Krstić, Predrag

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Krstić, Predrag (262)
  • Крстић, Предраг (6)
  • Krstić, Predrag M. (3)
  • Krstic, Predrag (1)
  • Крстић, Предраг М. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Industrija Holokausta: (američka) debata o instrumentalizaciji Šoe

Mevorah, Vera; Krstić, Predrag; Velinov, Marija

(Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga, 2024)

AU  - Mevorah, Vera
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Velinov, Marija
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - U osnovi debate o „industriji Holokausta“ nalaze se pitanja jedinstvenosti, (ne)mogućnosti univerzalizacije, amerikanizacije i instrumentalizacije Šoe. Nakon goruće javne kontroverze, posledično uništenih karijera i političkog zbijanja redova, ta pitanja ostala su da lebde kao preteći označitelji Zeitgeista savremene kulture sećanja. Prevedeni delovi tekstova prominentnih teoretičara Holokausta, okupljeni u ovoj knjizi, svedoče o njegovoj instrumentalizaciji i ritualizaciji. Hilen Flanzbaum govori o „amerikanizaciji“ Holokausta, o procesu i o primerima omasovljenja sećanja na Holokaust kroz medijsku i popularnu kulturu; Piter Novik – o komodifikaciji sećanja na Holokaust u američkoj jevrejskoj zajednici u 20. i 21. veku; Finkelstin industriju Holokausta pronalazi u celokupnoj memorijalnoj kulturi Holokausta: u pojedincima i institucijama koje je grade i čuvaju, u političkoj i ekonomskoj instrumentalizaciji istorije, kao i u čitavom „tržištu“ sadržaja i usluga koji prate ovakvu kulturu. Svi oni otvaraju pitanje „industrije Holokausta“ kao još jedne iteracije višedecenijskog spora oko etike reprezentacija Holokausta i njegove “singularnosti” ili univerzalnosti.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga
T1  - Industrija Holokausta: (američka) debata o instrumentalizaciji Šoe
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mevorah, Vera and Krstić, Predrag and Velinov, Marija",
year = "2024",
abstract = "U osnovi debate o „industriji Holokausta“ nalaze se pitanja jedinstvenosti, (ne)mogućnosti univerzalizacije, amerikanizacije i instrumentalizacije Šoe. Nakon goruće javne kontroverze, posledično uništenih karijera i političkog zbijanja redova, ta pitanja ostala su da lebde kao preteći označitelji Zeitgeista savremene kulture sećanja. Prevedeni delovi tekstova prominentnih teoretičara Holokausta, okupljeni u ovoj knjizi, svedoče o njegovoj instrumentalizaciji i ritualizaciji. Hilen Flanzbaum govori o „amerikanizaciji“ Holokausta, o procesu i o primerima omasovljenja sećanja na Holokaust kroz medijsku i popularnu kulturu; Piter Novik – o komodifikaciji sećanja na Holokaust u američkoj jevrejskoj zajednici u 20. i 21. veku; Finkelstin industriju Holokausta pronalazi u celokupnoj memorijalnoj kulturi Holokausta: u pojedincima i institucijama koje je grade i čuvaju, u političkoj i ekonomskoj instrumentalizaciji istorije, kao i u čitavom „tržištu“ sadržaja i usluga koji prate ovakvu kulturu. Svi oni otvaraju pitanje „industrije Holokausta“ kao još jedne iteracije višedecenijskog spora oko etike reprezentacija Holokausta i njegove “singularnosti” ili univerzalnosti.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga",
title = "Industrija Holokausta: (američka) debata o instrumentalizaciji Šoe",
url = ""
Mevorah, V., Krstić, P.,& Velinov, M.. (2024). Industrija Holokausta: (američka) debata o instrumentalizaciji Šoe. 
Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga..
Mevorah V, Krstić P, Velinov M. Industrija Holokausta: (američka) debata o instrumentalizaciji Šoe. 2024;. .
Mevorah, Vera, Krstić, Predrag, Velinov, Marija, "Industrija Holokausta: (američka) debata o instrumentalizaciji Šoe" (2024), .

The (un)willingness to change

Plećaš, Tamara; Krstić, Predrag

(Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, 2024)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Dario Fo, the Italian playwright and Nobelist, allegedly proposed an anthropological-political dichotomy between proponents of change and those who resist it, that is those who believe in change and those who do not. The former would be followers of Heraclitus, and the latter of Plato. However, history tells us also that the Ephesian aristocrat, Heraclitus, misanthropically withdrew from society, disillusioned with his fellow citizens, while the Athenian aristocrat, Plato, challenging prevailing norms, actively sought to influence political thought and shape politicians of his time, both in Syracuse and Athens. This prompts an examination of whether or not this dichotomy accurately reflects Heraclitus’s and Plato’s teachings, and allows a possible perspective on whether or not similar distinctions and parallels can also be valid when it comes to some authors in 
 odern times. Moreover, we aim to explore how change advocacy and engagement intersects with belief in change, and under what conditions, from the philosophical perspective, disbelief in changes and active resistance to them is or could be meaningful.
PB  - Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
C3  - Book of Abstracts International Conference on Change, June 12 - 15 2024, Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - The (un)willingness to change
SP  - 48
EP  - 48
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara and Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Dario Fo, the Italian playwright and Nobelist, allegedly proposed an anthropological-political dichotomy between proponents of change and those who resist it, that is those who believe in change and those who do not. The former would be followers of Heraclitus, and the latter of Plato. However, history tells us also that the Ephesian aristocrat, Heraclitus, misanthropically withdrew from society, disillusioned with his fellow citizens, while the Athenian aristocrat, Plato, challenging prevailing norms, actively sought to influence political thought and shape politicians of his time, both in Syracuse and Athens. This prompts an examination of whether or not this dichotomy accurately reflects Heraclitus’s and Plato’s teachings, and allows a possible perspective on whether or not similar distinctions and parallels can also be valid when it comes to some authors in 
 odern times. Moreover, we aim to explore how change advocacy and engagement intersects with belief in change, and under what conditions, from the philosophical perspective, disbelief in changes and active resistance to them is or could be meaningful.",
publisher = "Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade",
journal = "Book of Abstracts International Conference on Change, June 12 - 15 2024, Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "The (un)willingness to change",
pages = "48-48",
url = ""
Plećaš, T.,& Krstić, P.. (2024). The (un)willingness to change. in Book of Abstracts International Conference on Change, June 12 - 15 2024, Belgrade, Serbia
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade., 48-48.
Plećaš T, Krstić P. The (un)willingness to change. in Book of Abstracts International Conference on Change, June 12 - 15 2024, Belgrade, Serbia. 2024;:48-48. .
Plećaš, Tamara, Krstić, Predrag, "The (un)willingness to change" in Book of Abstracts International Conference on Change, June 12 - 15 2024, Belgrade, Serbia (2024):48-48, .

Inventar obrazovanja

Nišavić, Ivan; Milanković, Aleksandar; Ostojić, Aleksandar; Pavlović, Aleksandar; Lipij, Ana; Delibašić, Balša; Purešević, Dragana; Hristov, Đorđe; Cvejić, Igor; Petrović, Marija; Gajović, Milana; Sekulović, Milica; Mitranić, Nevena; Plećaš, Tamara; Krstić, Predrag

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2024)

AU  - Nišavić, Ivan
AU  - Milanković, Aleksandar
AU  - Ostojić, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović, Aleksandar
AU  - Lipij, Ana
AU  - Delibašić, Balša
AU  - Purešević, Dragana
AU  - Hristov, Đorđe
AU  - Cvejić, Igor
AU  - Petrović, Marija
AU  - Gajović, Milana
AU  - Sekulović, Milica
AU  - Mitranić, Nevena
AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2024
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T1  - Inventar obrazovanja
ER  - 
author = "Nišavić, Ivan and Milanković, Aleksandar and Ostojić, Aleksandar and Pavlović, Aleksandar and Lipij, Ana and Delibašić, Balša and Purešević, Dragana and Hristov, Đorđe and Cvejić, Igor and Petrović, Marija and Gajović, Milana and Sekulović, Milica and Mitranić, Nevena and Plećaš, Tamara and Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2024",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
title = "Inventar obrazovanja"
Nišavić, I., Milanković, A., Ostojić, A., Pavlović, A., Lipij, A., Delibašić, B., Purešević, D., Hristov, Đ., Cvejić, I., Petrović, M., Gajović, M., Sekulović, M., Mitranić, N., Plećaš, T.,& Krstić, P.. (2024). Inventar obrazovanja. 
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Nišavić I, Milanković A, Ostojić A, Pavlović A, Lipij A, Delibašić B, Purešević D, Hristov Đ, Cvejić I, Petrović M, Gajović M, Sekulović M, Mitranić N, Plećaš T, Krstić P. Inventar obrazovanja. 2024;..
Nišavić, Ivan, Milanković, Aleksandar, Ostojić, Aleksandar, Pavlović, Aleksandar, Lipij, Ana, Delibašić, Balša, Purešević, Dragana, Hristov, Đorđe, Cvejić, Igor, Petrović, Marija, Gajović, Milana, Sekulović, Milica, Mitranić, Nevena, Plećaš, Tamara, Krstić, Predrag, "Inventar obrazovanja" (2024).

Industrija Holokausta ili svest o Holokaustu?

Mevorah, Vera; Velinov, Marija; Krstić, Predrag

(Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga; Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2024)

AU  - Mevorah, Vera
AU  - Velinov, Marija
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Pojam industrije Holokausta nema univerzalno prihvaćeno značenje. Za neke se koncept odnosi na proliferaciju studija Holokausta na univerzitetima, kao i filmova i knjiga sa ovom tematikom. Za druge on označava situaciju u kojoj je Holokaust postao idealan mamac za prikupljanje novčanih sredstava unutar i izvan jevrejskih zajednica, kao i za privlačenje publike i lukrativni „mračni“ turizam. Nadalje, on većini signalizira da je reč o opštoj trivijalizaciji i banalizaciji Holokausta kroz popularnu i masovnu kulturu. Neki, najzad, smatraju da je u „industriji Holokausta“ naprosto reč o velikom broju raznolikih primera zloupotrebe sećanja na Holokaust zarad ličnih ili političkih ciljeva.
PB  - Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga; Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Industrija Holokausta: (američka) debata o instrumentalizaciji Šoe
T1  - Industrija Holokausta ili svest o Holokaustu?
SP  - 9
EP  - 44
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mevorah, Vera and Velinov, Marija and Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Pojam industrije Holokausta nema univerzalno prihvaćeno značenje. Za neke se koncept odnosi na proliferaciju studija Holokausta na univerzitetima, kao i filmova i knjiga sa ovom tematikom. Za druge on označava situaciju u kojoj je Holokaust postao idealan mamac za prikupljanje novčanih sredstava unutar i izvan jevrejskih zajednica, kao i za privlačenje publike i lukrativni „mračni“ turizam. Nadalje, on većini signalizira da je reč o opštoj trivijalizaciji i banalizaciji Holokausta kroz popularnu i masovnu kulturu. Neki, najzad, smatraju da je u „industriji Holokausta“ naprosto reč o velikom broju raznolikih primera zloupotrebe sećanja na Holokaust zarad ličnih ili političkih ciljeva.",
publisher = "Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga; Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Industrija Holokausta: (američka) debata o instrumentalizaciji Šoe",
booktitle = "Industrija Holokausta ili svest o Holokaustu?",
pages = "9-44",
url = ""
Mevorah, V., Velinov, M.,& Krstić, P.. (2024). Industrija Holokausta ili svest o Holokaustu?. in Industrija Holokausta: (američka) debata o instrumentalizaciji Šoe
Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga; Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 9-44.
Mevorah V, Velinov M, Krstić P. Industrija Holokausta ili svest o Holokaustu?. in Industrija Holokausta: (američka) debata o instrumentalizaciji Šoe. 2024;:9-44. .
Mevorah, Vera, Velinov, Marija, Krstić, Predrag, "Industrija Holokausta ili svest o Holokaustu?" in Industrija Holokausta: (američka) debata o instrumentalizaciji Šoe (2024):9-44, .

Гете с Флобером: образовни роман и идеја образовања

Krstić, Predrag

(Нови Сад: Матица српска, 2024)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Рад је посвећен анализи, самеравању и праћењу промена у разумевању образовања у два прозна подухвата која га тематизују: у Гетеовој трилогији о одрастању Вилхелма Мајстера и у Флоберовој приповести о науковању Бувара и Пекишеа. Упућујући на неке савремене увиде теорије образовања, аутор сугерише да се у овим делима не одступа од класичног схватања образовања као задобијања свог лика и места у свету после мање или више бурних и мање или више успешних превирања, али се истовремено сигнализира и искушава граница таквог линеарног разумевања одрастања. На тим маргинама њихових дела, закључује се, може се пронаћи, још увек иронизована или карикирана, будућа идеја образовања као „увек већ“ самообразовања, које не претпоставља дозначени друштвени циљ и окончање истраживачког путовања по могyћностима властитог обликовања.
AB  - The work is dedicated to the analysis, comparison and monitoring of changes in the understanding of education in two prose endeavors that thematize it: in Goethe’s trilogy about the growing up of Wilhelm Meister and in Flaubert’s story about the apprenticeship of Bouvard and Péquichet. Referring to some contemporary insights of the theory of education, the author suggests that these works does not deviate from the classical understanding of education as gaining one’s character and place in the world after more or less stormy and more or less successful turmoil, but at the same time signals and tests the limit of such a linear understanding of growing up. On the margins of these works, it is concluded, one can find, still ironized or caricatured, the future idea of education as “always already” self-education, which does not presuppose the given social goal and the completion of the research journey according to the possibilities of one’s own shaping.
PB  - Нови Сад: Матица српска
T2  - Зборник Матице српске за књижевност и језик
T1  - Гете с Флобером: образовни роман и идеја образовања
IS  - 1
SP  - 49
EP  - 61
DO  - 10.18485/ms_zmskij.2024.72.1.3
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Рад је посвећен анализи, самеравању и праћењу промена у разумевању образовања у два прозна подухвата која га тематизују: у Гетеовој трилогији о одрастању Вилхелма Мајстера и у Флоберовој приповести о науковању Бувара и Пекишеа. Упућујући на неке савремене увиде теорије образовања, аутор сугерише да се у овим делима не одступа од класичног схватања образовања као задобијања свог лика и места у свету после мање или више бурних и мање или више успешних превирања, али се истовремено сигнализира и искушава граница таквог линеарног разумевања одрастања. На тим маргинама њихових дела, закључује се, може се пронаћи, још увек иронизована или карикирана, будућа идеја образовања као „увек већ“ самообразовања, које не претпоставља дозначени друштвени циљ и окончање истраживачког путовања по могyћностима властитог обликовања., The work is dedicated to the analysis, comparison and monitoring of changes in the understanding of education in two prose endeavors that thematize it: in Goethe’s trilogy about the growing up of Wilhelm Meister and in Flaubert’s story about the apprenticeship of Bouvard and Péquichet. Referring to some contemporary insights of the theory of education, the author suggests that these works does not deviate from the classical understanding of education as gaining one’s character and place in the world after more or less stormy and more or less successful turmoil, but at the same time signals and tests the limit of such a linear understanding of growing up. On the margins of these works, it is concluded, one can find, still ironized or caricatured, the future idea of education as “always already” self-education, which does not presuppose the given social goal and the completion of the research journey according to the possibilities of one’s own shaping.",
publisher = "Нови Сад: Матица српска",
journal = "Зборник Матице српске за књижевност и језик",
title = "Гете с Флобером: образовни роман и идеја образовања",
number = "1",
pages = "49-61",
doi = "10.18485/ms_zmskij.2024.72.1.3"
Krstić, P.. (2024). Гете с Флобером: образовни роман и идеја образовања. in Зборник Матице српске за књижевност и језик
Нови Сад: Матица српска.(1), 49-61.
Krstić P. Гете с Флобером: образовни роман и идеја образовања. in Зборник Матице српске за књижевност и језик. 2024;(1):49-61.
doi:10.18485/ms_zmskij.2024.72.1.3 .
Krstić, Predrag, "Гете с Флобером: образовни роман и идеја образовања" in Зборник Матице српске за књижевност и језик, no. 1 (2024):49-61, . .

Kritika prosvetnog uma

Krstić, Predrag

(Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga; Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2024)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Bilo da je reč o navodno samoevidentnoj poželjnosti sticanja znanja i njegovoj emancipatorskoj misiji, o doprinosu obrazovanja ustanovljenju uzorne zajednice, o humanističkim i neohumanističkim vizijama čoveka koje obrazovanje smatraju njegovim ključnim svojstvom, oslonjena na nasleđe koliko i na savremene teoretizacije obrazovanja, Kritika prosvetnog uma dosledno demontira „narative“ koje takvim i sličnim koncepcijama leže u osnovi i, zalažući se za ono što se odnedavno naziva multidisciplinarnost i poliperspektivizam, artikuliše slojeve koji samu ideju obrazovanja, kao i njenu „implementaciju”, čine u sebi antinomičnom. Takvo zalaganje, međutim, niukoliko ne treba shvatiti kao odustajanje od nastojanja da se složena konstrukcija (razumevanja) obrazovanja izloži u svoj njenoj diskurzivnoj, istorijskoj i društvenoj polivalentnosti, već kao obnovljen poziv na njeno promišljanje. Vernost tradiciji obrazovanja opravdava tek kardinalno dovođenje u pitanje samog obrazovanja. Ono zahteva polaganje računa o svim ulozima koji su dosad stavljani na obrazovanje i otvorenost za izazove koje globalne opasnosti i nove tehnologije stavljaju pred njega.
PB  - Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga; Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T1  - Kritika prosvetnog uma
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Bilo da je reč o navodno samoevidentnoj poželjnosti sticanja znanja i njegovoj emancipatorskoj misiji, o doprinosu obrazovanja ustanovljenju uzorne zajednice, o humanističkim i neohumanističkim vizijama čoveka koje obrazovanje smatraju njegovim ključnim svojstvom, oslonjena na nasleđe koliko i na savremene teoretizacije obrazovanja, Kritika prosvetnog uma dosledno demontira „narative“ koje takvim i sličnim koncepcijama leže u osnovi i, zalažući se za ono što se odnedavno naziva multidisciplinarnost i poliperspektivizam, artikuliše slojeve koji samu ideju obrazovanja, kao i njenu „implementaciju”, čine u sebi antinomičnom. Takvo zalaganje, međutim, niukoliko ne treba shvatiti kao odustajanje od nastojanja da se složena konstrukcija (razumevanja) obrazovanja izloži u svoj njenoj diskurzivnoj, istorijskoj i društvenoj polivalentnosti, već kao obnovljen poziv na njeno promišljanje. Vernost tradiciji obrazovanja opravdava tek kardinalno dovođenje u pitanje samog obrazovanja. Ono zahteva polaganje računa o svim ulozima koji su dosad stavljani na obrazovanje i otvorenost za izazove koje globalne opasnosti i nove tehnologije stavljaju pred njega.",
publisher = "Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga; Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
title = "Kritika prosvetnog uma",
url = ""
Krstić, P.. (2024). Kritika prosvetnog uma. 
Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga; Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Krstić P. Kritika prosvetnog uma. 2024;. .
Krstić, Predrag, "Kritika prosvetnog uma" (2024), .

Obrazovanje Mislilišta - mislilište obrazovanja

Krstić, Predrag; Milojević, Milica; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2024)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Milojević, Milica
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2024
UR  -
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu
T2  - O obrazovanju
T1  - Obrazovanje Mislilišta - mislilište obrazovanja
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag and Milojević, Milica and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2024",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu",
journal = "O obrazovanju",
booktitle = "Obrazovanje Mislilišta - mislilište obrazovanja",
url = ""
Krstić, P., Milojević, M.,& Baucal, A.. (2024). Obrazovanje Mislilišta - mislilište obrazovanja. in O obrazovanju
Univerzitet u Beogradu..
Krstić P, Milojević M, Baucal A. Obrazovanje Mislilišta - mislilište obrazovanja. in O obrazovanju. 2024;. .
Krstić, Predrag, Milojević, Milica, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Obrazovanje Mislilišta - mislilište obrazovanja" in O obrazovanju (2024), .

O obrazovanju

Milojević, Milica; Krstić, Predrag; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2024)


Milojević, M., Krstić, P.,& Baucal, A.. (2024). O obrazovanju. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu..
Milojević M, Krstić P, Baucal A. O obrazovanju. 2024;. .
Milojević, Milica, Krstić, Predrag, Baucal, Aleksandar, "O obrazovanju" (2024), .

Humanitarizam na granici etike i politike

Radovanović, Bojana; Krstić, Predrag

(Viktimološko društvo Srbije i Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, 2024)

AU  - Radovanović, Bojana
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - This paper aims to provide an overview of the main landmarks and basic problems
of humanitarianism, which is seen as a philosophy - an ethical response to suffering -
but also as a practice in the form of humanitarian actions. There is general agreement
that suffering ought to be alleviated, but not that humanitarian actions, and the humanitarian
sector in general, are an adequate response. However, the practice of humanitarianism
itself is not clearly demarcated. While for some it only refers to the actions
aimed at eliminating or alleviating immediate suffering, others believe that humanitarianism
requires dealing with the causes of suffering, and in its most extreme form,
that humanitarianism requires force in the form of military intervention to stop suffering.
Therefore, the objections to humanitarianism are contradictory - while on the one
hand, its apolitical stances are respected in the name of timeless and decontextualized
ethics, on the other its politicization is criticised. To condemn or praise humanitarianism,
whether it comes from the point of ethics or politics, the authors conclude, it is
important to always keep in mind what exactly is meant when referring to it.
PB  - Viktimološko društvo Srbije i Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju
T2  - Temida
T1  - Humanitarizam na granici etike i politike
IS  - 1
VL  - 27
SP  - 95
EP  - 110
DO  - 10.2298/TEM2401095R
ER  - 
author = "Radovanović, Bojana and Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2024",
abstract = "This paper aims to provide an overview of the main landmarks and basic problems
of humanitarianism, which is seen as a philosophy - an ethical response to suffering -
but also as a practice in the form of humanitarian actions. There is general agreement
that suffering ought to be alleviated, but not that humanitarian actions, and the humanitarian
sector in general, are an adequate response. However, the practice of humanitarianism
itself is not clearly demarcated. While for some it only refers to the actions
aimed at eliminating or alleviating immediate suffering, others believe that humanitarianism
requires dealing with the causes of suffering, and in its most extreme form,
that humanitarianism requires force in the form of military intervention to stop suffering.
Therefore, the objections to humanitarianism are contradictory - while on the one
hand, its apolitical stances are respected in the name of timeless and decontextualized
ethics, on the other its politicization is criticised. To condemn or praise humanitarianism,
whether it comes from the point of ethics or politics, the authors conclude, it is
important to always keep in mind what exactly is meant when referring to it.",
publisher = "Viktimološko društvo Srbije i Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju",
journal = "Temida",
title = "Humanitarizam na granici etike i politike",
number = "1",
volume = "27",
pages = "95-110",
doi = "10.2298/TEM2401095R"
Radovanović, B.,& Krstić, P.. (2024). Humanitarizam na granici etike i politike. in Temida
Viktimološko društvo Srbije i Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju., 27(1), 95-110.
Radovanović B, Krstić P. Humanitarizam na granici etike i politike. in Temida. 2024;27(1):95-110.
doi:10.2298/TEM2401095R .
Radovanović, Bojana, Krstić, Predrag, "Humanitarizam na granici etike i politike" in Temida, 27, no. 1 (2024):95-110, . .

Epilogue: Future Work in and for Emancipatory Education

Krstić, Predrag; Lacković, Nataša

(Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Lacković, Nataša
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The triangle of crisis-education-emancipation seems to represent a stable both conceptual and historical constant, which then appears in almost countless modes, depending on how those three always co-defining terms are understood. We have offered, a cogent and representative, albeit not all-encompassing or exhaustive, spectrum of these understandings—sometimes they seem so different that it might be more appropriate to talk about all these pivotal concepts in the plural: about educations, emancipations and crises. Nevertheless, we decided to gather them all around or within a processual figure that is marked by the insight into the crisis, the will for emancipation, and the vision of emancipatory or emancipated education. We believe monistic structure and its over-determinants will not cloud the readers’ view of the presented plurality of their manifestations.
PB  - Palgrave Macmillan
T2  - Rethinking Education and Emancipation Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges
T1  - Epilogue: Future Work in and for Emancipatory Education
SP  - 227
EP  - 231
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag and Lacković, Nataša",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The triangle of crisis-education-emancipation seems to represent a stable both conceptual and historical constant, which then appears in almost countless modes, depending on how those three always co-defining terms are understood. We have offered, a cogent and representative, albeit not all-encompassing or exhaustive, spectrum of these understandings—sometimes they seem so different that it might be more appropriate to talk about all these pivotal concepts in the plural: about educations, emancipations and crises. Nevertheless, we decided to gather them all around or within a processual figure that is marked by the insight into the crisis, the will for emancipation, and the vision of emancipatory or emancipated education. We believe monistic structure and its over-determinants will not cloud the readers’ view of the presented plurality of their manifestations.",
publisher = "Palgrave Macmillan",
journal = "Rethinking Education and Emancipation Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges",
booktitle = "Epilogue: Future Work in and for Emancipatory Education",
pages = "227-231",
url = ""
Krstić, P.,& Lacković, N.. (2024). Epilogue: Future Work in and for Emancipatory Education. in Rethinking Education and Emancipation Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges
Palgrave Macmillan., 227-231.
Krstić P, Lacković N. Epilogue: Future Work in and for Emancipatory Education. in Rethinking Education and Emancipation Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges. 2024;:227-231. .
Krstić, Predrag, Lacković, Nataša, "Epilogue: Future Work in and for Emancipatory Education" in Rethinking Education and Emancipation Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges (2024):227-231, .

Does Education Require Emancipation? A Historical Analysis

Krstić, Predrag

(Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The conventional framing of the relation of education and emancipation asks what kind of education is in place, possible, or desirable for some specific emancipatory goal. This question draws on a long and important tradition, advocacy for and sometimes even assumption of education as liberatory. In this view, acquisition of knowledge is ipso facto beneficial. The aim of this text is to probe the nature and viability of the emancipatory potential ascribed to knowledge. To that end, the chapter first sketches a model of the emancipatory conception of education, before calling it into question, that is, criticizing the instrumentalization of education for emancipation. The final considerations revolve around the question whether it is not better to emancipate education from the requirement of emancipation as well, rather than educate having a specific, set emancipatory aim in mind at the outset. Put bluntly—and to give the problem a “dialectic” twist—is it not better to conceive of education not through emancipation, but as emancipation itself, thus equating the terms?
PB  - Palgrave Macmillan
T2  - Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges
T1  - Does Education Require Emancipation? A Historical Analysis
SP  - 25
EP  - 46
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The conventional framing of the relation of education and emancipation asks what kind of education is in place, possible, or desirable for some specific emancipatory goal. This question draws on a long and important tradition, advocacy for and sometimes even assumption of education as liberatory. In this view, acquisition of knowledge is ipso facto beneficial. The aim of this text is to probe the nature and viability of the emancipatory potential ascribed to knowledge. To that end, the chapter first sketches a model of the emancipatory conception of education, before calling it into question, that is, criticizing the instrumentalization of education for emancipation. The final considerations revolve around the question whether it is not better to emancipate education from the requirement of emancipation as well, rather than educate having a specific, set emancipatory aim in mind at the outset. Put bluntly—and to give the problem a “dialectic” twist—is it not better to conceive of education not through emancipation, but as emancipation itself, thus equating the terms?",
publisher = "Palgrave Macmillan",
journal = "Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges",
booktitle = "Does Education Require Emancipation? A Historical Analysis",
pages = "25-46",
url = ""
Krstić, P.. (2024). Does Education Require Emancipation? A Historical Analysis. in Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges
Palgrave Macmillan., 25-46.
Krstić P. Does Education Require Emancipation? A Historical Analysis. in Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges. 2024;:25-46. .
Krstić, Predrag, "Does Education Require Emancipation? A Historical Analysis" in Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges (2024):25-46, .

On the Relationship Between Education and Emancipation

Krstić, Predrag; Nikolić, Olga; Lacković, Nataša; Cvejić, Igor

(Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Nikolić, Olga
AU  - Lacković, Nataša
AU  - Cvejić, Igor
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Emancipation implies that there exists some kind of docu mented or experienced lack of freedom/equality or some state of slavery or oppression, and represents the act or process of liberation, throwing off the yoke and empowering the subjugated, although the yokes can be very different. It is a voluntary act or process that is often seen as a return to a state of natural freedom from a state of unfreedom. It is an act or process that frees one from the power of another, whether it is slavery, subjugation, dependence or control. The concept gradually evolved to encompass freedom from all forms of oppression. What were once seen as partial “emancipations” have been elevated to a universal call for the “social emancipation” of humanity, championed by reformers and revolutionaries worldwide.
PB  - Palgrave Macmillan
T2  - Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges
T1  - On the Relationship Between Education and Emancipation
SP  - 1
EP  - 22
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag and Nikolić, Olga and Lacković, Nataša and Cvejić, Igor",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Emancipation implies that there exists some kind of docu mented or experienced lack of freedom/equality or some state of slavery or oppression, and represents the act or process of liberation, throwing off the yoke and empowering the subjugated, although the yokes can be very different. It is a voluntary act or process that is often seen as a return to a state of natural freedom from a state of unfreedom. It is an act or process that frees one from the power of another, whether it is slavery, subjugation, dependence or control. The concept gradually evolved to encompass freedom from all forms of oppression. What were once seen as partial “emancipations” have been elevated to a universal call for the “social emancipation” of humanity, championed by reformers and revolutionaries worldwide.",
publisher = "Palgrave Macmillan",
journal = "Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges",
booktitle = "On the Relationship Between Education and Emancipation",
pages = "1-22",
url = ""
Krstić, P., Nikolić, O., Lacković, N.,& Cvejić, I.. (2024). On the Relationship Between Education and Emancipation. in Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges
Palgrave Macmillan., 1-22.
Krstić P, Nikolić O, Lacković N, Cvejić I. On the Relationship Between Education and Emancipation. in Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges. 2024;:1-22. .
Krstić, Predrag, Nikolić, Olga, Lacković, Nataša, Cvejić, Igor, "On the Relationship Between Education and Emancipation" in Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges (2024):1-22, .

Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges

Lacković, Nataša; Cvejić, Igor; Krstić, Predrag; Nikolić, Olga

(Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)


Lacković, N., Cvejić, I., Krstić, P.,& Nikolić, O.. (2024). Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges. 
Palgrave Macmillan..
Lacković N, Cvejić I, Krstić P, Nikolić O. Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges. 2024;. .
Lacković, Nataša, Cvejić, Igor, Krstić, Predrag, Nikolić, Olga, "Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges" (2024), .

Holokaust i teologija

Mevorah, Vera; Šarić, Željko; Krstić, Predrag

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)


Mevorah, V., Šarić, Ž.,& Krstić, P.. (2023). Holokaust i teologija. 
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Mevorah V, Šarić Ž, Krstić P. Holokaust i teologija. 2023;:null-231. .
Mevorah, Vera, Šarić, Željko, Krstić, Predrag, "Holokaust i teologija" (2023), .

Ljudi od pera i filozofi: (in)diskretni šarm politike

Krstić, Predrag; Vake, Fransoaz; Šaklton, Robert

(Novi Sad : Akademska knjiga ; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Vake, Fransoaz
AU  - Šaklton, Robert
PY  - 2023
UR  -
PB  - Novi Sad : Akademska knjiga ; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T1  - Ljudi od pera i filozofi: (in)diskretni šarm politike
SP  - 1
EP  - 129
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag and Vake, Fransoaz and Šaklton, Robert",
year = "2023",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Akademska knjiga ; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
title = "Ljudi od pera i filozofi: (in)diskretni šarm politike",
pages = "1-129",
url = ""
Krstić, P., Vake, F.,& Šaklton, R.. (2023). Ljudi od pera i filozofi: (in)diskretni šarm politike. 
Novi Sad : Akademska knjiga ; Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 1-129.
Krstić P, Vake F, Šaklton R. Ljudi od pera i filozofi: (in)diskretni šarm politike. 2023;:1-129. .
Krstić, Predrag, Vake, Fransoaz, Šaklton, Robert, "Ljudi od pera i filozofi: (in)diskretni šarm politike" (2023):1-129, .

Salon i društvenost: Žene od/za pera?

Krstić, Predrag; Gudman, Dina; Lilti, Antoan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Novi Sad : Akademska knjiga, 2023)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Gudman, Dina
AU  - Lilti, Antoan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Novi Sad : Akademska knjiga
T1  - Salon i društvenost: Žene od/za pera?
SP  - 
EP  - 144
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag and Gudman, Dina and Lilti, Antoan",
year = "2023",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Novi Sad : Akademska knjiga",
title = "Salon i društvenost: Žene od/za pera?",
pages = "-144",
url = ""
Krstić, P., Gudman, D.,& Lilti, A.. (2023). Salon i društvenost: Žene od/za pera?. 
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Novi Sad : Akademska knjiga., -144.
Krstić P, Gudman D, Lilti A. Salon i društvenost: Žene od/za pera?. 2023;:-144. .
Krstić, Predrag, Gudman, Dina, Lilti, Antoan, "Salon i društvenost: Žene od/za pera?" (2023):-144, .

O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o putovanju : prilog kritici teleologije obrazovanja

Krstić, Predrag; Ostojić, Aleksandar

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Ostojić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T1  - O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o putovanju : prilog kritici teleologije obrazovanja
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag and Ostojić, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
title = "O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o putovanju : prilog kritici teleologije obrazovanja",
url = ""
Krstić, P.,& Ostojić, A.. (2023). O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o putovanju : prilog kritici teleologije obrazovanja. 
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Krstić P, Ostojić A. O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o putovanju : prilog kritici teleologije obrazovanja. 2023;. .
Krstić, Predrag, Ostojić, Aleksandar, "O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o putovanju : prilog kritici teleologije obrazovanja" (2023), .

Dvije dogme kritike obrazovanja

Krstić, Predrag

(Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, 2023)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Rad je posvećen statusu i perspektivama kritike u teoriji obrazovanja.
Detektirajući da je riječ ili o društvenoj kritici u kojoj se obrazovanje
pojavljuje kao zgodan krivac i investicijska moneta, ili o kritici
nevelikog zahvata koja korigira didaktičke strategije u unaprijed
zadanim okvirima, autor artikulira dva aksiomatska uvjerenja koja
onemogućavaju radikalnu kritiku obrazovanja u suvremenosti.
Prvo uvjerenje ili prva metodska dogma odnosi se na nužan a
neopravdan povlašteni epistemički položaj kritičara koji kritiku čini ili
neosnovanom ili, ukoliko je iole teorijski odgovorna, regenerira sistem
koji smjera potkopavati. Druga dogma odnosi se na uvjerenje da se
obrazovanjem treba postići nešto što nadilazi neposredni djelokrug
obrazovanja, nešto što njegova aktualna organizacija ne postiže, a što
se nikakvim drugim sredstvima navodno ne može postići. Zaključuje
se da ta normativna dimenzija koju društvo nameće obrazovanju može
ishodovati pogubnim učincima.
AB  - The paper is devoted to the status and perspectives of critique in the theory of
education. Detecting that it is either a social criticism in which education appears
as a convenient culprit and an investment currency, or a criticism of a small scope
that corrects didactic strategies within predetermined frameworks, the author
articulates two axiomatic beliefs that prevent a radical critique of education in
modern times. The first belief or the first methodological dogma refers to the
necessary but unjustified privileged epistemic position of the critic, which makes
the critique either unfounded or, if it is at all theoretically responsible, regenerates
the system it aims to undermine. The second dogma refers to the preconceived
notion that education should achieve something that goes beyond the immediate
scope of education, something that its current organization does not achieve, and
which supposedly cannot be achieved by any other means. It is concluded that
this normative dimension that society imposes on education can have disastrous
PB  - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo
T2  - Metodički ogledi
T1  - Dvije dogme kritike obrazovanja
IS  - 2
VL  - 30
SP  - 29
EP  - 49
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Rad je posvećen statusu i perspektivama kritike u teoriji obrazovanja.
Detektirajući da je riječ ili o društvenoj kritici u kojoj se obrazovanje
pojavljuje kao zgodan krivac i investicijska moneta, ili o kritici
nevelikog zahvata koja korigira didaktičke strategije u unaprijed
zadanim okvirima, autor artikulira dva aksiomatska uvjerenja koja
onemogućavaju radikalnu kritiku obrazovanja u suvremenosti.
Prvo uvjerenje ili prva metodska dogma odnosi se na nužan a
neopravdan povlašteni epistemički položaj kritičara koji kritiku čini ili
neosnovanom ili, ukoliko je iole teorijski odgovorna, regenerira sistem
koji smjera potkopavati. Druga dogma odnosi se na uvjerenje da se
obrazovanjem treba postići nešto što nadilazi neposredni djelokrug
obrazovanja, nešto što njegova aktualna organizacija ne postiže, a što
se nikakvim drugim sredstvima navodno ne može postići. Zaključuje
se da ta normativna dimenzija koju društvo nameće obrazovanju može
ishodovati pogubnim učincima., The paper is devoted to the status and perspectives of critique in the theory of
education. Detecting that it is either a social criticism in which education appears
as a convenient culprit and an investment currency, or a criticism of a small scope
that corrects didactic strategies within predetermined frameworks, the author
articulates two axiomatic beliefs that prevent a radical critique of education in
modern times. The first belief or the first methodological dogma refers to the
necessary but unjustified privileged epistemic position of the critic, which makes
the critique either unfounded or, if it is at all theoretically responsible, regenerates
the system it aims to undermine. The second dogma refers to the preconceived
notion that education should achieve something that goes beyond the immediate
scope of education, something that its current organization does not achieve, and
which supposedly cannot be achieved by any other means. It is concluded that
this normative dimension that society imposes on education can have disastrous
publisher = "Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo",
journal = "Metodički ogledi",
title = "Dvije dogme kritike obrazovanja",
number = "2",
volume = "30",
pages = "29-49",
url = ""
Krstić, P.. (2023). Dvije dogme kritike obrazovanja. in Metodički ogledi
Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo., 30(2), 29-49.
Krstić P. Dvije dogme kritike obrazovanja. in Metodički ogledi. 2023;30(2):29-49. .
Krstić, Predrag, "Dvije dogme kritike obrazovanja" in Metodički ogledi, 30, no. 2 (2023):29-49, .

Škola sumnje

Cvejić, Igor; Hristov, Đorđe; Krstić, Predrag; Perunović, Andrea

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)

AU  - Cvejić, Igor
AU  - Hristov, Đorđe
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Perunović, Andrea
PY  - 2023
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Priručnik kritike
T1  - Škola sumnje
SP  - 157
EP  - 190
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Cvejić, Igor and Hristov, Đorđe and Krstić, Predrag and Perunović, Andrea",
year = "2023",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Priručnik kritike",
booktitle = "Škola sumnje",
pages = "157-190",
url = ""
Cvejić, I., Hristov, Đ., Krstić, P.,& Perunović, A.. (2023). Škola sumnje. in Priručnik kritike
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 157-190.
Cvejić I, Hristov Đ, Krstić P, Perunović A. Škola sumnje. in Priručnik kritike. 2023;:157-190. .
Cvejić, Igor, Hristov, Đorđe, Krstić, Predrag, Perunović, Andrea, "Škola sumnje" in Priručnik kritike (2023):157-190, .

Protiv obrazovne hijerarhije: putuj, pouči, pokori

Ostojić, Aleksandar; Krstić, Predrag; Iguman, Sanja

(Pedagoško društvo Srbije, Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2023)

AU  - Ostojić, Aleksandar
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Iguman, Sanja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Oslonjeni pre svega na analize i sugestije Ransijera i Levi-Strosa, autori rada nastoje da izlože kritiku hijerarhijski vrednovanih orijentira putovanja i obrazovanja. Prvi deo rada posvećen je zapadnim putnicima i njihovom „civilizatorskom“ odnosu prema drugim, dotad nepoznatim, predelima i narodima. Drugim delom rada ustanovljava se analogni obrazac i kada je reč o odnosu koji se uspostavlja u obrazovnom procesu, u kojem takođe novo i nepoznato valja savladati, osvojiti i pokoriti neupitnim znanjem. U zaključku se sugeriše mogućnost dekonstrukcije predefinisanog poretka civilizacije i/ili znanja, ne bi li se najavila mogućnost afirmisanja razlike, bez dominacije i učenja, bez jednoznačnog objašnjenja; mogućnost koja bi možda mogla da se ostvari s odstupanjem od iluzije o univerzalnoj merodavnosti Znanja i njegovog posednika.
AB  - Relying primarily on the analyses and suggestions by Rancière and Lévi-Strauss, the authors of this paper endeavour to present a critique of the hierarchically valued landmarks of travelling and education. The first part of the paper is dedicated to Western travellers and their ‘civilising’ treatment of other landscapes and peoples, previously unknown. The second part of the paper identifies an analogous pattern when it comes to relationship established in the educational process, where the new and the unknown also have to be mastered, conquered, and subdued by unquestionable knowledge. The conclusion suggests the possibility of deconstructing the predefined system of civilisation and/or knowledge, with a view to creating the possibility for the affirmation of differences without domination, as well as learning without an unambiguous explanation, a possibility that may perhaps materialise with the abandoning of the illusion about the universal authority of Knowledge and its possessor.
PB  - Pedagoško društvo Srbije, Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
T2  - Nastava i vaspitanje / Studies In Teaching and Education
T1  - Protiv obrazovne hijerarhije: putuj, pouči, pokori
T1  - Against the Educational Hierarchy: Travel, Teach, Subdue
IS  - 3
VL  - 72
SP  - 325; 415
EP  - 336; 428
DO  - 10.5937/nasvas2303415O
ER  - 
author = "Ostojić, Aleksandar and Krstić, Predrag and Iguman, Sanja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Oslonjeni pre svega na analize i sugestije Ransijera i Levi-Strosa, autori rada nastoje da izlože kritiku hijerarhijski vrednovanih orijentira putovanja i obrazovanja. Prvi deo rada posvećen je zapadnim putnicima i njihovom „civilizatorskom“ odnosu prema drugim, dotad nepoznatim, predelima i narodima. Drugim delom rada ustanovljava se analogni obrazac i kada je reč o odnosu koji se uspostavlja u obrazovnom procesu, u kojem takođe novo i nepoznato valja savladati, osvojiti i pokoriti neupitnim znanjem. U zaključku se sugeriše mogućnost dekonstrukcije predefinisanog poretka civilizacije i/ili znanja, ne bi li se najavila mogućnost afirmisanja razlike, bez dominacije i učenja, bez jednoznačnog objašnjenja; mogućnost koja bi možda mogla da se ostvari s odstupanjem od iluzije o univerzalnoj merodavnosti Znanja i njegovog posednika., Relying primarily on the analyses and suggestions by Rancière and Lévi-Strauss, the authors of this paper endeavour to present a critique of the hierarchically valued landmarks of travelling and education. The first part of the paper is dedicated to Western travellers and their ‘civilising’ treatment of other landscapes and peoples, previously unknown. The second part of the paper identifies an analogous pattern when it comes to relationship established in the educational process, where the new and the unknown also have to be mastered, conquered, and subdued by unquestionable knowledge. The conclusion suggests the possibility of deconstructing the predefined system of civilisation and/or knowledge, with a view to creating the possibility for the affirmation of differences without domination, as well as learning without an unambiguous explanation, a possibility that may perhaps materialise with the abandoning of the illusion about the universal authority of Knowledge and its possessor.",
publisher = "Pedagoško društvo Srbije, Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu",
journal = "Nastava i vaspitanje / Studies In Teaching and Education",
title = "Protiv obrazovne hijerarhije: putuj, pouči, pokori, Against the Educational Hierarchy: Travel, Teach, Subdue",
number = "3",
volume = "72",
pages = "325; 415-336; 428",
doi = "10.5937/nasvas2303415O"
Ostojić, A., Krstić, P.,& Iguman, S.. (2023). Protiv obrazovne hijerarhije: putuj, pouči, pokori. in Nastava i vaspitanje / Studies In Teaching and Education
Pedagoško društvo Srbije, Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu., 72(3), 325; 415-336; 428.
Ostojić A, Krstić P, Iguman S. Protiv obrazovne hijerarhije: putuj, pouči, pokori. in Nastava i vaspitanje / Studies In Teaching and Education. 2023;72(3):325; 415-336; 428.
doi:10.5937/nasvas2303415O .
Ostojić, Aleksandar, Krstić, Predrag, Iguman, Sanja, "Protiv obrazovne hijerarhije: putuj, pouči, pokori" in Nastava i vaspitanje / Studies In Teaching and Education, 72, no. 3 (2023):325; 415-336; 428, . .

Which Public, Whose Affair: The Aporia of Republic(anism)

Krstić, Predrag; Ostojić, Aleksandar

(Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet, 2023)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Ostojić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The Republic always represented a certain emancipatory idea, a password, 
or a flag, which stood up against imperial tyranny (Rome) or hereditary 
monarchy (France). But that performance was neither unison nor 
monochrome. Perhaps the purest, ideal-type representation of the republic, 
with all the paradoxes and/or contradictions of its discourse, is offered by a 
republic that in the political sense could not be called by that name, or 
perhaps it was just a crypto-political republic, a so-called metaphor of the
republic that, all the more, reveals its constitutive fragility. Respublica 
literaria is not a „real" republic, but it is not a complete chimera either: it 
had its members, but no citizenship that guarantees anything. It did not 
have its territorial boundaries, but it also knew how to limit the conditions 
of belonging to it – by proving a standard that we could maybe call 
intellectualistic, but a standard that was engaged inside communication. 
This is the contradiction we would like to expose in this paper. The fact that 
Respublica literaria consistently, to the point of paroxysm, followed the 
principle that it is not a private but a public matter and that this occurred 
alongside the fact that the public space, or the space of that public, was very 
limited, and more transparently indicated than usual. The characteristic not 
only of that republic but something like perhaps the fate of each: the first 
act of the French republic was the closing of the borders, similar to the 
Soviet one. The question is therefore whether the republic can exist in a 
universal way or whether it implies exclusion. And vice versa, is the act of 
demarcation inevitable when establishing a republic that otherwise aspires 
to universality
PB  - Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet
C3  - Idea of Republic: Book of Abstracts
T1  - Which Public, Whose Affair: The Aporia of Republic(anism)
SP  - 13
EP  - 14
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag and Ostojić, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The Republic always represented a certain emancipatory idea, a password, 
or a flag, which stood up against imperial tyranny (Rome) or hereditary 
monarchy (France). But that performance was neither unison nor 
monochrome. Perhaps the purest, ideal-type representation of the republic, 
with all the paradoxes and/or contradictions of its discourse, is offered by a 
republic that in the political sense could not be called by that name, or 
perhaps it was just a crypto-political republic, a so-called metaphor of the
republic that, all the more, reveals its constitutive fragility. Respublica 
literaria is not a „real" republic, but it is not a complete chimera either: it 
had its members, but no citizenship that guarantees anything. It did not 
have its territorial boundaries, but it also knew how to limit the conditions 
of belonging to it – by proving a standard that we could maybe call 
intellectualistic, but a standard that was engaged inside communication. 
This is the contradiction we would like to expose in this paper. The fact that 
Respublica literaria consistently, to the point of paroxysm, followed the 
principle that it is not a private but a public matter and that this occurred 
alongside the fact that the public space, or the space of that public, was very 
limited, and more transparently indicated than usual. The characteristic not 
only of that republic but something like perhaps the fate of each: the first 
act of the French republic was the closing of the borders, similar to the 
Soviet one. The question is therefore whether the republic can exist in a 
universal way or whether it implies exclusion. And vice versa, is the act of 
demarcation inevitable when establishing a republic that otherwise aspires 
to universality",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet",
journal = "Idea of Republic: Book of Abstracts",
title = "Which Public, Whose Affair: The Aporia of Republic(anism)",
pages = "13-14",
url = ""
Krstić, P.,& Ostojić, A.. (2023). Which Public, Whose Affair: The Aporia of Republic(anism). in Idea of Republic: Book of Abstracts
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet., 13-14.
Krstić P, Ostojić A. Which Public, Whose Affair: The Aporia of Republic(anism). in Idea of Republic: Book of Abstracts. 2023;:13-14. .
Krstić, Predrag, Ostojić, Aleksandar, "Which Public, Whose Affair: The Aporia of Republic(anism)" in Idea of Republic: Book of Abstracts (2023):13-14, .

Kritički racionalizam

Krstić, Predrag

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2023
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Priručnik kritike
T1  - Kritički racionalizam
SP  - 99
EP  - 126
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2023",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Priručnik kritike",
booktitle = "Kritički racionalizam",
pages = "99-126",
url = ""
Krstić, P.. (2023). Kritički racionalizam. in Priručnik kritike
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 99-126.
Krstić P. Kritički racionalizam. in Priručnik kritike. 2023;:99-126. .
Krstić, Predrag, "Kritički racionalizam" in Priručnik kritike (2023):99-126, .

Prosvetiteljska kritika

Krstić, Predrag

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2023
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Priručnik kritike
T1  - Prosvetiteljska kritika
SP  - 39
EP  - 70
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2023",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Priručnik kritike",
booktitle = "Prosvetiteljska kritika",
pages = "39-70",
url = ""
Krstić, P.. (2023). Prosvetiteljska kritika. in Priručnik kritike
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 39-70.
Krstić P. Prosvetiteljska kritika. in Priručnik kritike. 2023;:39-70. .
Krstić, Predrag, "Prosvetiteljska kritika" in Priručnik kritike (2023):39-70, .

Zašto skrenuti s puta: obrazovanje i putovanje

Ostojić, Aleksandar; Krstić, Predrag; Iguman, Sanja

(Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, 2023)

AU  - Ostojić, Aleksandar
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Iguman, Sanja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Različite obrazovne paradigme često su predstavljane jednom istom metaforom:
metaforom putovanja. U prvom delu rada izlažu se tipični primeri istovećenja obrazovanja
i putovanja i rekonstruišu razlozi njihovog povezivanja. Potom se metafori putovanja
suprotstavlja metafora lutanja – upravo da bi se istakao njen previđan, zaboravljan
ili zanemarivan, ali makar podjednako dragocen obrazovni potencijal. Najzad se sugeriše
napuštanje vizije unapred konačno određenog skupa vrednosti koje zastupa obrazovanje,
u korist otvaranja mogućnosti koje diverzitet njegovih putanja pruža. Kritičkom analizom
razumevanja putovanja Odiseja, Rusoovog Emila, Robinzona Krusoa, kao analogona
obrazovne avanture, pokazuje se da nije ni uputno ni plodonosno besprizivno usvojiti i
slediti obrazac po kome su početak obrazovanja (tačka polaska) i njegov cilj (tačka dolaska
ili odredište) strogo definisani, naročito ukoliko on podrazumeva isključenje svakog odstupanja
od trajektorije koja spaja „ishodište” i „odredište“. Inspiraciju i svojevrsnu šifru
za alternativni model obrazovne procedure, kojim bi se izbegle manjkavosti njenog shvatanja
kao manje ili više pravolinijskog i jednodimenzionalnog transfera znanja i veština,
autori pronalaze u deridijanskom poimanju derive.
AB  - Different educational paradigms are often represented by the same metaphor:
the metaphor of a journey. In the first part of the paper, typical examples of equating
education with travelling are presented and the underlying reasons for their connection
are reconstructed. Then, the metaphor of wandering is contrasted with that of travelling –
precisely to highlight its overlooked, forgotten, or neglected, but at least equally valuable
educational potential. Finally, it is suggested to abandon the vision of a predefined set of
values that education represents, in favour of opening up the possibilities offered by the
diversity of its paths. Through a critical analysis of the understanding of the journeys of
Odysseus, Rousseau’s Emile, and Robinson Crusoe, as analogues of educational adventures,
it is shown that it is neither advisable nor fruitful to uncritically adopt and follow a
pattern where the beginning of education (the point of departure) and its goal (the point
of arrival or destination) are strictly predefined, especially if it entails the exclusion of any
deviation from the trajectory connecting the „origin” and „destination”. Inspiration and
a kind of code for an alternative model of educational procedure, which would avoid the
shortcomings of its understanding as a more or less straight-line and one-dimensional
transfer of knowledge and skills, are found in Derrida’s concept of dérive.
PB  - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
T2  - Andragoške studije
T1  - Zašto skrenuti s puta: obrazovanje i putovanje
IS  - 1
VL  - 30
SP  - 51
EP  - 69
DO  - 10.5937/AndStud2301051O
ER  - 
author = "Ostojić, Aleksandar and Krstić, Predrag and Iguman, Sanja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Različite obrazovne paradigme često su predstavljane jednom istom metaforom:
metaforom putovanja. U prvom delu rada izlažu se tipični primeri istovećenja obrazovanja
i putovanja i rekonstruišu razlozi njihovog povezivanja. Potom se metafori putovanja
suprotstavlja metafora lutanja – upravo da bi se istakao njen previđan, zaboravljan
ili zanemarivan, ali makar podjednako dragocen obrazovni potencijal. Najzad se sugeriše
napuštanje vizije unapred konačno određenog skupa vrednosti koje zastupa obrazovanje,
u korist otvaranja mogućnosti koje diverzitet njegovih putanja pruža. Kritičkom analizom
razumevanja putovanja Odiseja, Rusoovog Emila, Robinzona Krusoa, kao analogona
obrazovne avanture, pokazuje se da nije ni uputno ni plodonosno besprizivno usvojiti i
slediti obrazac po kome su početak obrazovanja (tačka polaska) i njegov cilj (tačka dolaska
ili odredište) strogo definisani, naročito ukoliko on podrazumeva isključenje svakog odstupanja
od trajektorije koja spaja „ishodište” i „odredište“. Inspiraciju i svojevrsnu šifru
za alternativni model obrazovne procedure, kojim bi se izbegle manjkavosti njenog shvatanja
kao manje ili više pravolinijskog i jednodimenzionalnog transfera znanja i veština,
autori pronalaze u deridijanskom poimanju derive., Different educational paradigms are often represented by the same metaphor:
the metaphor of a journey. In the first part of the paper, typical examples of equating
education with travelling are presented and the underlying reasons for their connection
are reconstructed. Then, the metaphor of wandering is contrasted with that of travelling –
precisely to highlight its overlooked, forgotten, or neglected, but at least equally valuable
educational potential. Finally, it is suggested to abandon the vision of a predefined set of
values that education represents, in favour of opening up the possibilities offered by the
diversity of its paths. Through a critical analysis of the understanding of the journeys of
Odysseus, Rousseau’s Emile, and Robinson Crusoe, as analogues of educational adventures,
it is shown that it is neither advisable nor fruitful to uncritically adopt and follow a
pattern where the beginning of education (the point of departure) and its goal (the point
of arrival or destination) are strictly predefined, especially if it entails the exclusion of any
deviation from the trajectory connecting the „origin” and „destination”. Inspiration and
a kind of code for an alternative model of educational procedure, which would avoid the
shortcomings of its understanding as a more or less straight-line and one-dimensional
transfer of knowledge and skills, are found in Derrida’s concept of dérive.",
publisher = "Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet",
journal = "Andragoške studije",
title = "Zašto skrenuti s puta: obrazovanje i putovanje",
number = "1",
volume = "30",
pages = "51-69",
doi = "10.5937/AndStud2301051O"
Ostojić, A., Krstić, P.,& Iguman, S.. (2023). Zašto skrenuti s puta: obrazovanje i putovanje. in Andragoške studije
Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet., 30(1), 51-69.
Ostojić A, Krstić P, Iguman S. Zašto skrenuti s puta: obrazovanje i putovanje. in Andragoške studije. 2023;30(1):51-69.
doi:10.5937/AndStud2301051O .
Ostojić, Aleksandar, Krstić, Predrag, Iguman, Sanja, "Zašto skrenuti s puta: obrazovanje i putovanje" in Andragoške studije, 30, no. 1 (2023):51-69, . .

Humanitarizam vs. humanizam

Krstić, Predrag; Radovanović, Bojana

(Zagreb : Udruga za promicanje filozofije, 2023)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Radovanović, Bojana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Rad predstavlja svojevrsnu apologiju humanitarizma. U njemu se navode motivi i argumenti koji ga suprotstavljaju humanizmu. Prvi dio rada posvećen je, međutim, njihovom zajedničkom povijesnom nastupu – ne bi li se uočilo da se ne mogu neproturječno smatrati istovjetnim ili nadopunjavajućim. Drugi dio rada izlaže glavne tipove suvremene kritike humanizma i proishodećih “ideologija”, dok se u trećem dijelu rada, nadovezujući se na njih, ilustrativno zagovara humanitaristička alternativa kao protuotrov humanističkoj “aroganciji”. U završnom dijelu rada iskušavaju se dileme i granice važenja humanitarizma, ne bi li se, u protustavu prema humanizmu, odredila domena njegovog prava i predložio jedan njegov odmjeren – korektivni i regulatorni – diskurzivni i djelatni status.
AB  - The work represents a kind of apology for humanitarianism. It states the motives and arguments that oppose it to humanism. However, the first part of the work is dedicated to their joint historical appearance––to notice that they cannot be considered identical or complementary without contradiction. The second part of the paper presents the main types of contemporary criticism of humanism and the resulting “ideologies” while the third part of the paper, building on them, illustratively advocates a humanitarian alternative as an antidote to humanistic “arrogance.” In the final part of the work, the dilemmas and limits of the validity of humanitarianism are tested to determine the domain of its right in opposition to humanism and propose its well-measured––corrective and regulatory––discursive and effective status.
PB  - Zagreb : Udruga za promicanje filozofije
T2  - Prolegomena: časopis za filozofiju
T1  - Humanitarizam vs. humanizam
IS  - 2
VL  - 22
SP  - 207
EP  - 229
DO  - 10.26362/20230203
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag and Radovanović, Bojana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Rad predstavlja svojevrsnu apologiju humanitarizma. U njemu se navode motivi i argumenti koji ga suprotstavljaju humanizmu. Prvi dio rada posvećen je, međutim, njihovom zajedničkom povijesnom nastupu – ne bi li se uočilo da se ne mogu neproturječno smatrati istovjetnim ili nadopunjavajućim. Drugi dio rada izlaže glavne tipove suvremene kritike humanizma i proishodećih “ideologija”, dok se u trećem dijelu rada, nadovezujući se na njih, ilustrativno zagovara humanitaristička alternativa kao protuotrov humanističkoj “aroganciji”. U završnom dijelu rada iskušavaju se dileme i granice važenja humanitarizma, ne bi li se, u protustavu prema humanizmu, odredila domena njegovog prava i predložio jedan njegov odmjeren – korektivni i regulatorni – diskurzivni i djelatni status., The work represents a kind of apology for humanitarianism. It states the motives and arguments that oppose it to humanism. However, the first part of the work is dedicated to their joint historical appearance––to notice that they cannot be considered identical or complementary without contradiction. The second part of the paper presents the main types of contemporary criticism of humanism and the resulting “ideologies” while the third part of the paper, building on them, illustratively advocates a humanitarian alternative as an antidote to humanistic “arrogance.” In the final part of the work, the dilemmas and limits of the validity of humanitarianism are tested to determine the domain of its right in opposition to humanism and propose its well-measured––corrective and regulatory––discursive and effective status.",
publisher = "Zagreb : Udruga za promicanje filozofije",
journal = "Prolegomena: časopis za filozofiju",
title = "Humanitarizam vs. humanizam",
number = "2",
volume = "22",
pages = "207-229",
doi = "10.26362/20230203"
Krstić, P.,& Radovanović, B.. (2023). Humanitarizam vs. humanizam. in Prolegomena: časopis za filozofiju
Zagreb : Udruga za promicanje filozofije., 22(2), 207-229.
Krstić P, Radovanović B. Humanitarizam vs. humanizam. in Prolegomena: časopis za filozofiju. 2023;22(2):207-229.
doi:10.26362/20230203 .
Krstić, Predrag, Radovanović, Bojana, "Humanitarizam vs. humanizam" in Prolegomena: časopis za filozofiju, 22, no. 2 (2023):207-229, . .