Prodanović, Srđan

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Prodanović, Srđan (43)
  • Prodanović, Srđan M. (1)
Studying climate change and its influence on environment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200025 (University of Belgrade, Institute for Phylosophy and Social Theory)
"info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/inst-2020/200025/RS//" Rare Diseases:Molecular Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities and Social, Ethical and Legal Aspects
Figura neprijatelja: preosmišljavanje srpsko-albanskih odnosa, Regionalni program podrške istraživanjima u oblasti društvenih nauka na Zapadnom Balkanu (RRPP) / Figuring out the Enemy: Re-imagining Serbian-Albanian Relations, RRPP - Regional Research Promotion Programme - Western Balkans Politics of Social Memory and National Identity: Regional and European Context
Agrobiodiversity and land-use change in Serbia: an integrated biodiversity assessment of key functional groups of arthropods and plant pathogens Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200025 (University of Belgrade, Institute for Phylosophy and Social Theory)
"Otuđene ili "otete" institucije u Srbiji", centar za etiku, pravo i primenjenu filozofiju, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju Univerziteta u Beogradu, uz podršku Fondacije za otvoreno društvo This article was realised with the support of The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, according to the Agreement on the realisation and financing of scientific research.

Author's Bibliography

The Burden of Systemic Legitimization in Socialist Yugoslavia: Discursive Reduction of Kosovo Protests

Ivković, Marjan; Petrović Trifunović, Tamara; Prodanović, Srđan


Ivković, M., Petrović Trifunović, T.,& Prodanović, S..The Burden of Systemic Legitimization in Socialist Yugoslavia: Discursive Reduction of Kosovo Protests. in Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations: Figuring out the Enemy
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge., 61-79.
Ivković M, Petrović Trifunović T, Prodanović S. The Burden of Systemic Legitimization in Socialist Yugoslavia: Discursive Reduction of Kosovo Protests. in Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations: Figuring out the Enemy.:61-79. .
Ivković, Marjan, Petrović Trifunović, Tamara, Prodanović, Srđan, "The Burden of Systemic Legitimization in Socialist Yugoslavia: Discursive Reduction of Kosovo Protests" in Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations: Figuring out the Enemy:61-79, .

Između heterotopije i ideologije: o realnostima rijaliti programa u Srbiji

Prodanović, Srđan


Prodanović, S..Između heterotopije i ideologije: o realnostima rijaliti programa u Srbiji. in Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 14(1), 203-222-203–222.
Prodanović S. Između heterotopije i ideologije: o realnostima rijaliti programa u Srbiji. in Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology.14(1):203-222-203–222. .
Prodanović, Srđan, "Između heterotopije i ideologije: o realnostima rijaliti programa u Srbiji" in Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 14, no. 1:203-222-203–222, .

Kritički aspekti pragmatizma: između opravdanja i ironije

Prodanović, Srđan; Knežević, Aleksandra

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)

AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
AU  - Knežević, Aleksandra
PY  - 2023
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Priručnik kritike
T1  - Kritički aspekti pragmatizma: između opravdanja i ironije
SP  - 385
EP  - 420
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan and Knežević, Aleksandra",
year = "2023",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Priručnik kritike",
booktitle = "Kritički aspekti pragmatizma: između opravdanja i ironije",
pages = "385-420",
url = ""
Prodanović, S.,& Knežević, A.. (2023). Kritički aspekti pragmatizma: između opravdanja i ironije. in Priručnik kritike
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 385-420.
Prodanović S, Knežević A. Kritički aspekti pragmatizma: između opravdanja i ironije. in Priručnik kritike. 2023;:385-420. .
Prodanović, Srđan, Knežević, Aleksandra, "Kritički aspekti pragmatizma: između opravdanja i ironije" in Priručnik kritike (2023):385-420, .

Poreklo i priroda kritičkog u kritičkom realizmu

Resanović, Milica; Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)

AU  - Resanović, Milica
AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Priručnik kritike
T1  - Poreklo i priroda kritičkog u kritičkom realizmu
SP  - 355
EP  - 384
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Resanović, Milica and Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2023",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Priručnik kritike",
booktitle = "Poreklo i priroda kritičkog u kritičkom realizmu",
pages = "355-384",
url = ""
Resanović, M.,& Prodanović, S.. (2023). Poreklo i priroda kritičkog u kritičkom realizmu. in Priručnik kritike
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 355-384.
Resanović M, Prodanović S. Poreklo i priroda kritičkog u kritičkom realizmu. in Priručnik kritike. 2023;:355-384. .
Resanović, Milica, Prodanović, Srđan, "Poreklo i priroda kritičkog u kritičkom realizmu" in Priručnik kritike (2023):355-384, .

Šta znači (ne) biti angažovan u doba ekonomije pažnje?

Prodanović, Srđan

(Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 2023)

AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - У овом раду испитаћемо однос између економије пажње, надзорног капитализма и ангажмана. У првим одељцима анализираћемо како се људска пажња монетизује кроз експлоатацију бихејвиоралног вишка који је описала Шошана Зубоф у својој анализи надзорног капитализма. Након тога, покушаћемо да развијемо аргумент у прилог тези да савремени облици ангажмана производа и потрошача врше функцију комплексне доминације чак и над оним актерима који кроз своје критичке ставове изнете на новим медијима теже да артикулишу жељу за (радикалном) друштвеном променом. У закључним деловима рада пружићемо анализу неких могућих стратегија отпора које би се могле спровести спрам поменутих облика комплексне доминације.
PB  - Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
T1  - Šta znači (ne) biti angažovan u doba ekonomije pažnje?
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "У овом раду испитаћемо однос између економије пажње, надзорног капитализма и ангажмана. У првим одељцима анализираћемо како се људска пажња монетизује кроз експлоатацију бихејвиоралног вишка који је описала Шошана Зубоф у својој анализи надзорног капитализма. Након тога, покушаћемо да развијемо аргумент у прилог тези да савремени облици ангажмана производа и потрошача врше функцију комплексне доминације чак и над оним актерима који кроз своје критичке ставове изнете на новим медијима теже да артикулишу жељу за (радикалном) друштвеном променом. У закључним деловима рада пружићемо анализу неких могућих стратегија отпора које би се могле спровести спрам поменутих облика комплексне доминације.",
publisher = "Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti",
title = "Šta znači (ne) biti angažovan u doba ekonomije pažnje?",
url = ""
Prodanović, S.. (2023). Šta znači (ne) biti angažovan u doba ekonomije pažnje?. 
Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti..
Prodanović S. Šta znači (ne) biti angažovan u doba ekonomije pažnje?. 2023;. .
Prodanović, Srđan, "Šta znači (ne) biti angažovan u doba ekonomije pažnje?" (2023), .

Opšte dobro, javni interes i zajedničko: konceptualna razgraničenja u istorijskoj perspektivi i savremene dileme

Radovanovic, Bojana; Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd: Sociološko naučno društvo Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Radovanovic, Bojana
AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Rad se bavi preciznijim određivanjem pojmova opšteg dobra, javnog
interesa i zajedničkog sagledavajući njihovu upotrebu u političkoj filozofiji i
političkim naukama u istorijskoj perspektivi. Opšte dobro je od davnina bila jedna
od ključnih tema moralne i političke filozofije. Danas se kao sinonim za termin
opšteg dobra često koristi pojam javnog interesa. Ipak, nastojaćemo da pokažemo
da oni nose donekle drugačije značenje. Skorašnji značajan odjek dugovekovne
debate o opštem dobru može se prepoznati u raspravama oko pojma zajedničkog
(eng. commons) koji se odnosi na kulturne, materijalne i intelektualne resurse na
čije korišćenje pravo polažu svi članovi određene zajednice. Sva tri pojma pomažu
dubljem razumevanju dobrobiti zajednice i načina da se ta dobrobit ostvari, iako
proučavani autori u svojim teorijama različito naglašavaju značaj kolektiviteta ili
individue. Pojam opšteg dobra se, posebno za predmoderne mislioce, odnosio na
dobro zajednice iz kojeg sledi dobro njenih članova, pa se stoga pozivanje na interese
pojedinaca smatralo nemoralnim. Kasnije, s razvojem koncepta javnog interesa,
pojedinac je postavljen u centar promišljanja, a dobrobit zajednice dovedena
u vezu sa onim što je u interesu njenih članova. Naposletku, pojam zajedničkog
vraća kolektivitet u igru, a „zajedništvo“ postaje ključni termin u rešavanju pitanja
degradacije i održivosti širokog spektra dobara.
AB  - The paper endeavours to offer a closer definition of the concepts
of common good, public interest and the commons, analysing their usage in a
contemporary and historical perspective. The common good has been one of the key
subjects of moral and political philosophy since ancient times. Today, the term public
interest is often used as a synonym for the term common good. However, we will try
to show that they carry a somewhat different meaning. A recent significant echo of
the long-standing debate on the common good can be recognized in the discussions
surrounding the concept of commons, which refers to cultural, material and
intellectual resources to which all members of a community claim the right to use.
All three notions contribute to a deeper understanding of community well-being and
the way to realize that well-being. However, authors that are studied in the paper
emphasize differently the importance of the collectivity and the individual in that
process. The concept of the common good, especially for pre-modern thinkers, refers
to the good of the community from which follows the good of its members, while
the appealing to the interests of individuals is considered immoral. Later, with the
development of the concept of public interest, the individual is placed in the centre
of consideration, and the well-being of the community is brought into relation with
what is in the interest of its members. Ultimately, the notion of the commons brings
the collectivity back to focus, and “togetherness” becomes a key term in addressing
the issues of degradation and sustainability of a wide range of goods.
PB  - Beograd: Sociološko naučno društvo Srbije
T2  - Sociologija
T1  - Opšte dobro, javni interes i zajedničko: konceptualna razgraničenja u istorijskoj perspektivi i savremene dileme
IS  - 3
SP  - 337
EP  - 355
DO  - 10.2298/SOC221116015R
ER  - 
author = "Radovanovic, Bojana and Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Rad se bavi preciznijim određivanjem pojmova opšteg dobra, javnog
interesa i zajedničkog sagledavajući njihovu upotrebu u političkoj filozofiji i
političkim naukama u istorijskoj perspektivi. Opšte dobro je od davnina bila jedna
od ključnih tema moralne i političke filozofije. Danas se kao sinonim za termin
opšteg dobra često koristi pojam javnog interesa. Ipak, nastojaćemo da pokažemo
da oni nose donekle drugačije značenje. Skorašnji značajan odjek dugovekovne
debate o opštem dobru može se prepoznati u raspravama oko pojma zajedničkog
(eng. commons) koji se odnosi na kulturne, materijalne i intelektualne resurse na
čije korišćenje pravo polažu svi članovi određene zajednice. Sva tri pojma pomažu
dubljem razumevanju dobrobiti zajednice i načina da se ta dobrobit ostvari, iako
proučavani autori u svojim teorijama različito naglašavaju značaj kolektiviteta ili
individue. Pojam opšteg dobra se, posebno za predmoderne mislioce, odnosio na
dobro zajednice iz kojeg sledi dobro njenih članova, pa se stoga pozivanje na interese
pojedinaca smatralo nemoralnim. Kasnije, s razvojem koncepta javnog interesa,
pojedinac je postavljen u centar promišljanja, a dobrobit zajednice dovedena
u vezu sa onim što je u interesu njenih članova. Naposletku, pojam zajedničkog
vraća kolektivitet u igru, a „zajedništvo“ postaje ključni termin u rešavanju pitanja
degradacije i održivosti širokog spektra dobara., The paper endeavours to offer a closer definition of the concepts
of common good, public interest and the commons, analysing their usage in a
contemporary and historical perspective. The common good has been one of the key
subjects of moral and political philosophy since ancient times. Today, the term public
interest is often used as a synonym for the term common good. However, we will try
to show that they carry a somewhat different meaning. A recent significant echo of
the long-standing debate on the common good can be recognized in the discussions
surrounding the concept of commons, which refers to cultural, material and
intellectual resources to which all members of a community claim the right to use.
All three notions contribute to a deeper understanding of community well-being and
the way to realize that well-being. However, authors that are studied in the paper
emphasize differently the importance of the collectivity and the individual in that
process. The concept of the common good, especially for pre-modern thinkers, refers
to the good of the community from which follows the good of its members, while
the appealing to the interests of individuals is considered immoral. Later, with the
development of the concept of public interest, the individual is placed in the centre
of consideration, and the well-being of the community is brought into relation with
what is in the interest of its members. Ultimately, the notion of the commons brings
the collectivity back to focus, and “togetherness” becomes a key term in addressing
the issues of degradation and sustainability of a wide range of goods.",
publisher = "Beograd: Sociološko naučno društvo Srbije",
journal = "Sociologija",
title = "Opšte dobro, javni interes i zajedničko: konceptualna razgraničenja u istorijskoj perspektivi i savremene dileme",
number = "3",
volume = "LXV",
pages = "337-355",
doi = "10.2298/SOC221116015R"
Radovanovic, B.,& Prodanović, S.. (2023). Opšte dobro, javni interes i zajedničko: konceptualna razgraničenja u istorijskoj perspektivi i savremene dileme. in Sociologija
Beograd: Sociološko naučno društvo Srbije., LXV(3), 337-355.
Radovanovic B, Prodanović S. Opšte dobro, javni interes i zajedničko: konceptualna razgraničenja u istorijskoj perspektivi i savremene dileme. in Sociologija. 2023;LXV(3):337-355.
doi:10.2298/SOC221116015R .
Radovanovic, Bojana, Prodanović, Srđan, "Opšte dobro, javni interes i zajedničko: konceptualna razgraničenja u istorijskoj perspektivi i savremene dileme" in Sociologija, LXV, no. 3 (2023):337-355, . .

Habitus and Higher Order Desires: Going Beyond Determinism

Prodanović, Srđan


AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, I will try to consider the usual allegations of determinism that are directed towards Bourdieu’s notion of habitus from a slightly different perspective. One of the most common arguments found in these types of charges is that Bourdieu unsuccessfully attempted to reconcile objective and subjective aspects of social life under one notion. According to critics, habitus is not a viable solution to structure vs. agency debate simply because it cannot be both determined by social structure and open to contingency of autonomous subjective interpretations of the social world. I will show that this critique of Bourdieu actually is inspired by incompatibilist philosophy which maintains that regarding human action either determinism or free will can be true. However, those sociologists who, in criticising Bourdieu’s understanding of habitus, follow the incompatibilist line of reasoning usually overlook the compatibilist side of this old debate in moral philosophy. In that regard, I will argue that Frankfurt and Taylor’s compatibilist account of second order desires and strong evaluations can help us to better understand how habitus can be determined by environmental social factors and, at the same, time not only foster free will, but also provide a theoretical insight into radical forms of social change.
T2  - The American Sociologist
T1  - Habitus and Higher Order Desires: Going Beyond Determinism
IS  - 1
VL  - 54
SP  - 176
EP  - 192
DO  - 10.1007/s12108-022-09561-0
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In this paper, I will try to consider the usual allegations of determinism that are directed towards Bourdieu’s notion of habitus from a slightly different perspective. One of the most common arguments found in these types of charges is that Bourdieu unsuccessfully attempted to reconcile objective and subjective aspects of social life under one notion. According to critics, habitus is not a viable solution to structure vs. agency debate simply because it cannot be both determined by social structure and open to contingency of autonomous subjective interpretations of the social world. I will show that this critique of Bourdieu actually is inspired by incompatibilist philosophy which maintains that regarding human action either determinism or free will can be true. However, those sociologists who, in criticising Bourdieu’s understanding of habitus, follow the incompatibilist line of reasoning usually overlook the compatibilist side of this old debate in moral philosophy. In that regard, I will argue that Frankfurt and Taylor’s compatibilist account of second order desires and strong evaluations can help us to better understand how habitus can be determined by environmental social factors and, at the same, time not only foster free will, but also provide a theoretical insight into radical forms of social change.",
journal = "The American Sociologist",
title = "Habitus and Higher Order Desires: Going Beyond Determinism",
number = "1",
volume = "54",
pages = "176-192",
doi = "10.1007/s12108-022-09561-0"
Prodanović, S.. (2023). Habitus and Higher Order Desires: Going Beyond Determinism. in The American Sociologist, 54(1), 176-192.
Prodanović S. Habitus and Higher Order Desires: Going Beyond Determinism. in The American Sociologist. 2023;54(1):176-192.
doi:10.1007/s12108-022-09561-0 .
Prodanović, Srđan, "Habitus and Higher Order Desires: Going Beyond Determinism" in The American Sociologist, 54, no. 1 (2023):176-192, . .

Intuitions, Trust, and Social Change in Times of Crisis

Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)

AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, I will investigate the complex relationship between intuition, trustworthiness, and trust. I will first examine some of the more prevalent accounts of trust which either (over)emphasize the cognitive aspect of generating trustworthiness, or indeed acknowledge the importance of affects and emotions, but only as part of a neatly organized dual structure − which is in essence complementary with the cognitive understanding of how we start trusting each other. I will argue that intuitions provide a more detailed insight into trustworthiness because they are simultaneously cognitive and affective in nature. I will also consider how inferential and holistic intuitions might influence our understanding of trustworthiness, especially in times of crisis.
AB  - U ovom radu ć u istražiti složen odnos između intuicije, pouzdanosti i poverenja. Prvo ć u ispitati neka od preovlađujuć ih tumačenja poverenja koja ili (pre)naglašavaju kognitivni aspekt generisanja poverenja, ili pak priznaju važnost afekta i emocija, ali samo kao deo uredno organizovane dualne strukture – što je u suštini komplementarno sa kognitivnim razumevanjem toga kako uspostavljamo međusobno poverenje. Tvrdiću da intuicije pružaju detaljniji uvid u pouzdanost jer su istovremeno kognitivne i afektivne prirode. Takođe ć emo razmotriti kako inferencijalne i holističke intuicije mogu uticati na naše razumevanje pouzdanosti, posebno u vremenima kriza.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
T1  - Intuitions, Trust, and Social Change in Times of Crisis
T1  - Intuicije, poverenje i društvena promena u vremenima krize
IS  - 2
VL  - 34
SP  - 233
EP  - 247
DO  - 10.2298/FID2302233P
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In this paper, I will investigate the complex relationship between intuition, trustworthiness, and trust. I will first examine some of the more prevalent accounts of trust which either (over)emphasize the cognitive aspect of generating trustworthiness, or indeed acknowledge the importance of affects and emotions, but only as part of a neatly organized dual structure − which is in essence complementary with the cognitive understanding of how we start trusting each other. I will argue that intuitions provide a more detailed insight into trustworthiness because they are simultaneously cognitive and affective in nature. I will also consider how inferential and holistic intuitions might influence our understanding of trustworthiness, especially in times of crisis., U ovom radu ć u istražiti složen odnos između intuicije, pouzdanosti i poverenja. Prvo ć u ispitati neka od preovlađujuć ih tumačenja poverenja koja ili (pre)naglašavaju kognitivni aspekt generisanja poverenja, ili pak priznaju važnost afekta i emocija, ali samo kao deo uredno organizovane dualne strukture – što je u suštini komplementarno sa kognitivnim razumevanjem toga kako uspostavljamo međusobno poverenje. Tvrdiću da intuicije pružaju detaljniji uvid u pouzdanost jer su istovremeno kognitivne i afektivne prirode. Takođe ć emo razmotriti kako inferencijalne i holističke intuicije mogu uticati na naše razumevanje pouzdanosti, posebno u vremenima kriza.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society",
title = "Intuitions, Trust, and Social Change in Times of Crisis, Intuicije, poverenje i društvena promena u vremenima krize",
number = "2",
volume = "34",
pages = "233-247",
doi = "10.2298/FID2302233P"
Prodanović, S.. (2023). Intuitions, Trust, and Social Change in Times of Crisis. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 34(2), 233-247.
Prodanović S. Intuitions, Trust, and Social Change in Times of Crisis. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society. 2023;34(2):233-247.
doi:10.2298/FID2302233P .
Prodanović, Srđan, "Intuitions, Trust, and Social Change in Times of Crisis" in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society, 34, no. 2 (2023):233-247, . .

Na šta mislimo kada kažemo... Nove utopije

Prodanović, Srđan; Ivković, Marjan; Janković, Miloš

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2022)

AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
AU  - Ivković, Marjan
AU  - Janković, Miloš
PY  - 2022
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
PB  - Beograd: Institut za demokratski angažman jugoistočne Evrope
T1  - Na šta mislimo kada kažemo... Nove utopije
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan and Ivković, Marjan and Janković, Miloš",
year = "2022",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd: Institut za demokratski angažman jugoistočne Evrope",
title = "Na šta mislimo kada kažemo... Nove utopije",
url = ""
Prodanović, S., Ivković, M.,& Janković, M.. (2022). Na šta mislimo kada kažemo... Nove utopije. 
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Prodanović S, Ivković M, Janković M. Na šta mislimo kada kažemo... Nove utopije. 2022;. .
Prodanović, Srđan, Ivković, Marjan, Janković, Miloš, "Na šta mislimo kada kažemo... Nove utopije" (2022), .

Smehom do društvene promene: o savremenoj upotrebi političkog humora

Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2022)

AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu ćemo nastojati da ispitamo neke od savremenih teorijskih
specifičnosti političke upotrebe humora. Osnovno polazište
glasi da politički humor podrazumeva da se ismeva upravo ono ponašanje
koje se isuviše rigidno zasniva na normama, konvencijama ili
predrasudama koje su od presudne važnosti za reprodukciju datog
društvenog poretka. Humor utoliko nužno referira na ono što je opšte
u društvenom delanju i upravo taj njegov aspekt ga čini privlačnim za
političku upotrebu i društveni angažman. Na osnovu ovih apstraktnih
uvida, nastojaćemo da ponudimo tri smera političke upotrebe humora.
Naročitu pažnju ćemo posvetiti tome na koji način sama stabilnost
sistema utiče na političke domete humorističkog sagledavanja
političkih događaja.
AB  - In this paper, we will try to examine some of the contemporary theoretical specifics of the political use of humor. The main starting point is that political humor ridicules precisely those behaviors that are too rigidly based on norms, conventions or prejudices that are crucial for the reproduction of a given social order. Humor thus necessarily refers to what is general in social action, and it is this aspect of it that makes it attractive for political use and social engagement. Based on these abstract insights, I will try to offer three directions of political use of humor. I will pay special attention to the way in which the overall stability of the system itself affects the political achievements of the humorous view of political events.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva
T1  - Smehom do društvene promene: o savremenoj upotrebi političkog humora
T1  - Social Change Through Laughter: On The Contemporary Use of Political Humor
IS  - 1
VL  - 3
DO  - 10.5281/zenodo.6591701
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U ovom radu ćemo nastojati da ispitamo neke od savremenih teorijskih
specifičnosti političke upotrebe humora. Osnovno polazište
glasi da politički humor podrazumeva da se ismeva upravo ono ponašanje
koje se isuviše rigidno zasniva na normama, konvencijama ili
predrasudama koje su od presudne važnosti za reprodukciju datog
društvenog poretka. Humor utoliko nužno referira na ono što je opšte
u društvenom delanju i upravo taj njegov aspekt ga čini privlačnim za
političku upotrebu i društveni angažman. Na osnovu ovih apstraktnih
uvida, nastojaćemo da ponudimo tri smera političke upotrebe humora.
Naročitu pažnju ćemo posvetiti tome na koji način sama stabilnost
sistema utiče na političke domete humorističkog sagledavanja
političkih događaja., In this paper, we will try to examine some of the contemporary theoretical specifics of the political use of humor. The main starting point is that political humor ridicules precisely those behaviors that are too rigidly based on norms, conventions or prejudices that are crucial for the reproduction of a given social order. Humor thus necessarily refers to what is general in social action, and it is this aspect of it that makes it attractive for political use and social engagement. Based on these abstract insights, I will try to offer three directions of political use of humor. I will pay special attention to the way in which the overall stability of the system itself affects the political achievements of the humorous view of political events.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva",
title = "Smehom do društvene promene: o savremenoj upotrebi političkog humora, Social Change Through Laughter: On The Contemporary Use of Political Humor",
number = "1",
volume = "3",
doi = "10.5281/zenodo.6591701"
Prodanović, S.. (2022). Smehom do društvene promene: o savremenoj upotrebi političkog humora. in Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 3(1).
Prodanović S. Smehom do društvene promene: o savremenoj upotrebi političkog humora. in Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva. 2022;3(1).
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6591701 .
Prodanović, Srđan, "Smehom do društvene promene: o savremenoj upotrebi političkog humora" in Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva, 3, no. 1 (2022), . .

O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o neznanju: pohvala grešci

Prodanović, Srđan; Krstić, Predrag

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2021)

AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Ovo nije knjiga o gluposti: njenu istoriju, teoriju i „fenomenologiju“ 
mnogi su već ispisali (među drugima, Tabori 2006; Gliksman 1986). 
Ali ovo jeste knjiga koja ima veze sa onim s čim se glupost obično 
povezuje, sa neznanjem i greškom. Veza sreće i gluposti odvajkada je 
zapravo bila, ako ne neposredno asociranje prvog pojma sa manjkom 
znanja, onda svakako upozorenje na blisko srodstvo nesreće i znanja
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T1  - O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o neznanju: pohvala grešci
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan and Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Ovo nije knjiga o gluposti: njenu istoriju, teoriju i „fenomenologiju“ 
mnogi su već ispisali (među drugima, Tabori 2006; Gliksman 1986). 
Ali ovo jeste knjiga koja ima veze sa onim s čim se glupost obično 
povezuje, sa neznanjem i greškom. Veza sreće i gluposti odvajkada je 
zapravo bila, ako ne neposredno asociranje prvog pojma sa manjkom 
znanja, onda svakako upozorenje na blisko srodstvo nesreće i znanja",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
title = "O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o neznanju: pohvala grešci",
url = ""
Prodanović, S.,& Krstić, P.. (2021). O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o neznanju: pohvala grešci. 
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Prodanović S, Krstić P. O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o neznanju: pohvala grešci. 2021;. .
Prodanović, Srđan, Krstić, Predrag, "O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o neznanju: pohvala grešci" (2021), .

Theory caught up in dialectics: Some reflections on Asger Sørensen’s capitalism, alienation and critique

Ivković, Marjan; Prodanović, Srđan; Urošević, Milan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2021)

AU  - Ivković, Marjan
AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
AU  - Urošević, Milan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents three interconnected examinations of Asger Sørensen’s arguments in Capitalism, Alienation and Critique, which thematize Sørensen’s overarching understanding of the relationship between theory and practice: his general methodological perspective on critical theory, its distinctive epistemology and its anchoring in the empirical world. The paper authors each try to push Sørensen on these crucial points by considering how Sørensen’s variant of critical theory actually operates, scrutinizing in more detail the particular relationship between the ‘experience of injustice’, which for Sørensen constitutes the empirical foothold for critical theory, and the theoretical diagnosis of social reality which the critical theorist should formulate against the backdrop of this experience.
AB  - Ovaj rad predstavlja tri povezana ispitivanja argumentacije Asgera Serensena u Kapitalizmu, 
otuđenju i kritici, koja tematizuju Serensenovo generalno razumevanje odnosa teorije i prak se, drugim rečima njegovu metodološku perspektivu u pogledu kritičke teorije, njene speci fične epistemologije i njene ukorenjenosti u empirijskom svetu. Marjan Ivković, Srđan Pro danović i Milan Urošević nastoje da problematizuju Serensenovo stanovište razmatrajući 
način na koji Serensenova kritička teorija zapravo funkcioniše, analizirajući detaljnije odnos 
između ,iskustva nepravdeʻ, koje za Serensena predstavlja empirijsko uporište kritičke teo rije, i teorijske dijagnoze društvene stvarnosti koju kritički teoretičar formuliše na temelju 
tog iskustva
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Theory caught up in dialectics: Some reflections on Asger Sørensen’s capitalism, alienation and critique
T1  - Teorija uhvaćena u dijalektiku: neke refleksije o Kapitalizmu, otuđenju  i kritici Asgera Serensena
IS  - 1
VL  - 32
SP  - 11
EP  - 21
DO  - 10.2298/FID2101011I
ER  - 
author = "Ivković, Marjan and Prodanović, Srđan and Urošević, Milan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This paper presents three interconnected examinations of Asger Sørensen’s arguments in Capitalism, Alienation and Critique, which thematize Sørensen’s overarching understanding of the relationship between theory and practice: his general methodological perspective on critical theory, its distinctive epistemology and its anchoring in the empirical world. The paper authors each try to push Sørensen on these crucial points by considering how Sørensen’s variant of critical theory actually operates, scrutinizing in more detail the particular relationship between the ‘experience of injustice’, which for Sørensen constitutes the empirical foothold for critical theory, and the theoretical diagnosis of social reality which the critical theorist should formulate against the backdrop of this experience., Ovaj rad predstavlja tri povezana ispitivanja argumentacije Asgera Serensena u Kapitalizmu, 
otuđenju i kritici, koja tematizuju Serensenovo generalno razumevanje odnosa teorije i prak se, drugim rečima njegovu metodološku perspektivu u pogledu kritičke teorije, njene speci fične epistemologije i njene ukorenjenosti u empirijskom svetu. Marjan Ivković, Srđan Pro danović i Milan Urošević nastoje da problematizuju Serensenovo stanovište razmatrajući 
način na koji Serensenova kritička teorija zapravo funkcioniše, analizirajući detaljnije odnos 
između ,iskustva nepravdeʻ, koje za Serensena predstavlja empirijsko uporište kritičke teo rije, i teorijske dijagnoze društvene stvarnosti koju kritički teoretičar formuliše na temelju 
tog iskustva",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Theory caught up in dialectics: Some reflections on Asger Sørensen’s capitalism, alienation and critique, Teorija uhvaćena u dijalektiku: neke refleksije o Kapitalizmu, otuđenju  i kritici Asgera Serensena",
number = "1",
volume = "32",
pages = "11-21",
doi = "10.2298/FID2101011I"
Ivković, M., Prodanović, S.,& Urošević, M.. (2021). Theory caught up in dialectics: Some reflections on Asger Sørensen’s capitalism, alienation and critique. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 32(1), 11-21.
Ivković M, Prodanović S, Urošević M. Theory caught up in dialectics: Some reflections on Asger Sørensen’s capitalism, alienation and critique. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2021;32(1):11-21.
doi:10.2298/FID2101011I .
Ivković, Marjan, Prodanović, Srđan, Urošević, Milan, "Theory caught up in dialectics: Some reflections on Asger Sørensen’s capitalism, alienation and critique" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 32, no. 1 (2021):11-21, . .

Urge For Engagement: Conditions of social change

Trajković, Đurđa; Prodanović, Srđan; Pudar Draško, Gazela

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)


Trajković, Đ., Prodanović, S.,& Pudar Draško, G.. (2019). Urge For Engagement: Conditions of social change. 
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Trajković Đ, Prodanović S, Pudar Draško G. Urge For Engagement: Conditions of social change. 2019;. .
Trajković, Đurđa, Prodanović, Srđan, Pudar Draško, Gazela, "Urge For Engagement: Conditions of social change" (2019), .

Otete institucije u Srbiji: teorija i praksa

Velinov, Marija; Pudar Draško, Gazela; Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)


Velinov, M., Pudar Draško, G.,& Prodanović, S.. (2019). Otete institucije u Srbiji: teorija i praksa. 
Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Velinov M, Pudar Draško G, Prodanović S. Otete institucije u Srbiji: teorija i praksa. 2019;. .
Velinov, Marija, Pudar Draško, Gazela, Prodanović, Srđan, "Otete institucije u Srbiji: teorija i praksa" (2019), .

Engaging (for) Social Change: Towards New Forms of Collective Action

Ivković, Marjan; Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)

AU  - Ivković, Marjan
AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2019
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T1  - Engaging (for) Social Change: Towards New Forms of Collective Action
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ivković, Marjan and Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
title = "Engaging (for) Social Change: Towards New Forms of Collective Action",
url = ""
Ivković, M.,& Prodanović, S.. (2019). Engaging (for) Social Change: Towards New Forms of Collective Action. 
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Ivković M, Prodanović S. Engaging (for) Social Change: Towards New Forms of Collective Action. 2019;. .
Ivković, Marjan, Prodanović, Srđan, "Engaging (for) Social Change: Towards New Forms of Collective Action" (2019), .

ENGAGING (for) Social Change : towards new forms of collective action

Ivković, Marjan; Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)


Ivković, M.,& Prodanović, S.. (2019). ENGAGING (for) Social Change : towards new forms of collective action. 
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Ivković M, Prodanović S. ENGAGING (for) Social Change : towards new forms of collective action. 2019;. .
Ivković, Marjan, Prodanović, Srđan, "ENGAGING (for) Social Change : towards new forms of collective action" (2019), .

Engaging for Social Change

Trajković, Đurđa; Prodanović, Srđan; Pudar Draško, Gazela

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)

AU  - Trajković, Đurđa
AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
AU  - Pudar Draško, Gazela
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The main productive heuristic tool we offer here for thinking, analysis and practice is the phenomena of engagement for social change. We see engagement as a spectrum of ways in which the citizens of a given society reflect on the norms and rules of social action (legally institutionalized, culturally dominant or specific to certain spheres of social action: professional, private or economic), which constitute the structure of their institutional reality, and ways in which they act, on the basis of this reflection, either in order to change parts of this institutional reality, or in order to reinforce them. Not all norms are “bad”. Therefore, engagement is any collective practice characterized by reflection on the existing social norms and rules, and consequently acting upon or against their change. Change and engagement become inseparable and irreducible and it is this relation we want to bring into light with this collection.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Urge For Engagement: Conditions of social change
T1  - Engaging for Social Change
SP  - 4
EP  - 13
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Trajković, Đurđa and Prodanović, Srđan and Pudar Draško, Gazela",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The main productive heuristic tool we offer here for thinking, analysis and practice is the phenomena of engagement for social change. We see engagement as a spectrum of ways in which the citizens of a given society reflect on the norms and rules of social action (legally institutionalized, culturally dominant or specific to certain spheres of social action: professional, private or economic), which constitute the structure of their institutional reality, and ways in which they act, on the basis of this reflection, either in order to change parts of this institutional reality, or in order to reinforce them. Not all norms are “bad”. Therefore, engagement is any collective practice characterized by reflection on the existing social norms and rules, and consequently acting upon or against their change. Change and engagement become inseparable and irreducible and it is this relation we want to bring into light with this collection.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Urge For Engagement: Conditions of social change",
booktitle = "Engaging for Social Change",
pages = "4-13",
url = ""
Trajković, Đ., Prodanović, S.,& Pudar Draško, G.. (2019). Engaging for Social Change. in Urge For Engagement: Conditions of social change
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 4-13.
Trajković Đ, Prodanović S, Pudar Draško G. Engaging for Social Change. in Urge For Engagement: Conditions of social change. 2019;:4-13. .
Trajković, Đurđa, Prodanović, Srđan, Pudar Draško, Gazela, "Engaging for Social Change" in Urge For Engagement: Conditions of social change (2019):4-13, .

Engagement and Complex Domination: The Emancipatory Potential of Contingency

Ivković, Marjan; Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)

AU  - Ivković, Marjan
AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2019
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Engaging (For) Social Change: Towards New Forms Of Collective Action
T1  - Engagement and Complex Domination: The Emancipatory Potential of Contingency
SP  - 126
EP  - 149
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ivković, Marjan and Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Engaging (For) Social Change: Towards New Forms Of Collective Action",
booktitle = "Engagement and Complex Domination: The Emancipatory Potential of Contingency",
pages = "126-149",
url = ""
Ivković, M.,& Prodanović, S.. (2019). Engagement and Complex Domination: The Emancipatory Potential of Contingency. in Engaging (For) Social Change: Towards New Forms Of Collective Action
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 126-149.
Ivković M, Prodanović S. Engagement and Complex Domination: The Emancipatory Potential of Contingency. in Engaging (For) Social Change: Towards New Forms Of Collective Action. 2019;:126-149. .
Ivković, Marjan, Prodanović, Srđan, "Engagement and Complex Domination: The Emancipatory Potential of Contingency" in Engaging (For) Social Change: Towards New Forms Of Collective Action (2019):126-149, .

The Hybrid Discourse of the Serbian Antibureaucratic Revolution

Ivković, Marjan; Petrović Trifunović, Tamara; Prodanović, Srđan

(Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2019)

AU  - Ivković, Marjan
AU  - Petrović Trifunović, Tamara
AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2019
UR  -
PB  - Cambridge University Press (CUP)
T2  - Nationalities Papers
T1  - The Hybrid Discourse of the Serbian Antibureaucratic Revolution
IS  - 4
VL  - 47
SP  - 597
EP  - 612
DO  - 10.1017/nps.2019.40
ER  - 
author = "Ivković, Marjan and Petrović Trifunović, Tamara and Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Cambridge University Press (CUP)",
journal = "Nationalities Papers",
title = "The Hybrid Discourse of the Serbian Antibureaucratic Revolution",
number = "4",
volume = "47",
pages = "597-612",
doi = "10.1017/nps.2019.40"
Ivković, M., Petrović Trifunović, T.,& Prodanović, S.. (2019). The Hybrid Discourse of the Serbian Antibureaucratic Revolution. in Nationalities Papers
Cambridge University Press (CUP)., 47(4), 597-612.
Ivković M, Petrović Trifunović T, Prodanović S. The Hybrid Discourse of the Serbian Antibureaucratic Revolution. in Nationalities Papers. 2019;47(4):597-612.
doi:10.1017/nps.2019.40 .
Ivković, Marjan, Petrović Trifunović, Tamara, Prodanović, Srđan, "The Hybrid Discourse of the Serbian Antibureaucratic Revolution" in Nationalities Papers, 47, no. 4 (2019):597-612, . .

Otuđenost između institucionalizacije i prakse

Velinov, Marija; Prodanović, Srđan; Pudar Draško, Gazela

(Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)

AU  - Velinov, Marija
AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
AU  - Pudar Draško, Gazela
PY  - 2019
UR  -
PB  - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Otete institucije u Srbiji: teorija i praksa
T1  - Otuđenost između institucionalizacije i prakse
SP  - 6
EP  - 12
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Velinov, Marija and Prodanović, Srđan and Pudar Draško, Gazela",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Otete institucije u Srbiji: teorija i praksa",
booktitle = "Otuđenost između institucionalizacije i prakse",
pages = "6-12",
url = ""
Velinov, M., Prodanović, S.,& Pudar Draško, G.. (2019). Otuđenost između institucionalizacije i prakse. in Otete institucije u Srbiji: teorija i praksa
Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 6-12.
Velinov M, Prodanović S, Pudar Draško G. Otuđenost između institucionalizacije i prakse. in Otete institucije u Srbiji: teorija i praksa. 2019;:6-12. .
Velinov, Marija, Prodanović, Srđan, Pudar Draško, Gazela, "Otuđenost između institucionalizacije i prakse" in Otete institucije u Srbiji: teorija i praksa (2019):6-12, .

Lik Boltanski i Nensi Frejzer, Dominacija i emancipacija, prev. Olja Petronić, Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad, 2018

Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2019)

AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Srđan Prodanović
(Lik Boltanski i Nensi Frejzer, Dominacija i emancipacija, prev. Olja Petronić, Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad, 2018)
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Lik Boltanski i Nensi Frejzer, Dominacija i emancipacija, prev. Olja Petronić, Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad, 2018
IS  - 4
VL  - 30
SP  - 640
EP  - 642
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Srđan Prodanović
(Lik Boltanski i Nensi Frejzer, Dominacija i emancipacija, prev. Olja Petronić, Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad, 2018)",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Lik Boltanski i Nensi Frejzer, Dominacija i emancipacija, prev. Olja Petronić, Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad, 2018",
number = "4",
volume = "30",
pages = "640-642",
url = ""
Prodanović, S.. (2019). Lik Boltanski i Nensi Frejzer, Dominacija i emancipacija, prev. Olja Petronić, Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad, 2018. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 30(4), 640-642.
Prodanović S. Lik Boltanski i Nensi Frejzer, Dominacija i emancipacija, prev. Olja Petronić, Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad, 2018. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2019;30(4):640-642. .
Prodanović, Srđan, "Lik Boltanski i Nensi Frejzer, Dominacija i emancipacija, prev. Olja Petronić, Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad, 2018" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 30, no. 4 (2019):640-642, .

Pravna država kao poredak socijalne slobode i vladavine refleksivnosti: normativno utemeljenje pred izazovom delegitimizacije

Ivković, Marjan; Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2018)

AU  - Ivković, Marjan
AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2018
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - O pravu i drugim srodnim temama
T1  - Pravna država kao poredak socijalne slobode i vladavine refleksivnosti: normativno utemeljenje pred izazovom delegitimizacije
SP  - 163
EP  - 181
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ivković, Marjan and Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2018",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "O pravu i drugim srodnim temama",
booktitle = "Pravna država kao poredak socijalne slobode i vladavine refleksivnosti: normativno utemeljenje pred izazovom delegitimizacije",
pages = "163-181",
url = ""
Ivković, M.,& Prodanović, S.. (2018). Pravna država kao poredak socijalne slobode i vladavine refleksivnosti: normativno utemeljenje pred izazovom delegitimizacije. in O pravu i drugim srodnim temama
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 163-181.
Ivković M, Prodanović S. Pravna država kao poredak socijalne slobode i vladavine refleksivnosti: normativno utemeljenje pred izazovom delegitimizacije. in O pravu i drugim srodnim temama. 2018;:163-181. .
Ivković, Marjan, Prodanović, Srđan, "Pravna država kao poredak socijalne slobode i vladavine refleksivnosti: normativno utemeljenje pred izazovom delegitimizacije" in O pravu i drugim srodnim temama (2018):163-181, .

Šta zdrav razum može da učini za društvenu teoriju: ka pragmatičkom shvatanju prakse

Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2017)

AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2017
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T1  - Šta zdrav razum može da učini za društvenu teoriju: ka pragmatičkom shvatanju prakse
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2017",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
title = "Šta zdrav razum može da učini za društvenu teoriju: ka pragmatičkom shvatanju prakse",
url = ""
Prodanović, S.. (2017). Šta zdrav razum može da učini za društvenu teoriju: ka pragmatičkom shvatanju prakse. 
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Prodanović S. Šta zdrav razum može da učini za društvenu teoriju: ka pragmatičkom shvatanju prakse. 2017;. .
Prodanović, Srđan, "Šta zdrav razum može da učini za društvenu teoriju: ka pragmatičkom shvatanju prakse" (2017), .

Liberalism between Politics and Epistemology: A Discussion of Alessandro Ferrara’s The Democratic Horizon: Hyperpluralism and the Renewal of Political Liberalism

Ferrara, Alessandro; Ivković, Marjan; Lončar, Jelena; Prodanović, Srđan; Simeunović, Bojana

(London: SAGE Publications LTD., 2017)

AU  - Ferrara, Alessandro
AU  - Ivković, Marjan
AU  - Lončar, Jelena
AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
AU  - Simeunović, Bojana
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - In this symposium, Alessandro Ferrara’s recent book The Democratic Horizon: Hyperpluralism and the Renewal of Political Liberalism – an attempt to expand the framework of Rawls’ political liberalism in order to enable it to meet the challenge of today’s hyperpluralism – is discussed from a variety of angles by four contributors. Among the themes addressed are the potential of political liberalism for grounding a critical attitude; the different potential for accommodation offered by political liberalism for religious and moral, as opposed to economic, pluralism; Rawls’ implicit understanding of truth; the prospects of true democracy in ethnically divided societies that embrace consociationalist and particularly consensualist forms of governance; and the proper role of human rights in paths from decency to democracy from the perspective of an expanded political liberalism. In the final section, Alessandro Ferrara replies to his critics and accepts some of their suggestions.
PB  - London: SAGE Publications LTD.
PB  - London : Political Studies Association
T2  - Political Studies Review
T1  - Liberalism between Politics and Epistemology: A Discussion of Alessandro Ferrara’s The Democratic Horizon: Hyperpluralism and the Renewal of Political Liberalism
IS  - 3
VL  - 15
SP  - 368
EP  - 390
DO  - 10.1177/1478929916645359
ER  - 
author = "Ferrara, Alessandro and Ivković, Marjan and Lončar, Jelena and Prodanović, Srđan and Simeunović, Bojana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "In this symposium, Alessandro Ferrara’s recent book The Democratic Horizon: Hyperpluralism and the Renewal of Political Liberalism – an attempt to expand the framework of Rawls’ political liberalism in order to enable it to meet the challenge of today’s hyperpluralism – is discussed from a variety of angles by four contributors. Among the themes addressed are the potential of political liberalism for grounding a critical attitude; the different potential for accommodation offered by political liberalism for religious and moral, as opposed to economic, pluralism; Rawls’ implicit understanding of truth; the prospects of true democracy in ethnically divided societies that embrace consociationalist and particularly consensualist forms of governance; and the proper role of human rights in paths from decency to democracy from the perspective of an expanded political liberalism. In the final section, Alessandro Ferrara replies to his critics and accepts some of their suggestions.",
publisher = "London: SAGE Publications LTD., London : Political Studies Association",
journal = "Political Studies Review",
title = "Liberalism between Politics and Epistemology: A Discussion of Alessandro Ferrara’s The Democratic Horizon: Hyperpluralism and the Renewal of Political Liberalism",
number = "3",
volume = "15",
pages = "368-390",
doi = "10.1177/1478929916645359"
Ferrara, A., Ivković, M., Lončar, J., Prodanović, S.,& Simeunović, B.. (2017). Liberalism between Politics and Epistemology: A Discussion of Alessandro Ferrara’s The Democratic Horizon: Hyperpluralism and the Renewal of Political Liberalism. in Political Studies Review
London: SAGE Publications LTD.., 15(3), 368-390.
Ferrara A, Ivković M, Lončar J, Prodanović S, Simeunović B. Liberalism between Politics and Epistemology: A Discussion of Alessandro Ferrara’s The Democratic Horizon: Hyperpluralism and the Renewal of Political Liberalism. in Political Studies Review. 2017;15(3):368-390.
doi:10.1177/1478929916645359 .
Ferrara, Alessandro, Ivković, Marjan, Lončar, Jelena, Prodanović, Srđan, Simeunović, Bojana, "Liberalism between Politics and Epistemology: A Discussion of Alessandro Ferrara’s The Democratic Horizon: Hyperpluralism and the Renewal of Political Liberalism" in Political Studies Review, 15, no. 3 (2017):368-390, . .

Potencijal zdravorazumske kritike Gofmanovoj sociologiji okvira

Prodanović, Srđan

(Beograd : Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore, 2017)

AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu ćemo pokušati da razmotrimo kritički potencijal sociologije Ervinga Gofmana. Polazna hipoteza će biti da Gofmanovo shavatanje zdravog razuma koje je ponudio u Analizi okvira otvara mogućnost za formulaciju kritičkog uvida u strukturalne datosti svakodnevne društvene prakse. Pokušaćemo takođe da pokažemo da je ovakvo Gofmanovo razumevanje zdravog razuma bilo pod jakim uticajem pragmatizma i fenomenologije, te da su često zanemarene epistemološke razlike između ova dva teorijska pravca ostavile posledice i na gofmanovsku sociologiju. Naime, u Analizi okvira možemo uvek iznova da iščitamo svojevrsnu teorijsku napetost između pragmatičkog insistiranja na autonomnom teorijskom značaju zdravog razuma i redukcionističkih nastojanja koje su fenomenolozi gajili spram ove forme mišljenja. Shodno tome, tvrdićemo da je upravo ova ambivalencija po pitanju uloge zdravog razuma u tumačenju društvene stvarnosti predstavlja glavni razlog što kritički potencijal Gofmanove sociologije ostaje u velikoj meri implicitan po svom karakteru.
AB  - In this paper, I will try to appraise the critique potential of Erving Goffman’s sociology. The starting hypothesis will be that Goffman’s understanding of common sense offered in Frame Analysis opens the possibility of attaining a critical insight into the structural givens of everyday practice. I will also try to show that Goffman’s understanding of common sense was under heavy influence of pragmatism and phenomenology - and that the often-overseen epistemological differences between these two schools of thought had significant consequences on his sociology. Namely, in the Frame Analysis we can easily find a certain tension between insistence on the autonomous theoretical importance of common sense put forward by the pragmatist and reductionist tendencies towards this type of thought found among the phenomenologists. Therefore, I will argue that this ambivalence regarding the role of common sense in interpreting social realty is the main reason why critique potential of Goffman’s sociology remains implicit in its character.
PB  - Beograd : Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore
PB  - Beograd: Institut za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta 
T2  - Sociologija
T1  - Potencijal zdravorazumske kritike  Gofmanovoj sociologiji okvira
T1  - Critique potential of common sense in Goffman’s frame analysis
IS  - 2
VL  - 59
SP  - 139
EP  - 155
DO  - 10.2298/SOC1702139P
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan",
year = "2017",
abstract = "U ovom radu ćemo pokušati da razmotrimo kritički potencijal sociologije Ervinga Gofmana. Polazna hipoteza će biti da Gofmanovo shavatanje zdravog razuma koje je ponudio u Analizi okvira otvara mogućnost za formulaciju kritičkog uvida u strukturalne datosti svakodnevne društvene prakse. Pokušaćemo takođe da pokažemo da je ovakvo Gofmanovo razumevanje zdravog razuma bilo pod jakim uticajem pragmatizma i fenomenologije, te da su često zanemarene epistemološke razlike između ova dva teorijska pravca ostavile posledice i na gofmanovsku sociologiju. Naime, u Analizi okvira možemo uvek iznova da iščitamo svojevrsnu teorijsku napetost između pragmatičkog insistiranja na autonomnom teorijskom značaju zdravog razuma i redukcionističkih nastojanja koje su fenomenolozi gajili spram ove forme mišljenja. Shodno tome, tvrdićemo da je upravo ova ambivalencija po pitanju uloge zdravog razuma u tumačenju društvene stvarnosti predstavlja glavni razlog što kritički potencijal Gofmanove sociologije ostaje u velikoj meri implicitan po svom karakteru., In this paper, I will try to appraise the critique potential of Erving Goffman’s sociology. The starting hypothesis will be that Goffman’s understanding of common sense offered in Frame Analysis opens the possibility of attaining a critical insight into the structural givens of everyday practice. I will also try to show that Goffman’s understanding of common sense was under heavy influence of pragmatism and phenomenology - and that the often-overseen epistemological differences between these two schools of thought had significant consequences on his sociology. Namely, in the Frame Analysis we can easily find a certain tension between insistence on the autonomous theoretical importance of common sense put forward by the pragmatist and reductionist tendencies towards this type of thought found among the phenomenologists. Therefore, I will argue that this ambivalence regarding the role of common sense in interpreting social realty is the main reason why critique potential of Goffman’s sociology remains implicit in its character.",
publisher = "Beograd : Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd: Institut za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta ",
journal = "Sociologija",
title = "Potencijal zdravorazumske kritike  Gofmanovoj sociologiji okvira, Critique potential of common sense in Goffman’s frame analysis",
number = "2",
volume = "59",
pages = "139-155",
doi = "10.2298/SOC1702139P"
Prodanović, S.. (2017). Potencijal zdravorazumske kritike  Gofmanovoj sociologiji okvira. in Sociologija
Beograd : Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore., 59(2), 139-155.
Prodanović S. Potencijal zdravorazumske kritike  Gofmanovoj sociologiji okvira. in Sociologija. 2017;59(2):139-155.
doi:10.2298/SOC1702139P .
Prodanović, Srđan, "Potencijal zdravorazumske kritike  Gofmanovoj sociologiji okvira" in Sociologija, 59, no. 2 (2017):139-155, . .