i razvoj zajednice, podrazumeva integrativan pristup otpornosti, odn. potrebu uključivanja žena kao akterki u sistem bezbednosti, jer društvena praksa koja nema integrativan pristup bezbednosnoj strategiji lišava to društvo njegovih ukupnih atributa i time negativno utiče na njegovu otpornost umanjujući je., Resilience is described as the ability to respond to challenges through adaptation, because adaptation enables recovery and development. The concept of resilience is closely related to the concept of well-being, which is understood through the improvement of human existence in various spheres. Quality of life is a fundamental element of well-being, and the dynamics of perception of risks and intense changes in society shape the modern perspective on security, which is phenomenologically at the core of human needs.

Social connections gives huge advantage in crisis situations, because cohesion in the community creates the potential to overcome the crisis. The inclusion of women as actors in the security sphere is aimed at achieving such cohesion, because it implies correcting the asymmetry of power of the participants (i.g. the subject of security and the subject of danger). The paper examines the social regulation of the role of women in the security sphere in order to determine and relate what enables building of social networks and what leads to isolation. The aim of this paper is to highlight a functional approach to security determined as a value that enables sustainability and community development, Such social function of security implies an integrative approach to resilience that features women as actors within the security system, because a social practice that does not have an integrative approach to security strategy deprives that society of its overall attributes and thus negatively affects its resilience by diminishing it.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja",
journal = "Feminizam, aktivizam, politike: proizvodnja znanja na poluperiferiji",
booktitle = "Žene i bezbednost: Integrativni pristup otpornosti, Women and Security: An Integrative Approach to Resilience",
pages = "431-442",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2449"
Bulatović, A.. (2021). Žene i bezbednost: Integrativni pristup otpornosti. in Feminizam, aktivizam, politike: proizvodnja znanja na poluperiferiji
Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja., 431-442.
Bulatović A. Žene i bezbednost: Integrativni pristup otpornosti. in Feminizam, aktivizam, politike: proizvodnja znanja na poluperiferiji. 2021;:431-442.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2449 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Žene i bezbednost: Integrativni pristup otpornosti" in Feminizam, aktivizam, politike: proizvodnja znanja na poluperiferiji (2021):431-442,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2449 .

Evolving framework for an alternative resilience to resilient capitalism

Bulatović, Aleksandra; Pavićević, Olivera

(Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies, 2021)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
AU  - Pavićević, Olivera
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2312
AB  - Resilience is contemporary theoretical and practical mainstream framework approach in risk management. Emerging new forms of response to crisis and novel dynamics in addressing it challenge it and spur changes. Changes in relations are being initiated at global, regional, and local scales. Post-liberal social practices are being generated within the neoliberal practice itself, as an open-ended and potentially transformative process of resilient subjects that actively participate in those processes. In contrast with neoliberal practice, post-liberal practices rest on individual capacity for change, not on an actors’ agency to adapt. If choice between transformation and adaptation is a matter of free autonomous action, it implies that the subject is not reduced to the level of mere adaptation to changes and that autonomous actor has capacity to exercise influence. 
The main idea highlighted in this article is that of human agency as the central point of resilience. In the course of social learning process and participative decision-making, resilience becomes rooted in social actors fostering collective transformation in challenging times. The aim of this article is to contest the concept of resilience as a feature of mainstream theoretical discourse on resilient capitalism, by highlighting elements of an alternative perspective on neoliberal, individualistic, entrepreneurial forms of 'resilience'. The authors use this idea to suggest a paradigm shift in humanities on the basis of alternative routes of development as offered by alternative resilience to resilient capitalism.
PB  - Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies
T2  - Beyond Capitalism and Neoliberalism
T1  - Evolving framework for an alternative resilience to resilient capitalism
SP  - 339
EP  - 351
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2312
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra and Pavićević, Olivera",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Resilience is contemporary theoretical and practical mainstream framework approach in risk management. Emerging new forms of response to crisis and novel dynamics in addressing it challenge it and spur changes. Changes in relations are being initiated at global, regional, and local scales. Post-liberal social practices are being generated within the neoliberal practice itself, as an open-ended and potentially transformative process of resilient subjects that actively participate in those processes. In contrast with neoliberal practice, post-liberal practices rest on individual capacity for change, not on an actors’ agency to adapt. If choice between transformation and adaptation is a matter of free autonomous action, it implies that the subject is not reduced to the level of mere adaptation to changes and that autonomous actor has capacity to exercise influence. 
The main idea highlighted in this article is that of human agency as the central point of resilience. In the course of social learning process and participative decision-making, resilience becomes rooted in social actors fostering collective transformation in challenging times. The aim of this article is to contest the concept of resilience as a feature of mainstream theoretical discourse on resilient capitalism, by highlighting elements of an alternative perspective on neoliberal, individualistic, entrepreneurial forms of 'resilience'. The authors use this idea to suggest a paradigm shift in humanities on the basis of alternative routes of development as offered by alternative resilience to resilient capitalism.",
publisher = "Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies",
journal = "Beyond Capitalism and Neoliberalism",
booktitle = "Evolving framework for an alternative resilience to resilient capitalism",
pages = "339-351",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2312"
Bulatović, A.,& Pavićević, O.. (2021). Evolving framework for an alternative resilience to resilient capitalism. in Beyond Capitalism and Neoliberalism
Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies., 339-351.
Bulatović A, Pavićević O. Evolving framework for an alternative resilience to resilient capitalism. in Beyond Capitalism and Neoliberalism. 2021;:339-351.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2312 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, Pavićević, Olivera, "Evolving framework for an alternative resilience to resilient capitalism" in Beyond Capitalism and Neoliberalism (2021):339-351,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2312 .

Well–being as a key matter of philosophical reflection and practice

Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Konstanc: Hartung-Gorre Verlag, 2019)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2322
AB  - Philosophy is concerned with trying to make sense of ourselves and the world we live in. However, philosophical reflection and action seem to be mutually exclusive — contemporary academic philosophy has a removed position from the public and the everyday concerns of ordinary people that are ultimately related to assessing quality of life in contemporary society, e.g. well–being as the way in which people experience the quality of their lives. From a functional point of view, the concepts of well–being in its individual and its social guise are almost identical.

The traditional intervention horizon of the helping professions with regard to well–being has been re–set by philosophical practice that emerged as a cultivating methodology by the community of philosophical practitioners gathering philosophers ranging from the so–called philosophical ‘generalists’ to specialists from varied fields as philosophy of language on the one hand and traditional metaphysics, on the other, engaged in consultations, advice of organizations or facilitating Socratic group dialogue. The common denominator of all these philosophers’ work is their quest to allow the wisdom, experience and conceptual rigour that characterise philosophy to bear upon the solution of everyday individual or organisational problems, dilemmas and issues. When it is seen in this way, philosophical practice can be understood as sustainably enhancing individual and social well–being. Being fundamental and systematic philosophy is about curiosity faced with the perennial questions of life, meaning and values, whilst philosophical practice being reflection, is related to every aspect of life and changes the way we view the world so it seeks to use philosophy to foster the quality and transparency of the meaning of life, both organisational (or corporate) and individual. This paper seeks to address some of the therapeutic consequences that philosophical practice can have on both subjective and collective well–being.
PB  - Konstanc: Hartung-Gorre Verlag
T2  - Philosophische Praxis 6: Philosohpiere!
T1  - Well–being as a key matter of philosophical reflection and practice
SP  - 70
EP  - 81
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2322
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Philosophy is concerned with trying to make sense of ourselves and the world we live in. However, philosophical reflection and action seem to be mutually exclusive — contemporary academic philosophy has a removed position from the public and the everyday concerns of ordinary people that are ultimately related to assessing quality of life in contemporary society, e.g. well–being as the way in which people experience the quality of their lives. From a functional point of view, the concepts of well–being in its individual and its social guise are almost identical.

The traditional intervention horizon of the helping professions with regard to well–being has been re–set by philosophical practice that emerged as a cultivating methodology by the community of philosophical practitioners gathering philosophers ranging from the so–called philosophical ‘generalists’ to specialists from varied fields as philosophy of language on the one hand and traditional metaphysics, on the other, engaged in consultations, advice of organizations or facilitating Socratic group dialogue. The common denominator of all these philosophers’ work is their quest to allow the wisdom, experience and conceptual rigour that characterise philosophy to bear upon the solution of everyday individual or organisational problems, dilemmas and issues. When it is seen in this way, philosophical practice can be understood as sustainably enhancing individual and social well–being. Being fundamental and systematic philosophy is about curiosity faced with the perennial questions of life, meaning and values, whilst philosophical practice being reflection, is related to every aspect of life and changes the way we view the world so it seeks to use philosophy to foster the quality and transparency of the meaning of life, both organisational (or corporate) and individual. This paper seeks to address some of the therapeutic consequences that philosophical practice can have on both subjective and collective well–being.",
publisher = "Konstanc: Hartung-Gorre Verlag",
journal = "Philosophische Praxis 6: Philosohpiere!",
booktitle = "Well–being as a key matter of philosophical reflection and practice",
pages = "70-81",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2322"
Bulatović, A.. (2019). Well–being as a key matter of philosophical reflection and practice. in Philosophische Praxis 6: Philosohpiere!
Konstanc: Hartung-Gorre Verlag., 70-81.
Bulatović A. Well–being as a key matter of philosophical reflection and practice. in Philosophische Praxis 6: Philosohpiere!. 2019;:70-81.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2322 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Well–being as a key matter of philosophical reflection and practice" in Philosophische Praxis 6: Philosohpiere! (2019):70-81,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2322 .

Socijalna zaštita u Srbiji: Između potreba i funkcionalnog sistema

Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2311
AB  - U savremenim državama građani, po pravilu, gledaju na institucije iz ugla zadovoljavanja svojih egzistencijalnih interesa i potreba. Potrebe društva bi trebalo da usmeravaju javni interes, te predstavljaju svrhu delanja kada se javna moć savesno upotrebljava sa ciljem da se poveća opšte blagostanje društva. Najšire posmatrano, uloga savremenih institucija koje čine sistem socijalne zaštite se sastoji u pomaganju i podržavanju svakog pojedinca i porodice kojima je to neophodno radi savladavanja socijalnih i životnih teškoća. Socijalna zaštita koja je ovako koncipirana trebalo bi da obezbedi minimalan nivo blagostanja i socijalnu podršku za sve građane. U uslovima koji definišu potrebe za socijalnom zaštitom u Srbiji danas, a to su ograničenja spram dostupnih resursa i umanjena socijalna kohezija,  delotvornija i efikasnija socijalna zaštita ima posebni značaj za očuvanje održivog razvoja društva.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Otete institucije u Srbiji: тeorija i praksa
T1  - Socijalna zaštita u Srbiji: Između potreba i funkcionalnog sistema
SP  - 171
EP  - 186
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2311
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2019",
abstract = "U savremenim državama građani, po pravilu, gledaju na institucije iz ugla zadovoljavanja svojih egzistencijalnih interesa i potreba. Potrebe društva bi trebalo da usmeravaju javni interes, te predstavljaju svrhu delanja kada se javna moć savesno upotrebljava sa ciljem da se poveća opšte blagostanje društva. Najšire posmatrano, uloga savremenih institucija koje čine sistem socijalne zaštite se sastoji u pomaganju i podržavanju svakog pojedinca i porodice kojima je to neophodno radi savladavanja socijalnih i životnih teškoća. Socijalna zaštita koja je ovako koncipirana trebalo bi da obezbedi minimalan nivo blagostanja i socijalnu podršku za sve građane. U uslovima koji definišu potrebe za socijalnom zaštitom u Srbiji danas, a to su ograničenja spram dostupnih resursa i umanjena socijalna kohezija,  delotvornija i efikasnija socijalna zaštita ima posebni značaj za očuvanje održivog razvoja društva.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Otete institucije u Srbiji: тeorija i praksa",
booktitle = "Socijalna zaštita u Srbiji: Između potreba i funkcionalnog sistema",
pages = "171-186",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2311"
Bulatović, A.. (2019). Socijalna zaštita u Srbiji: Između potreba i funkcionalnog sistema. in Otete institucije u Srbiji: тeorija i praksa
Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 171-186.
Bulatović A. Socijalna zaštita u Srbiji: Između potreba i funkcionalnog sistema. in Otete institucije u Srbiji: тeorija i praksa. 2019;:171-186.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2311 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Socijalna zaštita u Srbiji: Između potreba i funkcionalnog sistema" in Otete institucije u Srbiji: тeorija i praksa (2019):171-186,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2311 .

Otpornost: Asimetrije makro-diskursa i mikro praksi

Pavićević, Olivera; Bulatović, Aleksandra; Ilijić, Ljeposava

(Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 2019)

AU  - Pavićević, Olivera
AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
AU  - Ilijić, Ljeposava
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2315
AB  - Otpornost je fundamentalna čovekova funkcija koja, kroz adaptaciju na nepovoljne, stresne i rizične okolnosti kao postojeću ili naučenu veštinu, omogućava pozitivan ishod njegovog funkcionisanja uprkos teškoćama. Ovako određen koncept fenomena otpornosti u savremenim uslovima se razmatra kao element strukture javnih politika (makro-diskurs) ― otpornost se određuje normativnim i vrednosnim aspektima koji utvrđuju za koga je otpornost dobra, šta se njome brani i šta su prihvatljivi načini za njeno ostvarivanje i razvijanje.  Otpornost se može posmatrati i kao mikro-proces, na nivou  lokalnih zajednica, kao lokalna praksa, lokalni kapacitet i spontano samoorganizovanje uz uvažavavanje visokog stepena lokalne autonomije. Razlika između ova dva nivoa delovanja otpornosti (makro i mikro) nekada suprotstavlja dva elementa otpornosti, a to su zahtev za adaptacijom, sa jedne strane i zahtev za transformacijom, sa druge. Otpornost kao penološki fenomen otkriva se kroz uporedivost koncepta otpornosti sa konceptom odustajanja od kriminala, što opravdava fokusiranje mehanizama koji omogućavaju da se ta dva procesa. Ovo ima poseban značaj u vezi sa praktičnim implikacijama za rad sa ranjivim kategorijama stanovništva jer ovi koncepti podrazumevaju da je pojedinac aktivan subjekt, nosilac procesa izgradnje i jačanja vlastitih pozitivnih kapaciteta, uprkos onom što trpi, i usmereni su na identifikovanje snage umesto rizika ili deficita.

Cilj ove knjige o otpornosti je otvaranje prostora za interpretaciju otpornosti u kontekstu izgradnje socijalnog kapitala, na osnovu razmatranja dominatnih normativnih i vrednosnih postavki, različitih polaznih perspektiva o tome ko su nosioci otpornosti, kakva je njihova pozicija u društvenoj strukturi i kako se otpornost interpretira.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja
T1  - Otpornost: Asimetrije makro-diskursa i mikro praksi
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2315
ER  - 
author = "Pavićević, Olivera and Bulatović, Aleksandra and Ilijić, Ljeposava",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Otpornost je fundamentalna čovekova funkcija koja, kroz adaptaciju na nepovoljne, stresne i rizične okolnosti kao postojeću ili naučenu veštinu, omogućava pozitivan ishod njegovog funkcionisanja uprkos teškoćama. Ovako određen koncept fenomena otpornosti u savremenim uslovima se razmatra kao element strukture javnih politika (makro-diskurs) ― otpornost se određuje normativnim i vrednosnim aspektima koji utvrđuju za koga je otpornost dobra, šta se njome brani i šta su prihvatljivi načini za njeno ostvarivanje i razvijanje.  Otpornost se može posmatrati i kao mikro-proces, na nivou  lokalnih zajednica, kao lokalna praksa, lokalni kapacitet i spontano samoorganizovanje uz uvažavavanje visokog stepena lokalne autonomije. Razlika između ova dva nivoa delovanja otpornosti (makro i mikro) nekada suprotstavlja dva elementa otpornosti, a to su zahtev za adaptacijom, sa jedne strane i zahtev za transformacijom, sa druge. Otpornost kao penološki fenomen otkriva se kroz uporedivost koncepta otpornosti sa konceptom odustajanja od kriminala, što opravdava fokusiranje mehanizama koji omogućavaju da se ta dva procesa. Ovo ima poseban značaj u vezi sa praktičnim implikacijama za rad sa ranjivim kategorijama stanovništva jer ovi koncepti podrazumevaju da je pojedinac aktivan subjekt, nosilac procesa izgradnje i jačanja vlastitih pozitivnih kapaciteta, uprkos onom što trpi, i usmereni su na identifikovanje snage umesto rizika ili deficita.

Cilj ove knjige o otpornosti je otvaranje prostora za interpretaciju otpornosti u kontekstu izgradnje socijalnog kapitala, na osnovu razmatranja dominatnih normativnih i vrednosnih postavki, različitih polaznih perspektiva o tome ko su nosioci otpornosti, kakva je njihova pozicija u društvenoj strukturi i kako se otpornost interpretira.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja",
title = "Otpornost: Asimetrije makro-diskursa i mikro praksi",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2315"
Pavićević, O., Bulatović, A.,& Ilijić, L.. (2019). Otpornost: Asimetrije makro-diskursa i mikro praksi. 
Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja..
Pavićević O, Bulatović A, Ilijić L. Otpornost: Asimetrije makro-diskursa i mikro praksi. 2019;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2315 .
Pavićević, Olivera, Bulatović, Aleksandra, Ilijić, Ljeposava, "Otpornost: Asimetrije makro-diskursa i mikro praksi" (2019),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2315 .

Imovina kao element infrastrukture organizovanih kriminalnih grupa

Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Beograd: Institut za uporedno pravo i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 2018)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2435
AB  - Криминални потенцијал криминалне структуре стандардно се процењује на основу њене имовине, јер је циљ организованих криминалних група да остваре, директно или индиректно, финансијску или другу врсту материјалне користи. Зато је савремено супротстављање организованом криминалитету усмерено на уклањање плодова извршења кривичног дела путем различитих модалитета одузимања имовине. Ауторка у тексту аргументује да овај приступ представља остварење делотворног одвраћања од криминалитета као циља политике кажњавања које ову политику заснива на разумевању крајњег циља бављења криминалом, а то је стицање имовинске користи.
AB  - The goal of organized crime groups is to achieve, directly or indirectly, financial or other kind of material benefit. Hence, criminal potential of criminal structures is being standardly assessed on the basis of their property. 

Contemporary approach to fighting organized crime is based on targeting criminal property, e. g. it is focused on removing the fruits of criminal offenses through various modalities of property confiscation. In this paper the author argues that such an approach is performing as an effective crime deterrence as it allows for the goal of punitive policy to be reached given that this policy is founded on the understanding that the ultimate goal of criminal endevours is to aquire material gain.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za uporedno pravo i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja
T2  - Finansijski kriminalitet
T1  - Imovina kao element infrastrukture organizovanih kriminalnih grupa
T1  - Property as An Element of Organized Crime Infrastructure
SP  - 205
EP  - 216
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2435
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Криминални потенцијал криминалне структуре стандардно се процењује на основу њене имовине, јер је циљ организованих криминалних група да остваре, директно или индиректно, финансијску или другу врсту материјалне користи. Зато је савремено супротстављање организованом криминалитету усмерено на уклањање плодова извршења кривичног дела путем различитих модалитета одузимања имовине. Ауторка у тексту аргументује да овај приступ представља остварење делотворног одвраћања од криминалитета као циља политике кажњавања које ову политику заснива на разумевању крајњег циља бављења криминалом, а то је стицање имовинске користи., The goal of organized crime groups is to achieve, directly or indirectly, financial or other kind of material benefit. Hence, criminal potential of criminal structures is being standardly assessed on the basis of their property. 

Contemporary approach to fighting organized crime is based on targeting criminal property, e. g. it is focused on removing the fruits of criminal offenses through various modalities of property confiscation. In this paper the author argues that such an approach is performing as an effective crime deterrence as it allows for the goal of punitive policy to be reached given that this policy is founded on the understanding that the ultimate goal of criminal endevours is to aquire material gain.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za uporedno pravo i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja",
journal = "Finansijski kriminalitet",
booktitle = "Imovina kao element infrastrukture organizovanih kriminalnih grupa, Property as An Element of Organized Crime Infrastructure",
pages = "205-216",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2435"
Bulatović, A.. (2018). Imovina kao element infrastrukture organizovanih kriminalnih grupa. in Finansijski kriminalitet
Beograd: Institut za uporedno pravo i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja., 205-216.
Bulatović A. Imovina kao element infrastrukture organizovanih kriminalnih grupa. in Finansijski kriminalitet. 2018;:205-216.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2435 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Imovina kao element infrastrukture organizovanih kriminalnih grupa" in Finansijski kriminalitet (2018):205-216,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2435 .

Juvenile Crime and Organized Crime Groups — The Strategic Prevention Perspective

Bulatović, Aleksandra; Hrnčić, Jasna

(Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 2018)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
AU  - Hrnčić, Jasna
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2434
AB  - Numerous studies have shown that criminal organizations in their mode of operation are mostly local. The local context directs the expansion and diversification of their criminal activities as well as their “entrepreneurial” risk management. Children are being targeted for criminal exploitation by organized crime groups as a mode of risk management given that they are perceived to be more likely to evade police detection or the sanctions. Continued increase of juvenile perpetrators of acts associated wtih organized crime activities points towards setting of a new trend. Children are being included into criminal entrepreneurship in a number of modalities ranging from distribution of narcotics and transformation of profits from illegal activities and corruption into ostensibly “legitimate” assets.
In general terms, criminal justice does not target the causality of crime. As criminal justice phenomena stem from social processes, the roots of crime prevention policy ought to be embedded in measures of social policy as much as to rely upon repressive and control measures of criminal law. In this article the authors discuss juvenile behavior in organized criminal activities from a number of perspectives in order to outline various facets of contemporary social prevention response to this type of crime.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja
C3  - Child Friendly Justice
T1  - Juvenile Crime and Organized Crime Groups — The Strategic Prevention Perspective
SP  - 309
EP  - 321
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2434
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra and Hrnčić, Jasna",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Numerous studies have shown that criminal organizations in their mode of operation are mostly local. The local context directs the expansion and diversification of their criminal activities as well as their “entrepreneurial” risk management. Children are being targeted for criminal exploitation by organized crime groups as a mode of risk management given that they are perceived to be more likely to evade police detection or the sanctions. Continued increase of juvenile perpetrators of acts associated wtih organized crime activities points towards setting of a new trend. Children are being included into criminal entrepreneurship in a number of modalities ranging from distribution of narcotics and transformation of profits from illegal activities and corruption into ostensibly “legitimate” assets.
In general terms, criminal justice does not target the causality of crime. As criminal justice phenomena stem from social processes, the roots of crime prevention policy ought to be embedded in measures of social policy as much as to rely upon repressive and control measures of criminal law. In this article the authors discuss juvenile behavior in organized criminal activities from a number of perspectives in order to outline various facets of contemporary social prevention response to this type of crime.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja",
journal = "Child Friendly Justice",
title = "Juvenile Crime and Organized Crime Groups — The Strategic Prevention Perspective",
pages = "309-321",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2434"
Bulatović, A.,& Hrnčić, J.. (2018). Juvenile Crime and Organized Crime Groups — The Strategic Prevention Perspective. in Child Friendly Justice
Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja., 309-321.
Bulatović A, Hrnčić J. Juvenile Crime and Organized Crime Groups — The Strategic Prevention Perspective. in Child Friendly Justice. 2018;:309-321.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2434 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, Hrnčić, Jasna, "Juvenile Crime and Organized Crime Groups — The Strategic Prevention Perspective" in Child Friendly Justice (2018):309-321,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2434 .

Žene u organizovanom kriminalu

Pavićević, Olivera; Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istaživanja, 2018)

AU  - Pavićević, Olivera
AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2316
AB  - Društveno okruženje definiše spremnost pojedinca na određeni društveni i preduzetnički rizik, pa se o dimenzijama pasivnog i aktivnog učešća u organizovanom kriminalu može rasuđivati na osnovu odnosa moći koje organizovani kriminal reflektuje unutar političke i ekonomske sfere. Iako rodni odnosi imaju različite društvene profile i unutrašnju dinamiku u zemljama sa različitim tradicijama društvenog upravljanja, statistički podaci o kriminalu ukazuju na to da je uključivanje žena u organizovane kriminalne aktivnosti globalni fenomen. Transideološki kapacitet organizovanog kriminala, kao i stepen procesa transnacionalnog povezivanja, značajno utiču na promene rodnih relacija unutar organizovanog kriminala, a time i na postojanje nove dinamike unutar rodnih odnosa u organizovanom kriminalu. 
Autorke u radu nastoje da daju prilog produbljenom razumevanju pomeranja rodnih granica u sferi organizovanog kriminaliteta postavljajući ih u prostor u kome se ove granice prožimaju u interaktivnom odnosu socio-kulturnih procesa unutar i izvan organizovanog kriminala. U radu se sagledavaju uticaj i društvene, ekonomske i psihološke posledice pomeranja rodnih granica u sferi delovanja organizovanog kriminala, sa ciljem da se identifikuju, osvetle i utvrde uporišne tačke procene mesta i uloga žena u savremenom organizovanom kriminalitetu.
AB  - The social setting defines individual readiness to take certain social and entrepreneurial risk. Hence, power relations offer a view over dimensions of active and passive participation in organized crime as it is being reflected in the political and economic arena. Although gender relations have a different social profile and internal dynamics in different countries with different traditions of social management, statistical data on crime indicate involvement of women in organized crime to be a global phenomenon. The trans-ideological capacity of organized crime and degree of transnational interconnectidness, significantly affect changes in gender relations within the organized crime and generates new related dynamics. Gender boundaries transformation in organized crime sphere places those boundaries in the space of their interconnection in socio-cultural processes in and out of organized crime as a phenomenon. In this article, authors present the place and role of women in contemporary organized crime. The aim of the article is to highlight lines of influence and consequences of gender boundaries transformation within the framework of organized crime activities.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istaživanja
T2  - Zbornik radova Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istaživanja
T1  - Žene u organizovanom kriminalu
IS  - 1
VL  - 37
SP  - 85
EP  - 101
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2316
ER  - 
author = "Pavićević, Olivera and Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Društveno okruženje definiše spremnost pojedinca na određeni društveni i preduzetnički rizik, pa se o dimenzijama pasivnog i aktivnog učešća u organizovanom kriminalu može rasuđivati na osnovu odnosa moći koje organizovani kriminal reflektuje unutar političke i ekonomske sfere. Iako rodni odnosi imaju različite društvene profile i unutrašnju dinamiku u zemljama sa različitim tradicijama društvenog upravljanja, statistički podaci o kriminalu ukazuju na to da je uključivanje žena u organizovane kriminalne aktivnosti globalni fenomen. Transideološki kapacitet organizovanog kriminala, kao i stepen procesa transnacionalnog povezivanja, značajno utiču na promene rodnih relacija unutar organizovanog kriminala, a time i na postojanje nove dinamike unutar rodnih odnosa u organizovanom kriminalu. 
Autorke u radu nastoje da daju prilog produbljenom razumevanju pomeranja rodnih granica u sferi organizovanog kriminaliteta postavljajući ih u prostor u kome se ove granice prožimaju u interaktivnom odnosu socio-kulturnih procesa unutar i izvan organizovanog kriminala. U radu se sagledavaju uticaj i društvene, ekonomske i psihološke posledice pomeranja rodnih granica u sferi delovanja organizovanog kriminala, sa ciljem da se identifikuju, osvetle i utvrde uporišne tačke procene mesta i uloga žena u savremenom organizovanom kriminalitetu., The social setting defines individual readiness to take certain social and entrepreneurial risk. Hence, power relations offer a view over dimensions of active and passive participation in organized crime as it is being reflected in the political and economic arena. Although gender relations have a different social profile and internal dynamics in different countries with different traditions of social management, statistical data on crime indicate involvement of women in organized crime to be a global phenomenon. The trans-ideological capacity of organized crime and degree of transnational interconnectidness, significantly affect changes in gender relations within the organized crime and generates new related dynamics. Gender boundaries transformation in organized crime sphere places those boundaries in the space of their interconnection in socio-cultural processes in and out of organized crime as a phenomenon. In this article, authors present the place and role of women in contemporary organized crime. The aim of the article is to highlight lines of influence and consequences of gender boundaries transformation within the framework of organized crime activities.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istaživanja",
journal = "Zbornik radova Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istaživanja",
title = "Žene u organizovanom kriminalu",
number = "1",
volume = "37",
pages = "85-101",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2316"
Pavićević, O.,& Bulatović, A.. (2018). Žene u organizovanom kriminalu. in Zbornik radova Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istaživanja
Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istaživanja., 37(1), 85-101.
Pavićević O, Bulatović A. Žene u organizovanom kriminalu. in Zbornik radova Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istaživanja. 2018;37(1):85-101.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2316 .
Pavićević, Olivera, Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Žene u organizovanom kriminalu" in Zbornik radova Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istaživanja, 37, no. 1 (2018):85-101,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2316 .

Feministička kritika koncepta otpornosti transformacija subverzivnog u normativno

Pavićević, Olivera; Bulatović, Aleksandra

(Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka, 2018)

AU  - Pavićević, Olivera
AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2320
AB  - Koncept otpornosti je relativno nov teorijski i praktični pristup u društvenim naukama, preuzet iz inženjerskih i sistemskih teorija, a jezgrovito se opisuje kao suočavanje sa izazovima i rizicima. U fokusu kritičke diskusije ovog koncepta su njegova teorijska fluidnost, otežana empirijska proverljivost i ideološka ukorenjenost u neoliberalni globalni kapitalistički poredak. Autorke u radu predstavljaju odnos feminističke kritike prema konceptu otpornosti koja ga sagledava kao teorijsku instancu neoliberalne hegemonije sa temeljima u deregulaciji tržišta. Ideja o svakovrsnoj deregulaciji, koja je tipična za neoliberalizam, legitimiše otpornost kao koncept koji negira politike identiteta i na njima zasnovane isključenosti. Međutim, u praksi se otpornost pokazuje kao važna strategija za apsorbovanje štete koju proizvode neoliberalna ekonomska i socijalna restrukturacija. Otpornost reciklira štetu koju neoliberalni procesi proizvode i tokom tog procesa se kreiraju novi identitetski okviri i estetika. Zbog toga se rodni status više ne povezuje sa polnim i vidljivim performansima roda, već se pojavljuje kao efekat ili ishod ekonomske i socijalne pozadine. Tako otpornost postaje novi neoliberalni ženski ideal koji omogućava jačanje vitalnosti belog supermačističkog patrijarhata.
AB  - The concept of resilience originated in engineering and environmental systems theories. Resilience entered humanities relatively recently as a new theoretical and practical approach to addressing challenges and risks in both macro and micro-communities. The concept of resilience is being criticized for theoretical fluidity behind it, difficulties related to its empirical verification and for being ideologically embedded in the neoliberal framework of global capitalism. Subject of this paper is an overview of a sharper critique of the concept that is coming from feminist perspective. In perspective of feminist criticism, the concept of resilience is perceived as an element of hegemony in neoliberal theory that purports deregulation and in particular market deregulation. While at first glance the concept of resistance denies identity policies and social exclusion deriving from it, in fact it absorbs harm inflicted by neoliberal economic and social restructuring. Resilience allows induced damage to be recycled given that new identity frames and aesthetics become created. Gender status is no longer associated with visible gender manifestation ― it rather appears as it is shaped by economic and social background. Resilience becomes new neoliberal female ideal feature that only enhances vitality of white supremacist patriarchy.
PB  - Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka
T2  - Sociologija
T1  - Feministička kritika koncepta otpornosti transformacija subverzivnog u normativno
T1  - Feminist criticisms of the concept of resilience:  Transformation of the subversive into the normative
IS  - 1
VL  - 60
SP  - 127
EP  - 141
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2320
ER  - 
author = "Pavićević, Olivera and Bulatović, Aleksandra",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Koncept otpornosti je relativno nov teorijski i praktični pristup u društvenim naukama, preuzet iz inženjerskih i sistemskih teorija, a jezgrovito se opisuje kao suočavanje sa izazovima i rizicima. U fokusu kritičke diskusije ovog koncepta su njegova teorijska fluidnost, otežana empirijska proverljivost i ideološka ukorenjenost u neoliberalni globalni kapitalistički poredak. Autorke u radu predstavljaju odnos feminističke kritike prema konceptu otpornosti koja ga sagledava kao teorijsku instancu neoliberalne hegemonije sa temeljima u deregulaciji tržišta. Ideja o svakovrsnoj deregulaciji, koja je tipična za neoliberalizam, legitimiše otpornost kao koncept koji negira politike identiteta i na njima zasnovane isključenosti. Međutim, u praksi se otpornost pokazuje kao važna strategija za apsorbovanje štete koju proizvode neoliberalna ekonomska i socijalna restrukturacija. Otpornost reciklira štetu koju neoliberalni procesi proizvode i tokom tog procesa se kreiraju novi identitetski okviri i estetika. Zbog toga se rodni status više ne povezuje sa polnim i vidljivim performansima roda, već se pojavljuje kao efekat ili ishod ekonomske i socijalne pozadine. Tako otpornost postaje novi neoliberalni ženski ideal koji omogućava jačanje vitalnosti belog supermačističkog patrijarhata., The concept of resilience originated in engineering and environmental systems theories. Resilience entered humanities relatively recently as a new theoretical and practical approach to addressing challenges and risks in both macro and micro-communities. The concept of resilience is being criticized for theoretical fluidity behind it, difficulties related to its empirical verification and for being ideologically embedded in the neoliberal framework of global capitalism. Subject of this paper is an overview of a sharper critique of the concept that is coming from feminist perspective. In perspective of feminist criticism, the concept of resilience is perceived as an element of hegemony in neoliberal theory that purports deregulation and in particular market deregulation. While at first glance the concept of resistance denies identity policies and social exclusion deriving from it, in fact it absorbs harm inflicted by neoliberal economic and social restructuring. Resilience allows induced damage to be recycled given that new identity frames and aesthetics become created. Gender status is no longer associated with visible gender manifestation ― it rather appears as it is shaped by economic and social background. Resilience becomes new neoliberal female ideal feature that only enhances vitality of white supremacist patriarchy.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka",
journal = "Sociologija",
title = "Feministička kritika koncepta otpornosti transformacija subverzivnog u normativno, Feminist criticisms of the concept of resilience:  Transformation of the subversive into the normative",
number = "1",
volume = "60",
pages = "127-141",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2320"
Pavićević, O.,& Bulatović, A.. (2018). Feministička kritika koncepta otpornosti transformacija subverzivnog u normativno. in Sociologija
Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka., 60(1), 127-141.
Pavićević O, Bulatović A. Feministička kritika koncepta otpornosti transformacija subverzivnog u normativno. in Sociologija. 2018;60(1):127-141.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2320 .
Pavićević, Olivera, Bulatović, Aleksandra, "Feministička kritika koncepta otpornosti transformacija subverzivnog u normativno" in Sociologija, 60, no. 1 (2018):127-141,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2320 .

Otpornost, dobrobit i društveni kapital: sadejstva i kolizije

Bulatović, Aleksandra; Pavićević, Olivera

(Novi Sad: Kultura – Polis, 2018)

AU  - Bulatović, Aleksandra
AU  - Pavićević, Olivera
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/2321
AB  - Људско деловање усмерава заједничке вредности и процене сврсисходности деловања, тј. просуђивање у духу тих вредности, а у сржи његове мотивације је добробит као квалитет живота. Индивидуална и друштвена добробит формирају се под утицајем бројних фактора чији међусобни однос формира широки дијапазон — од природних околности до друштвено конструисаних норми. 

Концепт отпорности је блиско повезан са концептима добробити и друштвеног капитала. У овом раду се представљају начини на који су наведени концепти повезани и њихови заједнички предиктори. Циљ рада је да разматрањем различитих аспеката отпорности укаже на могућности интервенције путем креирања социјалних политика које би биле засниване на бољем разумевању начина на који отпорност, добробит и друштвени капитал универзално функционишу — на нивоу појединца и на нивоу заједнице.
AB  - Human activities are guided by values and sense of purpose that stand also not only as guidelines but the core elements for evaluation of these actiities. Well–being is at the core of human motivation as quality of life and it is influenced by a myriad of factors spanning from natural circumstances to socially constructed norms.
The concept of resilience is closely related to concepts of well–being and social capital. This paper presents the way in which these concepts are related as well as their common predictors. The aim of the paper is to highlight various aspects of resilience in order to point towards possibilities to intervene via social policy that is embeded in profound understanding of the universial way in which resilience, well–being and social capital function, both at the individual and at the community level.
PB  - Novi Sad: Kultura – Polis
PB  - Beograd: Institut za evropske studije
T2  - Kultura polisa
T1  - Otpornost, dobrobit i društveni kapital: sadejstva i kolizije
T1  - Resilience, Well-being and Social Capital – Between Colaboration and Collision
IS  - 35
VL  - 15
SP  - 531
EP  - 544
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2321
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Aleksandra and Pavićević, Olivera",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Људско деловање усмерава заједничке вредности и процене сврсисходности деловања, тј. просуђивање у духу тих вредности, а у сржи његове мотивације је добробит као квалитет живота. Индивидуална и друштвена добробит формирају се под утицајем бројних фактора чији међусобни однос формира широки дијапазон — од природних околности до друштвено конструисаних норми. 

Концепт отпорности је блиско повезан са концептима добробити и друштвеног капитала. У овом раду се представљају начини на који су наведени концепти повезани и њихови заједнички предиктори. Циљ рада је да разматрањем различитих аспеката отпорности укаже на могућности интервенције путем креирања социјалних политика које би биле засниване на бољем разумевању начина на који отпорност, добробит и друштвени капитал универзално функционишу — на нивоу појединца и на нивоу заједнице., Human activities are guided by values and sense of purpose that stand also not only as guidelines but the core elements for evaluation of these actiities. Well–being is at the core of human motivation as quality of life and it is influenced by a myriad of factors spanning from natural circumstances to socially constructed norms.
The concept of resilience is closely related to concepts of well–being and social capital. This paper presents the way in which these concepts are related as well as their common predictors. The aim of the paper is to highlight various aspects of resilience in order to point towards possibilities to intervene via social policy that is embeded in profound understanding of the universial way in which resilience, well–being and social capital function, both at the individual and at the community level.",
publisher = "Novi Sad: Kultura – Polis, Beograd: Institut za evropske studije",
journal = "Kultura polisa",
title = "Otpornost, dobrobit i društveni kapital: sadejstva i kolizije, Resilience, Well-being and Social Capital – Between Colaboration and Collision",
number = "35",
volume = "15",
pages = "531-544",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2321"
Bulatović, A.,& Pavićević, O.. (2018). Otpornost, dobrobit i društveni kapital: sadejstva i kolizije. in Kultura polisa
Novi Sad: Kultura – Polis., 15(35), 531-544.
Bulatović A, Pavićević O. Otpornost, dobrobit i društveni kapital: sadejstva i kolizije. in Kultura polisa. 2018;15(35):531-544.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2321 .
Bulatović, Aleksandra, Pavićević, Olivera, "Otpornost, dobrobit i društveni kapital: sadejstva i kolizije" in Kultura polisa, 15, no. 35 (2018):531-544,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_2321 .